
zhsjUnivrslSuprBox: autopkgtests only runs tests which are installed in /usr/share/gocode. it's not perfect, so i have refactor the d/rules  and moved the tests to debian/tests in later version.03:05
vorlonEickmeyer: ok well that was a ride (LP: #2035406); the SRU has been republished based on my best understanding of what the user was saying, turned out that was NOT what he was saying, but at this point he's not helping us debug anyway.04:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2035406 in systemd (Ubuntu Jammy) "udev update has broken ubuntu's ability to import photos in digikam, gphoto2 can no longer see usb camera, entangle can no longer see camera" [High, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203540604:39
vorlonEickmeyer: I'm not going to roll it back again based on his say-so, but it's still possible there is an actual bug and that it is a regression in the latest SRU04:40
Eickmeyervorlon: *sigh* I hate it when people report bugs but don't follow through. It's not helpful at all.04:40
vorlonwell I mean, he filed a bug because he was told to file a bug, but what he wanted was to unbreak his system04:40
vorlonwhich he... did? at least he no longer has pipewire:i386 installed04:41
vorlon(after reinstalling the whole thing)04:41
EickmeyerI mean, improvement, I guess.04:41
EickmeyerSome of the people in the support chat have been less than helpful lately. I directed to support with the hope that they'd help and instead they simply said, "File a bug."04:42
vorlonanyway, heads up that the SRU has been re-released based on best available information at the time, but I can't definitively say this bug is invalid and there could be other reports coming in04:42
EickmeyerFair enough. I'll keep an eye out for other, similar complaints and reopen it if the need comes.04:43
vorlonit's still open/incomplete04:43
vorlonI am waiting for additional testing by someone on the team with the prerequisite hardware, maybe we'll find it is reproducible and debuggable04:47
EickmeyerSadly, I don't have an Alienware 18 (I'm drooling at the thought) but I might be able to test on a Jammy installation I have, but not tonight.04:48
lord_Hi everyone. Can I ask a question about subiquity/autoinstall here? I've got an error with automated installation after updating iso to 22.04.3 (related to keyboard/layouc section in user-data)08:56
guiverclord_, this isn't a support room; use #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server08:57
lord_Ok, thanks08:57
ahasenackricotz: hi, can you reupload libreoffice to lunar proposed with the debian/patches/disable-flaky-tests.diff change documented in d/changelog?12:58
ricotzahasenack, hello, if you insist I can do that, but it will take a moment13:05
ahasenackit's fine, I'll be watching and can accept right away13:05
ricotzahasenack, alright, upload in progress13:15
* ahasenack refreshes13:30
ricotzahasenack, all good?13:48
ahasenackalmost done13:50
ahasenackricotz: done13:56
ricotzahasenack, thank you13:59
UnivrslSuprBoxzhsj: That makes sense. Still, some of the tests fail when they are run in 22.04. Do you think that reveals a bug in the plugins? There's also lp:2024394 which seems related or at least should be fixed alongside, if there is a bug here (someone asserts that installing a different version of containernetworking-plugins fixes the issue in podman)15:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2024394 in libpod (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS libpod (package podman 3.4.4+ds1-1ubuntu1.22.04.1): broken network functionality for CNI plugins" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202439415:12
zhsjUnivrslSuprBox: maybe, if the tests don't pass, then most likely a bug.15:13
ahasenack@pilot in15:58
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ahasenack@pilot out20:29
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