
blackboxswtiaz: so, cloud-config.service and cloud-final.service both look enabled in general and not run yet. I'd expect cloud-config.sevice to be blocking on some service in your environment that is still running. `systemctl` would should show State: initializing and `systemd-analyze` would report "Boot is not yet finished". your systemctl list-jobs (non cloud-init related) should tell us more about any active/running services.19:19
blackboxswcloud-config.service waits on completion of a number of other systemd units. You can list those ordering dependencies  with: systemctl show cloud-config.service -p After19:20
blackboxswif any of those services are still not yet running, that's what would be blocking cloud-init boot stages from progressing.19:20
tiazblackboxsw: thanks! it looks like this might be an lxd snap bug, I'll dig into this further19:47

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