
axinoBerge: hello yes that's "expected"12:33
axinoBerge: how did you end up on https://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ out of curiosity ?12:33
Bergeaxino: As in ended up on https vs http?12:35
axinoBerge: yes12:35
BergeStarted with somebody pointing out that the country mirror I run didn't have TLS, and it started a discussion on the usefulness of HTTPS on apt mirrors12:35
BergeThis person was busy changing all their apt repo config to https12:35
axinomakes sense12:36
BergeI got the impression that https://security.ubuntu.com/ used to work12:36
Berge(no.[ar].u.c now sports TLS.)12:36
ravagei dont think the Ubuntu position on https is that is it not supported. the exception seems to be esm12:37
ravage*i do think12:37
ravageso if you want to be cynical you could call it an enterprise feature :)12:38

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