[00:06] i [00:07] j ? [00:18] Hi guys... [00:18] gutmorning [00:23] I want to use ubuntu to do coding, but I want to do coding right, so I'm unsure how to best use Ubuntu [00:25] Guest23: That's a loaded statement, and there's about a million different guides out on the web on how to get started. Pick an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that works best for you, but the premise of your statement is broad and you need to narrow-down a question. [00:44] hey all - you know how you can now switch back and forth between wayland and X11 on Ubuntu now? how is that implemented? [00:44] Im wondering because I use an Arch based distro but I would like to have the same functionality [00:48] Commander_Keen: you are looking for #archlinux [00:49] it's an ubuntu feature - im asking how it is implemented on ubuntu [00:50] I love how people spend more energy gate keeping channels then they do tryin to actually answer questions [00:50] anybody else in here who is actually helpful? [00:51] Commander_Keen: If you have the option, in the lower-right-hand corner upon login, you should have a cogwheel that should let you change. [00:51] im asking how its implemented under the hood [00:51] i want to add the same feature to another distro [00:51] Oh. Session files. But yes, leftyfb is right, that varies distro to distro. [00:51] boa noite amigos [00:51] !es | lubuntu [00:51] lubuntu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [00:52] Eikmeyer - thank you :) [00:52] It's actually portuguese [00:52] !pt | lubuntu [00:52] lubuntu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [00:52] xangua: Thanks [00:52] leftyfb - sorry that was a little harsh, Im used to dealing with arch users so I probably took your tone wrong -sorry [00:52] xangua: Sometimes my American brain can't decipher. [00:54] ok, good night everyone and stay with God!!! === hussain850 is now known as hussain85 === sinned691500 is now known as sinned69150 === pinemach6 is now known as pinemach [01:00] to hell with 93 cent a' the imagination, but I need my com' and my ubuntu [01:00] don't make me look silly! [01:12] i have this kde-theme problem, i installed kinfocenter and the changed the gnome theme to kde! i uninstalled the kinfocenter, kde* and these packages: kubuntu-desktop kde-standard language-pack-kde-en. it looks like this and i don't like it!: https://imgur.com/a/JOT3vdt [01:13] tripstah: I might have a solution for you. Hang tight. [01:14] tripstah: First, what version of Ubuntu? yy.mm [01:14] !yy.mm [01:14] Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [01:15] Eickmeyer: 23.04, lunar lobster [01:15] tripstah: Perfect. Hang tight, I'll have a package for you to install and an environment variable to set. [01:19] tripstah: You need to install 'qgnomeplatform-qt5" and set the environment variables "QT_QPA_PLATOFMTHEME=gnome", "QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gnome" and "QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb" [01:19] Those environment variables need to be set upon login or before login. [01:22] s/PLATOFMTHEME/PLATFORMTHEME [01:41] Eickmeyer: did that, hmm, no change yet [01:41] tripstah: Did you log out/in? [01:42] no, i'll try that later [01:42] It requires a log out/in. [01:43] Eickmeyer: it's export command in ubuntu to set env variables, right? [01:44] tripstah: Depends on where you put it. [01:44] Remember, it has to be set on login or boot. [01:47] If you put it in /etc/profile.d/${textfile}.sh then you need export VARIABLE={setting}. [01:48] If you put it in /etc/environment.d/${textfile} then you don't need export. [01:48] tripstah: ^ === porter is now known as youngeagle === youngeagle is now known as youngeagle8827 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:00] Eickmeyer: why do i need that when i didn't need it before? [02:00] tripstah: No clue, but Ubuntu doesn't install qt/kde theming support by default. [02:02] Eickmeyer: i installed kinfocenter and it changed the fonts, titlebar, window frames! yuk! [02:03] is there a theme manager sort of a program? i tried gnome-tweaks but it didn't have the things. [02:04] to change frames fonts and all. [02:04] tripstah: Another thing you might do is go into Settings and make sure that the settings are set back to the regular Yaru theme by setting to dark and back to light. [02:04] i use the dark theme. [02:04] gnome-tweaks, sadly, would be the one. Gnome doesn't exactly support GTK theming anymore. [02:04] Then do the reverse of what I said. [02:05] i mean, "dark style" from the power button -menu from upper right corner. [02:05] Same thing, same effect. [02:18] Eickmeyer: try kinfocenter and uninstall it? does it have the same effect? === deepSleep is now known as Guest3162 [02:19] tripstah: Not sure because it might not uninstall everything it installed and whatever configs. You might try purging it instead, unless you need it for some other reason. [02:19] tripstah: The method I showed you is what I implemented in Edubuntu by default in every Edubuntu install, and it seems to work except the accent colors are blue. [02:20] tripstah: And only KDE/Qt apps are affected. [02:52] Eickmeyer: can i add the export commands to .login? [02:52] tripstah: Just add the variables to .profile [02:53] which file from the directory? [02:53] ~/.profile [02:53] Should be its own text file, just needs to be created if it's not already there. [02:53] Or it's ~/.environment [02:54] If it's not one, it's the other. Can't remember off the top of my head for user directories. [02:54] * Eickmeyer does whole-system configs. [02:57] ok, added these. are they like they should be? [02:57] export QT_QPA_PLATOFMTHEME=gnome [02:57] export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gnome [02:57] export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb [02:57] export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gnome [02:59] tripstah: If it's in ~/.environment, then get rid of export. [02:59] i added them to ~/.profile [03:01] Then you might want to keep export. [03:01] Either way, a relog is required for it to take effect. [03:02] tripstah: > export QT_QPA_PLATOFMTHEME=gnome is incorrect (was a typo on my part) [03:04] ok, yes [03:51] is that chat really working? [03:53] !ask [03:53] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [06:11] I'm interested to mirror the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS repository. Approximately how much storage space do I require? [06:14] rammstein: 2.5TB [06:15] EriC^^: Thanks! [06:15] rammstein: no problem === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:02] in gnome how do i see the app a searchable shortcut is linked to? [07:03] e/g/ type P upi see "Pulse audio volume control" find app it's liked to pavucontrol [07:05] or the weird ones like take screenshot [07:05] i can find the binary run [07:05] *can't === jussijo is now known as jtj === mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [08:49] hello [08:50] hello [08:50] can anyone see this? [08:51] yes u0 [08:51] finally [08:51] lol, i was just searching fot an irc channel [08:51] all is good u0 [08:51] but why aren't there more people here? [08:52] heyy [08:52] hello [08:52] i was also looking for alive peoples lol [08:52] xd [08:52] i went to the termux channel but there were no people there [08:52] does anyone know why i can't receive files with DCC [08:53] ye, there is 20k peoples here, but noone talks [08:53] what is ddc? file sync? you could try rsync it is great :D [08:54] i need to implement DCC file transfer in my own irc server project, so i'm trying to understand how it works, but it seems like even in real servers it doesn't work xd [08:55] so you wanna create your own irc server? That is pretty cool bgl [08:55] ngl* [08:56] add my username as a test username to use with your irc tests [08:56] ye it's almost finished, i don't have every irc features but it's works well, it's implemented in cpp [08:57] lol i'll think about you when i'll be evaluated [08:57] how can I do that, sorry newbie here (in terms of irc, cause I have never really been on an irc channel before) :(( [08:58] ye it's ok xd how to do what ? implement a server ? [08:58] nope, add a user here [08:58] hello! anyone knows how to open let's say /dev/sda3 as a read only file? I am in the terminal and using hexedit written by Pascal Rigaux [08:58] add like invite ? [08:58] try the mount command [08:59] idkn [08:59] yes-ubuntu: cat it to a location on the system? [08:59] well, /dev/sda3 is already mounted, it is a live filesystem [08:59] remount with loss a writing? [09:00] well it was fun talking xdd, bye <3 [09:00] bye [09:00] just that hexedit seems to have no read-only mode [09:00] imma go too [09:00] bye everyone [09:01] I recently did a server upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and it bonked my system. Specifically email postfix set up is problematic and I think it may have something to do with update to the resolver. Any known issues? [09:01] later [09:01] enjoy [09:01] ok me too later [09:03] according to the journal, surely yes [09:05] Also what should be in my resolver file currently it is only nameserver [09:05] maybe /etc/hosts   got reset? [09:06] can a filesystem be mounted several times in different modes? [09:07] unless surely yes, then I guess surely yes as in surely what it would do shall it be done [09:10] yes-ubuntu yes you can; however if you write via two mounts its possible some software might be confused; I don't know whether the filesystem could get confused. [09:11] Q: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors says that some hosts which do not support https do support rsync. Can rsync be used by end users for apt update or is it just for mirror use? === zofrex2 is now known as zofrex [09:39] hi, apparently my dns server doesn't work. how do I fix this? [09:39] as a hotfix I overwrote my /etc/resolv.conf [10:25] imi: sudo systemd-resolve --interface wlp2s0 --set-dns --set-domain yourdomain.local [10:26] replace interface, dns and maybe also the local domain with values from your system [10:28] ravage: I have a /etc/systemd/resolved.conf as well, and the DNS server inside works (that's the one I put into /etc/resolv.conf) will that config interfere with my /etc/systemd/resolved.conf file? [10:28] s/config/command/ [10:28] if your /etc/systemd/resolved.conf is correct then it should work [10:28] but usually you want configuration by interface [10:28] make sure that systemd-resolve is running correctly [10:29] systemd-resolve --status [10:29] i think thats resolvctl now actually [10:29] ravage: systemd-resolve: command not found [10:31] ystemctl status systemd-resolved [10:35] your /etc/resolv.conf sould actually be a symlink to the generaed file in /run/systemd/resolve ... if thats not the case, something is wrong [10:38] i also think you want to use resolvectl, not systemd-resolve ... (syntax might slightly differ though) === asarandi2 is now known as asarandi [10:51] is there an IRC channel for resolver [10:53] would be some systemd channel i suppose [11:00] bear in mind, BCB, you can always create a room - good luck (sounds like a very small group) [11:09] I recently did an Ubuntu server upgrade and it bonked my system. >:-( [11:11] Anyone knows where does nautilus store thumbnails for file previews? [11:14] /home/USER/.cache/thumbnails ? [11:15] I can not see any such directory? [11:15] hidden folder try to ctrl+h [11:16] my bad... apolodues! :) Thank you zniavre [11:16] :o) === sopparus_ is now known as sopparus [11:26] In 22.04.3, is auto resize disk been added? Usally when extending disk on a VM-guest, you had to use fdisk+resize2fs to resize partition. But when i did now, extending in vcenter and after rebooting /dev/sda1 is extended to max automatic and "EXT4-fs (sda1): resizing filesystem from 4165883 to 26185979 blocks" is found in log without doing fdisk+resize2fs.. [11:27] how to get the source of the currently used kernel? i tried 'apt source linux-source' but i got linux-meta_5. then i tried 'apt source linux-image-5.15.0-41-generic' but got linux-signed-hwe-5.15_5.15.0-83.92~20.04.1.tar.xz [11:30] Ubuntu server upgrade boinked my server (postfix) any suggestion on how to remedy. Does not seem to be able to resove domain names. Thank you. [11:32] restore from backup [11:33] Znevna: Ahhh. No... [11:33] BCB: maybe fix /etc/resolv.conf? [11:34] Bombo: yes. I believe that is the issue but that file seems to be getting overwitten on reboot. In #Ubuntu trying to figure it out. [11:36] BCB: the dhcpd overwrites that [11:40] Bombo so do I have to set DNS in another file? [11:47] BCB: well dhcp config file maybe [11:47] Bombo and where is that located?? === VlA is now known as V1A [11:48] BCB: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf [11:48] got dhclient running? [11:49] well it gets the ip + dns etc info from the main dhcpd i the network, so maybe there is a problem? [11:49] how wrong is the dns ;) [11:51] Bombo found it thanks. [11:54] BCB: try running it manually 'dhclient -v interfacename' maybe that helps [11:55] bombo: https://paste.debian.net/plain/1291918 [12:02] Hi all [12:06] BCB: what's your interface name? [12:06] BCB: (see ip a) === remy_ is now known as Remy [12:51] any idea on how to fix: Errors were encountered while processing: install-info E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)? [12:55] loswedseded: you need to pastebin the entire output of the command you are trying to run [12:56] sudo apt upgrade returned what I pasted leftyfb [12:56] loswedseded: you need to pastebin the entire output of the command you are trying to run [12:57] any pastebin youd recommend leftyfb ? [12:57] !paste | loswedseded [12:57] loswedseded: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [13:00] leftyfb, https://dpaste.com/CLNQ8Y5TF [13:03] loswedseded, sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/install-info.postinst{,.bad} and try again [13:05] ioria, thank you so much!! [13:05] ok [13:06] ioria, did I cause the issue by starting an application while upgrading? [13:06] nope, an old bug, i guess loswedseded === jdrab_ is now known as jdrab [13:17] hi there again. After upgrading xubuntu I apparently have gnome installed as well? the first screen I see after the upgrade is a menu where I get to choose between ubuntu, ubuntu on xorg and xfce session. Since when do I have this? I thought I only had xubuntu [13:19] apparently you have it since upgrading xubuntu [13:20] til what a display server is and apparently I need to keep reading about xorg and wayland [13:21] good that my computer has both displays I guess? [13:23] is synpatic no longer supported? after updating/upgrading, I don't see it anymore [13:23] this is ubuntu 23.04 [13:23] loswedseded: did you install other flavours of ubuntu mixed? [13:24] I don't believe so, I usually use xubuntu, but I remember I installed gnome to use some apps that need it lotuspsychje [13:25] loswedseded: if you installed gnome, that would pull in xorg + wayland ontop your xubuntu [13:25] noob question: xubuntu uses xorg, correct? [13:25] ubuntu-desktop (on gnome) leaves the user the choice between wayland (default) and xorg [13:26] no xubuntu is xfce [13:26] thanks lotuspsychje [13:27] I find synaptic practical even if it's old. Is there any other system package manager you'd recommend? Is synpatic no longer supported? [13:28] loswedseded: ubuntu will renew its software centre, from 23.10 and higher [13:28] but for packages reccomend, you might better use #ubuntu-discuss loswedseded [13:29] thank you [13:29] much really appreciated [13:59] how come firefox doesn't work anymore on my computer? [14:01] loswedseded, FYI: xubuntu uses the Xfce desktop yes, which uses Xorg as it's display server & xfwm4 as its Window manager.. [14:03] firefox is usually installed via snap and not anymore with apt, correct? [14:03] yes [14:04] why would my system suggest to install firefox with apt? [14:04] as a browser is needed for many programs, and Debian/Ubuntu use the *deb* packaging system, there is a deb package for firefox.. but it's just a stub that loads the firefox snap.. so you're expected to have both (deb package just causes snap to be installed) [14:05] seems cumbersome. If i install it like this, will firefox appear in the snap tree? [14:05] there is a non-snap version available, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/how-to-install-firefox-deb-apt-ubuntu-22-04 [14:05] i don't know your release loswedseded , but my own firefox deb is `firefox | 1:1snap1-0ubuntu3 | mantic | source, amd64, arm64, armhf` where the name highlights it's a stub due to 'snap' in name & lack of version [14:06] At first I didn't quite like the Idea of snaps but now that I've played around with Ubuntu and ZorinOS their starting to grow on me. [14:06] (the deb package of firefox really just ensures deb's depends rules are met) [14:08] my last upgrade somehow uninstalled firefox [14:09] I don't understand why my sustem is so unstable now [14:28] q [14:28] ls [14:28] srry [14:28] hello [14:47] Any good channel on IRC for Windows questions? [14:48] Oké I have 2 Windows computers. And a Microsoft Bluetooth mouse. I used it on PC2 for months and now I can't connect it anymore. I can connect it to PC1 just fine. How do I find out what's going on? [14:48] webchat75: did you try #windows ? [14:52] yeah they'll gladly help you with bluetooth mice issues [14:52] leftyfb, pffft ... stop stating the obvious 😛 [14:54] Seems pretty dead at #windows-please-register [14:55] :54 [14:55] [NOTICE] Please note you have entered this channel because one of the #windows channels is currently unavailable, there are too many people joining or the channel is currently set to registered users only. Please register your account /msg nickserv help register or try again later [14:55] How do I do that? [14:56] for such a question I wouldn't bother [14:57] ? [14:57] !register [14:57] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera [14:57] webchat75, if you have problems, join #libera [14:59] Znevna How do I deal with this? Where to gain help? [14:59] your favourite search engine and proper questions [15:01] I don't know what to google. It just doesn't connect. I don't get error messages I can Google search. [15:01] webchat75: /join #windows [15:01] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [15:58] hi [15:59] wb fichero [15:59] if i want to create a nvidia profile per application, using the nvidia-settings utility, do i have to specify the name of the feature and know everything I'm setting up [16:00] I have a application profiles tab using this nvidia-settings but then nothing is listed, i kinda know what i have to do on the windows 10 util [16:06] is not like I'm a linux gamer, but this 1 game that i play a lot on windows after setting up its profile plays ok and here on ubuntu i can play it but i need to tweak it too to get what i believe better performance than on windows as the network features work better in linux, like gimp for linux works better than on windows [16:06] works faster the loading at least can't remember other menu options [16:33] anyone can hint me? [16:33] mm? [16:33] been dc [16:33] i don't see a list of driver settings as on windows 10 nvidia panel [16:34] is what I'm seying and have no idea how to [16:34] nvidia support only local drivers no panels or etc in ubuntu [16:35] Lmouse: friend, i ran nvidia-settings it comes with proprietary version of nvidia driver for my 1080 [16:35] it wasn't there when i was using the naveou [16:36] there have https://www.linuxcapable.com/install-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-linux/ how it works [16:38] Lmouse: ok I'll give it a read [16:38] 👍 === j0k3r is now known as Guest1856 [16:47] exit [16:48] just checking irssi [16:49] clear [16:51] this is it [16:51] yes [16:51] just checking out a terminal based chat, irssi [16:52] Hello, hello I have the following problem : when I do click shutdown in LogOUT window Menu under xfce4 [16:52] instead of shutting down it ask for logging in [16:52] it shows avaliable users as if the system was start a new ... why is that ? [16:53] blb [16:55] fsociety: elli0t used BitchX ;) [16:56] haha thanks. [17:00] question men [17:01] is the nvidia proprietary driver i installed yesterday, using opengl system wide or just for any game or for opengl games [17:01] I play urban terror and quake 3 arena [17:06] men? === rs20095 is now known as rs2009 [19:33] is there a cli equivalent to the Gnome About Computer applet? Just want to copy / paste the info [19:37] howudodat: dmidecode, lshw, neofetch [19:41] leftyfb: thanks. was looking for a simple summary (something that would basically do: lsb_release -a, gnome-shell --version, and a 5 line summary of lshw) . I installed hardinfo and can copy/paste there. [19:56] howudodat: out of curiosity what's wrong with lshw? [20:00] Zed: nothing, it's great for hardware info. just didn't have some of the operating environment info in it. Many times when posting bugs they ask for core operating environment, os, kernel, memory, etc. [20:00] i'd go with inxi (but you need to pick up the flag you want) howudodat [20:04] ah so [20:12] I'm running ubuntu server with just the terminal. How do I set up a script to run right after login? [20:13] is there a repository where the default colors for the terminal are stored? [20:13] ev0n44: why right after login? Are you still messing with your own "startx" on ubuntu server? [20:15] leftyfb, Well I setup openbox to start at boot but no program inside of openbox will launch. I am assuming this is because there is no user logged in before openbox starts [20:15] ev0n44: did you create a systemd service for it? [20:15] leftyfb yes. [20:15] ev0n44: did you set it up for your --user like I told you to? [20:16] leftyfb, I probably missed that. I don't know what you mean though [20:16] ev0n44: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/systemd/User [20:18] Thanks leftyfb [20:19] g [20:19] In particular https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Systemd/User#Automatic_login_into_Xorg_without_display_manager is clean and runs X as user, not root. I have tried this also (but on Arch). [20:20] I generally don't like the user logging in automatically, so these were only test setups. [20:25] The key point here is that X needs its own session to run unprivileged (recommended). To do this, the service needs to run as system, not user, as then X is unable to inherit the user session and hence must run as root to get proper access. The xlogin-git package in the wiki sets it up. [20:49] This is weird. so I created the necessary files in ~/.local/share/user but openbox keeps starting without login [20:51] oops hold on [20:55] hay [21:02] ok so i put openbox.service inside ~/.config/systemd//user/ but the service keeps starting without login [21:06] hi [21:44] leftyfb when I use `systemctl --user enable openbox.service` it tells me "Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory" [22:05] Hello! I am viewing https://github.com/wertarbyte/coreutils/blob/master/src/shred.c and I am wondering, is there any way to make a comment for this file? Like, suggest an idea? === Thumpxr216 is now known as Thumpxr21 [22:14] hello i (lv) [22:36] ev0n44: to enable it, you need to give it the full path === msyke1 is now known as msyke [22:36] unless you copied it to /etc/systemd/system which I don't recommend === cm-t1 is now known as cm-t === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [23:55] question friendos [23:55] is this calendar on ubuntu 100% confidential [23:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 100 in Launchpad itself "uploading po file overwrites authors list" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100 [23:55] or is it like the samsung 1 [23:57] the calendar inside the time and date at the top