=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [07:24] hello, I have problem, [07:24] I reinstall ubuntu-server with software raid1 partition, [07:24] and mount my Data partition, but then no data. [07:24] can i get advice? [07:24] could you help me? [07:26] please... [09:02] Hi everyone. Can I ask a question about subiquity/autoinstall here? I've got an error with automated installation after updating iso to 22.04.3: "ERROR root:37 finish: subiquity/Keyboard/load_autoinstall_data: FAIL: inconsistent multi-layout: layouts="us,ru" variants="" My keyboard section from userdata: keyboard: layout: us,ru ... And it was working fine on 22.04.2 [11:43] lord_: perhaps the #ubuntu-server volunteers might be able to help you better [11:47] you mean this channel? :P [11:49] oops lol [11:49] the 'here' might have confused me :p [13:59] this doesnt seem to be documented well on the subiquity references, but. [13:59] #cloud-config HAS to appear as the first line it seems, AND the user-data needs to be passed as a root-level item, rather than a member of the autoinstall group [13:59] so you can ssh into the installer that is... [14:00] which maybe isn't necessary for curtin to install an OS asap. but its good info, and im not sure where to put it [14:00] yes, ssh into the install session is convenient for debug reasons [14:01] pvl1: if you pastebin your config somewhere I can take a look [14:05] I got a working config that installs. but i wanted to be able to ssh in for debug and also hw debug maybe. [14:05] its just that this bit wasnt documented in the first place [19:33] I figured out my problem: parameter "variant" is required now for multi-layouts in userdata.