
jbichatsimonq2: see comment 2 on the bug for a minimal fix00:35
guivercis Walter's image showing on discourse for anyone else?  I suspect it's too large   (I usually shrink prior to posting)22:49
guiverc(may also be url itself022:51
guivercits showing in private mode (firefox).. just not when logged in as me..  do we need a correction? or okay for others?22:52
wxli think you mean it's NOT showing in private mode?22:53
guivercnah, I can see it in private mode, but it's blank on my logged in session)22:54
wxlweird. i have the opposite problem22:54
guivercI'm not fussed about 'private' much.. but I want users of discourse to see it!22:54
wxllet me edit it and link to the pagfe22:55
wxlthere added the link22:56
wxli just opened firefox in a fresh live session and i can see it when not logged in22:56
wxland in that same session when logged in....... i can't see it22:58
wxl@teward001 you have any clues?22:58
guiverci can't rule out it being a caching issue on my own box (thus i'm just wasting your time), but feedback from others if they can see it, or it's just my & wxl's firefox...22:58
guivercno change here wxl22:58
wxlso now i'm reproducing what you're seeing guiverc but i did add a link under the pic22:59
* guiverc gets the same blank when using chromium too22:59
wxlyou get a blank PAGE or just the image is blank and it says "Mantic wallpaper" instead?22:59
guivercthanks wxl; my window isn't large enough and I'd not scrolled down... the LINK fixes the issue for me thank you wxl23:00
guivercI like it by the way !23:00
wxlthanks :)23:00
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/d9d0222f/image.png23:01
lubot[matrix] <wxl> ^ that is what i see when logged into my live session23:01
guivercyep.. that's what I see.23:02
guivercwe've covered it now though due to your fix (adding alternate way to view)23:02
* guiverc just hates web browsers.. alas we need 'em23:04
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Discourse hates Firefox IME23:06
lubot[telegram] <teward001> probably a disk cache thing but i'll have to look when I am NOT dead.23:15
lubot[telegram] <teward001> wxl: developer console.  open it and show any error messagss23:16
lubot[telegram] <teward001> important missing debug info is in there ;)23:16
lubot[telegram] <teward001> cause it helps me understand why the browser is failing to display it and such which helps debugging23:17
lubot[telegram] <teward001> as @tsimonq2 already knows and refuses to ask others to check too23:17
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *slaps @tsimonq2*23:17
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> oh it's never worked on Firefox mobile ever23:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> well thats Firefox mobile.  Live browsers on the other hand23:19
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Firefox mobile Nightly I might add23:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> you still know F12 devel console is important for this stuff23:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> same thing - mobile ffox is its own blehness (re @tsimonq2: Firefox mobile Nightly I might add)23:19
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> /me hands @teward001 some melatonin, nyquil, and some coffee for the morning23:20
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> After your slumber @teward001 https://phab.lubuntu.me/P7823:31
EickmeyerAlso can't see it, but my Nextcloud link shows up just fine.23:46

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