[01:29] good morning === deepSleep is now known as Guest3162 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [13:16] Is it recommended using live-patch? [13:22] !livepatch [13:22] Canonical Livepatch is a service offered by Canonical for 64 bit 14.04 and higher installs that modifies the currently running kernel for updates without the need to restart. More information can be found at https://ubottu.com/y/livepatch and https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch [13:29] welcome [13:29] oh [13:29] hi there [13:29] I find synaptic practical even if it's old. Is there any other system package manager you'd recommend? Is synpatic no longer supported? [13:30] this is for a xubuntu 23.04 machine with gnome on top [13:30] I meant xorg and wayland [13:30] !info synaptic lunar [13:30] synaptic (0.91.3, lunar): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Built by synaptic. Size 572 kB / 2,872 kB [13:31] seems like its still there on your ubuntu release loswedseded [13:31] but think synaptic doesnt like wayland [13:32] which shouldn't be a problme if I stick to xfce, correct? [13:32] that shouldnt be a problem [13:33] what about gnome-software? Have you compared synaptic and gnome-software lotuspsychje ? [13:33] !info gnome-software [13:33] gnome-software (44.0-1ubuntu1, lunar): Software Center for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-software. Size 665 kB / 3,034 kB [13:33] gnome software is a more a fancy gui then the basic synaptic [13:34] but if you installed gnome, that would have dragged in the snap-store by default [13:34] fanciness is something I dont really need [13:34] if I get the same functionality I mean [13:35] lubuntu and xubuntu have their own lightweight software manager i think [13:35] loswedseded: how about install things with apt, very lightweight! :p [13:37] very funny, that one [14:16] I still use synaptic when I want to go deep into the repositories. So far the best graphical tool for it [14:21] yeah its handy hggdh [14:21] on wich flavour do you? === rs20095 is now known as rs2009 [20:28] ogra: are you the maintainer of the Slack snap? [20:29] the publisher says it's Slack, but I could have sworn you were the maintainer at one point [20:29] I have this really annoying problem the last couple days where it shows all timestamps in UTC and completely ignores my timezone setting in preferences [20:30] if I select auto detect my timezone, it picks URC, which is wrong [20:31] the web UI and the slack client on my phone are correct. The local time in my profile on Slack is correct. And it's not just 1 organization with it wrong, all of the ones I'm signed into are the same [20:33] and it seems Slack is the only snap application with the issue [20:33] no clue what's going on [20:34] I've removed the snap package and reinstalled. I prefer not to purge the settings so I don't have to sign into everything again and change all my preferences again [21:27] ok, looks like Slack is aware of the bug on their end. Setting $TZ in .profile works around the issue for now