[07:26] what would cause the default lubuntu desktop background to just dissapear? [07:26] creating a new user and logging into it shows the right wallpaper tho. I just disappeared for one of the users without manual intervention [07:27] *it just [08:09] orchardstreet22, ensure you've logged in using a Lubuntu or LXQt session, not just openbox (which is a WM and not a desktop; a simpler environment) === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [14:44] [telegram] DONDE VEO LAS PELÍCULAS?Para tener acceso, deben UNIRSE y utilizar la #LUPA(buscador). Actualmente tenemos estos canales:Películas:1. Canal Principal (Donde encuentran todas las portadas): https://t.me/PelissPlay2. Canal donde se suben las NUEVAS PELÍCULAS: https://t.me/PelissPlay133. Canal de Respaldo viejo con mas de 5000 películas: https://t.me/+KflrPz386MtlNjIx Series:4. Canal de Portadas: https://t.me/PelissPlaySeries5. [14:45] [telegram] @kc2bez @tsimonq2 @wxl @teward001 spam [14:49] [telegram] *burp* gone [14:50] [telegram] Thanks [15:58] [matrix] Can someone hand me matrix perms so I can kill it there too? [17:16] hi === rs20095 is now known as rs2009