
ficherofriends can some1 answer my calendar question?00:02
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ficherois ubuntu calendar app 100% offline and confidential or is there a risk00:02
ficheroI don't use yahoo or live or google calendar cuz then i figur00:03
toddcfichero: to the best of my knowelge it is 100% offline00:03
toddcfichero: I assume you could share the calendar and or sync it but by default it is local only unless modified00:05
ficherotoddc: ok00:21
ev0n44leftyfb, What does this mean? "user@bigdell:~$ systemctl --user enable  ~/.config/systemd/user/openbox.service01:10
ev0n44Removed /home/user/.config/systemd/user/multi-user.target.wants/openbox.service.01:10
ev0n44Created symlink /home/user/.config/systemd/user/multi-user.target.wants/openbox.service → /home/user/.config/systemd/user/openbox.service.01:10
ev0n44user@bigdell:~$ systemctl --user start  ~/.config/systemd/user/openbox.service01:10
ev0n44Failed to start home-user-.config-systemd-user-openbox.service.mount: Unit home-user-.config-systemd-user-openbox.service.mount not found."01:10
ev0n44especially that last line01:10
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johnfgHi folks!01:59
johnfgGot a strange problem that has popped up.  Running the latest, with all updates.  This is a dual-boot system (also win 10), but rarely used.01:59
johnfgFor some reason, the sound stops working, and settings shows 'Dummy Output' for the Output Device.  Is there a way, without rebooting, to get sound back?02:01
johnfgNo other device is listed under Output Device.02:01
johnfgI found a solution, per se, "pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload", but what about a fix?02:05
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user9dwhere's my money #ubuntu I dedicated my myness to making sure I had good ubuntu backgrounds to make me look good but school was too hard. I should get a gold medal with my time doing ubuntu.03:11
matsamanuser9d: agreed03:19
Guest22what ayt Ich don't like Ubuntu?03:32
Guest22my recommendation: "try an EOL ersion a' ubuntu"03:33
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kotgcHi, anyone able to help me change my Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Desktop network setup? My KVM pfSense is going to passthrough the WAN NIC. At the moment I'm bridging to the KVM gateway.05:03
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elihello, I have problem,07:27
eliI reinstall ubuntu-server with software raid1 partition,07:27
eliand mount my Data partition, but then no data.07:27
elican i get advice?07:27
elicould you help me please?07:27
toddc!ask | eli07:30
ubottueli: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:30
toddcas soon as smeone sees it and has a recommedation they will reply07:31
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paul424Hello, hello I have the following problem : when I do click shutdown in LogOUT window Menu under xfce410:47
paul424instead of shutting down it ask for logging in10:47
paul424it shows avaliable users as if the system was start a new ... why is that ?10:47
paul424* andymccall (~andymccal@82-71-62-199.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) has joined10:47
paul424upps ^_^10:47
mzokuIm trying to remove a logo from a video with ffmpeg but I cant find the logo position to use the command: fmpeg -i Vladigerov\ Rhapsody.mp4 -vf "delogo=x=10:y=100" out.mp411:07
mzokuI mean these dimensions "delogo=x=10:y=100"11:08
mzokucan someone help?11:08
mzoku[delogo @ 0x55818d2d7400] Option w was not set.11:09
mzoku[AVFilterGraph @ 0x55818d2dd940] Error initializing filter 'delogo' with args 'x=10:y=100'11:09
mzokuhow to I find the correct args for the logo position on the video11:10
FKAShinobiI installed whipper from the 22.04 repo. Should it have a config file installed along with the bin?12:04
BluesKajHi all12:06
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ioriaFKAShinobi, check  'dpkg -L whipper'12:40
lotuspsychjewelcome qitisgilk14:31
Zed`Hi folks  - Do we agree this is the best way to install Java on a fresh server? https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-jre#3-installing-oracle-hotspot-jre14:41
ioriaZed`, not sure if update-alternatives sets the path environment variables, but you can do it later14:51
Zed`ah very helpful - thank you14:52
ev0n44I installed LXDM but it's no login screen is starting on boot.  The service is running but can't figure out why the login screen isn't showig up.14:58
ioriaev0n44, is lxdm installed and running ?14:59
ev0n44ioria yes i instaled it and systemctl says it's running with no errors14:59
ioriaev0n44, try to switch to tty and start it again15:00
ev0n44ioria, the command systemctl start lxdm does nothing15:02
ioriaev0n44, sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target; sudo systemctl enable lxdm15:03
ioriai remember it buggy, btw15:04
ev0n44It's weird because I sinstalled on 2 other laptops before with no problem15:05
ioriaev0n44, maybe replace it with something else15:05
ev0n44ok I will try GDM next15:05
ioriathat's why is buggy, otherwise would be only 'broken'15:05
ev0n44iora, installed slim but half the screen is shifted to the left lol15:11
dustcan someone check snap jami? it fails to start... and its often recommended in the software center15:24
ev0n44ioria, tried slim and gdm3 with no success.  Can you recommend a good display manager please?  slim starts up shifted off screen to the left and gdm3 just brings up a purple screen15:27
lotuspsychjedust: support for jami is at; https://forum.jami.net15:27
dustwhy is it recommended in software center?15:27
lotuspsychjedust: a lot of snaps have external developers, so the volunteers cant help much on those15:27
ioriaev0n44, remove gdm and try to reconfigure lxdm15:31
ev0n44dammit same problem.  It just loads openbox automatically.  no login screen15:36
ioriaopenbox ? .... do you have a .xinitrc set ?15:39
ev0n44ioria I don't know what that is15:39
ioriaev0n44, how does openbox start ?15:40
skraito-0dayhi all15:40
ev0n44ioria, good questions.  I think I may no what the problem is.  One sec15:41
ioriadoes also mean you have autologin (in some way) enabled15:43
ev0n44ioria, so openbox isn't a service so I don't know why its autostarting15:44
ioriaev0n44, ls -al ~15:44
ev0n44ioria https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cdC9zhmVgP/15:46
ioriaev0n44, what kind of installation is that ?15:49
ev0n44ubuntu server legacy15:49
ioriaev0n44, and did you install lxde on  it ?15:50
ev0n44ioria, no.  openbox15:50
ioriaand it auto starts without a tty login ?15:51
ev0n44ioria yes15:54
ioriawell, that's disturbing15:55
ev0n44ioria, yes it is.15:56
ioriaev0n44, did you set tty autologin  ?15:57
ev0n44ioria, I don't know how to do that15:57
ioriaev0n44, ok, create a newuser;  sudo adduser testuser and reboot15:58
ev0n44ioria, i tried uninstalling all DMs.  openbox does not start automatically without a DM installed.16:08
ev0n44Going to reinstall lxdm now16:08
ev0n44ioria, I just get a black screen with a mouse pointer when i boot16:11
ev0n44maybe it's not openbox booting16:11
ev0n44auto starting that is16:11
ev0n44ioria, tried SDDM and that DM worked16:27
Zed`Just upgraded this computer and open-ssh was being snotty. Had to delete the dpkg info.. Was getting "installed openssh-server package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" That's like the second time Open-ssh went shitty on a routine update/patching on this machine  - Any thoughts on what gives?16:34
Zed`last time somehow the config got messed up and it changed my custom ssh port16:35
Zed`drove me crazy  - I could not connect to it for a few days hehe16:35
leftyfbZed`: you woould need to provide way more information from the machine at time of the error for anyone to do any troubleshooting for you16:36
Zed`heh I hear you..16:36
Zed`just that the last time I did a routine apt update/upgrade openssh did not play nice16:36
Zed`last two times*16:37
Zed`this machine is fairly new (read: fresh)  - I built it in april16:37
Zed`not worth going crazy  - just wondered if something came top of mind  - like Oh yeah  - everyone knows that "this thing has been an issue"16:38
leftyfbZed`: I manage well over 20k devices running Ubuntu, servers and desktops, Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04. None have ever had you issue in the 6 years at this company. Nor the ~4000 at my 2nd to last company running Ubuntu. We would need more information at the time of the error in order to properly troubleshoot. Anything else is based on assumptions and doesn't help anyone16:38
Zed`Well then there ya go16:39
Zed`I am just lucky ha16:39
Zed`I manage this one (a personal machine) and two at work16:39
leftyfbZed`: if you run into it again, please come here and pastebin the command you ran along with the full error16:39
leftyfband also post the ubuntu release, kernel and the package source16:40
leftyfbpackage source being which repo it's being installed from16:40
Zed`yeah it was just update and upgrade and the error I pasted above I fixed it with...16:40
Zed`rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/open-ssh* | dpkg --configure -D 777 open-ssh | apt -f install16:41
Zed`nbd  - just strange that the last two updates messed with ssh16:42
ravageif you just delete that script that does not fix the error and it will probably fail again on every update16:43
leftyfbZed`: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; apt-cache policy openssh-server ) | nc termbin.com 999916:43
hggdhZed`: I do not know of any package in Ubuntu called "open-ssh"16:50
Zed`leftyfb: sorry got workstracted and the command gives an error  - here is the output https://hastebin.com/share/odekiludup.makefile16:53
Zed`did not work one sec16:54
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leftyfbyou either did something very wrong with the command or something is very wrong with your machine16:54
Zed`-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `|'16:54
leftyfbZed`: echo $SHELL16:55
Zed`it's bash16:56
leftyfbyou're missing the ( at the beginning16:57
leftyfbZed`:             ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; apt-cache policy openssh-server ) | nc termbin.com 999916:57
Zed`that works16:57
leftyfbthere's your problem16:58
Zed`that's neet too16:58
leftyfbyou're using a 3rd party repo for your entire OS16:58
leftyfbdigitialocean is not an official ubuntu mirror16:58
leftyfbthere's no telling what modifications they're doing to packages16:59
Zed`That's fair16:59
Zed`I suppose there are some good reasons such as drivers and whatnot17:00
Zed`I have kept my machines there for years and they are extremely reliable17:00
leftyfbexcept when they're not17:01
Zed`let me ask this.... If there were certain packages I wanted to update with official repositories is there an easy way to do that?17:01
leftyfbZed`: I can't speak to what would happen if you added the official repo's to a distro based on a 3rd part repo other than "nothing good can come from that"17:02
Zed`I agree.. I am asking is there a method in which I could specify for a particular program for example. Irssi I noticed was a rev behind and I wondering why. That must be it. I did not investigate too hard....17:05
Zed`Otherwise I can ask their support what the effect of changeing will be17:07
Siamaster91I've managed to install ubuntu on my machine. After getting the "no irq handler" error I was able too boot with safe graphics and install ubuntu. However, I'm not able to boot into ubuntu since I get the same "no irq handler" error only this time I have no option to boot with safe graphics as it goes straight to that window17:38
Siamaster91also, I get a lot of "usb descriptor not found" errors too17:38
Siamaster91unable to enumerate usb decive17:39
Siamaster91btw I have UEFI BIOS17:39
Siamaster91but I've enabled CMS17:39
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.17:39
ioriaSiamaster91, try to boot with the nomodeset parameter, as above ^17:40
Siamaster91Ok. I'm gonna try ESC to get into GRUB, hope it works17:43
Siamaster91it worked :D17:44
Siamaster91But hmm17:45
Siamaster91I may have pressed too many times?17:45
Siamaster91I think I got into Bash17:46
Siamaster91some kind of Bash17:46
Siamaster91can I exit that?17:46
ev0n44ioria, I think i figured this out.  The problem I think was that I've connected to a portable monitor to a laptop with no LCD panel but linux is still displaying the main screen on the LCD panel that doesn't exist.17:46
ioriaev0n44, i see17:47
ev0n44ioria, how do i turn off the LCD panel in the terminal?17:47
ioriaev0n44, with xset or something similat,i think17:48
ioriaSiamaster91, that's probably the 'grub shell' not what you're looking for17:50
Siamaster91yes. I got into that17:50
Siamaster91can I exit that?17:50
Siamaster91You know what's really weird? I Just thought I had deleted Windows but writing exit from that shell brought me to Windows17:50
Siamaster91I was not able to run Recovery on it, but atleast I got the chance to save the cd key :D17:53
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Siamaster91ioria I'm not able to get to that window, it goes to grub shell immediately18:09
Siamaster91I only pressed ESC once this time18:10
Siamaster91Maybe I should try SHIFT but I have UEFI but have enabled CMS settings18:10
EriC^^Siamaster91: try shift, or try pressing esc in the grub shell maybe itll take you back to the menu18:12
Siamaster91That work. I think god is finally forgiving me for something18:13
Siamaster91but then could this problem be because I have enabled CMS settings?18:13
Siamaster91Maybe if I go back to only UEFI, it will just enter without problems?18:13
EriC^^no idea about irq handler stuff18:14
Siamaster91I was so lucky I was able to get into windows by writing exit in the GNU shell18:14
Siamaster91I got into windows and grabbed my CD key from cmd18:14
Siamaster91so happy :D18:14
Siamaster91because BIOS was not detecting windows anymore, I thought all was gone18:15
EriC^^sounds good18:15
EriC^^what do you need the cd key for? doesnt windows pull it from the motherboard?18:15
EriC^^(im about the reinstall windows 11 myself)18:16
Siamaster91I had accidentally installed ubuntu on the same drive18:19
Siamaster91I thought I had formatted the drive but apparently it was installed along it but I was not able to run Recovery anymore on Windows, got some error that something was not found18:20
Rocky25Thanks for fixing my issue18:20
Rocky25I have a crucial m.2 - I loaded it on another motherboard - id like to put it on this motherboard - what changes should be made - or - should I just re-install - thanks.18:23
xamindarhow the heck to i disable that auto-update for snaps? This is the sort of crap I hate in Windows. These notifications every couple of days to close my various apps because they have been refreshed is terrible.18:23
xamindarany ideas? Proper update is done when I run it (usually once a week on the weekend)18:24
xamindarmy OS should not be doing it in my face when I need to actually use my machine.18:24
Rocky25xamindar: https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2022/11/turn-off-automatic-updates-snap-apps/18:28
xamindarIt's kind of strange....Ubuntu is actually pretty awesome when used as a server OS (with no gui), but it has to be the worst Linux Desktop experience I have ever had in my life.18:28
xamindarRocky25: awesome, thank you. I tried googling around but kept finding ways for one snap at a time using "--devmode" or somesuch.18:30
Rocky25no worries18:30
Rocky25Im just here to give the help a run - for free pizza.18:32
Rocky25The help deserves - free - pizza.18:32
Siamaster91Thanks! I was able to boot into ubuntu with nomodeset18:33
Siamaster91but what is it really? Why do I need it? Is it just a temporary solution or is it okay to keep going like this?18:34
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Rocky25Its friday - everyone is out18:36
Siamaster22Thanks! I was able to boot into ubuntu with nomodeset18:38
Siamaster22but what is it really? Why do I need it? Is it just a temporary solution or is it okay to keep going like this?18:38
topcat001Siamaster22: do you have a newish nvidia card?18:42
oacHi there, I did a profoundly stupid and could use some help18:43
Siamaster37Hmm after applying nomodeset once, I don't need to do it anymore. But it bothers me that it takes so long to boot into ubuntu18:46
oacI set my default grub option to 2, which is memtest (I thought was "more options" to choose another kernel), and when the memtest finishes, it reboots back to memtest, since the timeout is 0. So I'm in an endless memtest boot loop18:46
oacI can get to a grub shell if I press escape during boot, but since my install is encrypted, I can't do any of the usual things to set linux and initrd and boot from the grub prompt. I booted into recovery, but that was an initramfs that I didn't really know what to do with, since it doesn't have cryptsetup18:48
oacDoes anyone know how to boot into an encrypted Ubuntu 23.04 install from the grub prompt?18:51
leftyfboac: boot with a live usb, mount and decrypt your filesystem and fix the issue18:52
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topcat001oac: holding down Shift during booting does not work?19:05
topcat001even with 0 timeout it should bring up the menu19:06
oacleftyfb: Thanks, I thought of that too, but the only grub.cfg I see is in EFI/ubuntu/grub.efi, and if I recall it was in /etc/grub/grub.cfg before ?19:07
oacRegardless, should I chroot to the mounted root partition and then run update-grub? Or will that not work?19:07
leftyfboac: you don't modify grub.cfg, you're only supposed to mess with /etc/default/grub and then update grub19:08
leftyfboac: yes, but don't forget https://blog.coffeebeans.at/archives/26319:09
oacAhhh I was misremembering. Excellent, thank you.19:09
oacAnd update-grub from within that should be fine?19:10
oacI mean an arch ISO chrooted into ubuntu?19:10
Beauregard8HELP ME19:13
Beauregard8I NEEEED SOME IT19:14
leftyfb!details | Beauregard819:14
ubottuBeauregard8: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:14
Beauregard8I am setting up my Gmail account on my computer's thunderbird mail application, but I don't know how to enter a chat room in the IRC function. Could anyone help me with that?19:15
Beauregard8NIckserve is not helping.19:15
leftyfbBeauregard8: what does setting up a gmail account in Thunderbird have to do with using the IRC client built into Thunderbird?19:16
jefredAnyone active here?19:16
Beauregard8I was just looking into all the functions it has, and I want to try engaging in some chat function while my emails load.19:16
leftyfbBeauregard8: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/instant-messaging-and-chat19:16
jefredI guess not.19:17
leftyfbBeauregard8: you're on IRC now19:17
Beauregard8(This is the first time using Thunderbird)19:17
leftyfbjefred: what can we help you with? It's pretty silly asking if "anyone active here" in a channel with 1024 people in it19:17
Beauregard8I must go now. Thanks!19:17
jefredYeah, this is my first time too. Tried it before but nothing was being said/written.19:18
leftyfbjefred: it's a support channel. If you want non-support chat, feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic19:18
jefredSilly? Really? It's my first time here I saw all these people and nothing being being said/written.19:19
Beauregard42OK I got it to work.19:19
leftyfbjefred: that means there wasn't any support being provided the moment you joined19:19
Beauregard42Now I'm Gone! I have to go do Bible study.19:19
topcat001jefred: irc tends to be a bit "asynchronous". You come, you ask your question and then you wait patiently for an answer.19:21
oacleftyfb: One other thing... there were some path problems so I'm looking directly at /usr/sbin/update-grub. It calls `grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg`, but /boot/grub doesn't exist on my system, the only grub.cfg in my system is /boot/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg19:23
leftyfboac: you need to mount it19:23
leftyfbbefore and as part of your chroot19:24
oacI didn't see it on any of my partitions (which I know should be wrong)19:24
oacwhere is it mounted from?19:24
oaccd /boot19:25
oacSorry. I have by boot partition mounted at /boot, but it only contains EFI/19:25
leftyfboac: you either have /boot as part of your root partition or you have a separate partition for just /boot. One or the other19:26
leftyfbno, it sounds like you mounted your EFI partition to /boot which you're not supposed to do19:26
oacahhh, that would make sense19:27
leftyfbmount your /boot to /boot, then mount your EFI to /boot/efi19:27
oacI only have /dev/nvme0n1p{1,2,3} where 3 is / and 2 is recovery. I have 1 mounted at /boot19:27
oacI just have a default lunar install (with luks/lvm)19:28
leftyfboac: ok, then it sounds like you mounted your EFI partition over the boot directory in your root partition19:29
leftyfbremove the mount, remount it to yourtarget//boot/efi19:29
oacThere's nothing in /boot after I umount19:30
leftyfboac: you either have /boot as part of your root partition or you have a separate partition for just /boot. One or the other19:30
oacAnd there wasn't before, hence why I mounted there in the first place19:30
leftyfbor you have a broken system19:30
oacRight, well what else should be in /boot?19:30
leftyfbyour grub files, kernels and initrd's19:31
oacI see things like that in /dev/nvme0n1p2, is that /boot rather than a separate recovery?19:33
oacYeah that appears to be it19:34
oacSorry for the confusion19:34
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alistarhi how can i make a bootable ubuntu lts with dd and maybe tweaking the iso cause just dding i get platform error before I see grub menu19:51
alistari tried isohybrid but i got the iso doesnt have isohybrid signiture19:52
leftyfboac: yes. There is no Ubuntu "recovery" partition19:52
alistarI want to install on a bios system19:52
ravagealistar: if you are on Ubuntu use the startup disk creator app19:52
alistari am not on ubuntu19:53
ravagefrom windows use https://etcher.balena.io/19:53
alistari only got gentoo and sysrescue atm19:53
alistarthanks ravage19:54
leftyfbdd should also work19:54
leftyfbalistar: what is the exact dd command you are using?19:55
alistarjust dd and bs=4096 and no conv19:55
ravagemake sure the iso is not damaged19:56
leftyfbalistar: ah, that's why. You need to give it the if= and of=19:56
leftyfband "and" aren't valid parameters for dd19:56
ravagebut etcher should be easy enough to use19:56
alistarleftyfb: sure19:56
leftyfbalistar: what is the exact dd command you are using?19:57
alistardd if=iso of=/dev/sdx bs=4096 status=progress19:57
alistarravage: i will try that but i am still intrested in doing what these softwares do manually.19:58
leftyfbalistar: what is the exact dd command you are using?19:58
leftyfbalistar: Ubuntu has never released an iso file called "iso" and unless you have 24 storage devices plugged in, /dev/sdx also isn't valid19:59
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alistarno way. checksum matches for latest ubuntu and used startup disk creator but I still get GRUB grub error can not find grub platform.20:44
alistarit worked by converting the gpt partition table to mbr with gdisk20:57
Beauregard42I would like to know how you start a chat server.21:18
Beauregard42Like, creating a chat room for my friends.21:18
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Beauregard42Ok, bye then. Ciao21:19
Beauregard42Im back21:23
gryBeauregard42: yes?21:25
Beauregard42I'm just wandering around looking for someone to talk to.21:25
gryBeauregard42: click here >> #ubuntu-offtopic <<21:28
Beauregard42I have '#ubuntu-offtopic' open.21:29
grythank you :-)21:36
pragma-gry: huh, for the longest time i thought this grym user in #python was you on mobile, smh21:47
gryhi, your observation is correct, that's not me; my mobile nick is 'gry', as i'm using quassel21:49
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Bottle0fWaterEvening peeps!22:38
Bottle0fWaterwondering what is the easiest way to move my entire Ubuntu OS to a new drive? whilst keeping everything intact?22:39
Bottle0fWaterneed to figure out what time people are active here22:49
Beauregard42Bottle0fWater: I am active at random times.22:51
leftyfbBeauregard42: that's not where people go for support22:53
leftyfbBottle0fWater: when did you install ubuntu?22:53
Beauregard42I know. It's the offtopic place, just for normal conversation. Only tech support here.22:54
Beauregard42Bottle0fWater: My laptop came with linux mint back when I got it 2 years ago.22:55
Bottle0fWaterBeauregard42: I am still on Ubuntu 2022:56
Bottle0fWaterrecently upgraded the system, so would love to move over to my new drive which is a NVMe M.222:57
Beauregard42Bottle0fWater: Hm. I don't remember what version of Linux I have.22:57
leftyfbBottle0fWater: I highly recommend installing 22.04 on your new drive, copy over your files from your home directory and reinstall your applications22:58
Beauregard42I'll see about it.22:58
Bottle0fWaterleftyfb: I tried that but didn't work to be honest22:58
leftyfbBottle0fWater: define "didn't work"22:59
Bottle0fWaterBrave browser is right pain in the neck, Mozilla browser restores fine though22:59
Bottle0fWaterso basically, I backed up using Déjà Dup Backup Tool and restored the system on the new drive23:00
leftyfbBottle0fWater: don't23:00
leftyfbjust backup your files23:00
Beauregard42Yeah. Some websites would not work with the adblocker on, for Brave.23:00
leftyfbuse rsync23:00
Bottle0fWaterMy source drive is 256gb and the destination is 1 TB?23:00
Bottle0fWaterwould that be ok with Rsync?23:00
Beauregard42So, I just downloaded the associated programs, and ran them in Wine.23:01
leftyfbBeauregard42: can we help you with something?23:01
leftyfbBottle0fWater: I recommend just copying your files from your backup23:01
Beauregard42Bottle0fWater: Do you have a disk drive hardware copy device?23:01
Bottle0fWaterI am afraid not, no23:02
Beauregard42leftyfb: I just have a USB stick I put my files on. Leftyfb, I'm just looking for someone to talk to about something.23:02
leftyfbBottle0fWater: oh, you don't have a backup?23:02
leftyfbBeauregard42: that's what #ubuntu-offtopic is for23:02
Bottle0fWaterleftyfb: sorry I was distracted by the other guy23:02
Bottle0fWaterleftyfb: I do have the Original drive with me23:03
leftyfbBottle0fWater: step #1 setup a proper backup23:03
leftyfbBottle0fWater: in the meantime, you can use your original drive to copy the files23:04
leftyfbBottle0fWater: install ubuntu 22.04 from scratch, copy over your files and reinstall your apps23:04
Bottle0fWaterleftyfb: thanks, what should I use for a proper backup?23:05
Bottle0fWatersorry to be naive here23:05
leftyfbBottle0fWater: there's lots of applications to do that. Peronally, I just use rsync to copy the contents of my home directory23:06
leftyfbBottle0fWater: software choices are up to you. Try out a few and decide what works best for you23:06
scottpediaBottle0fWater: lvm23:07
Bottle0fWaterleftyfb: I have TimeShift installed23:07
leftyfbscottpedia: lvm is not a backup solution23:07
leftyfbscottpedia: nor is zfs23:07
scottpedialeftyfb: why not?23:07
scottpedialeftyfb: does lvm not offer backup functionality?23:08
leftyfbscottpedia: first off, lvm is for expanding space with additional storage. There is no recovery option. And neither lvm nor zfs addresses the issue of your pc getting lost, stolen, destroyed in a fire or a corrupt hard drive23:09
leftyfbscottpedia: no23:09
leftyfbscottpedia: lvm is for creating logical volumes, potentially across multiple storage devices23:09
leftyfbyou MIGHT be thinking about RAID23:09
leftyfbbut RAID is also not a backup solution23:10
scottpedialeftyfb: https://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/snapshots_backup.html23:10
leftyfbit's drive redundancy and in some cases, helps with performance23:10
Bottle0fWaterleftyfb: ok I am on Rsync now23:11
Bottle0fWatershall I use an external storage to copy files?23:11
leftyfbBottle0fWater: preferably, yes23:11
leftyfbscottpedia: I wasn't aware of LVM snapshots. Regardless, it's not an adequate backup solution23:12
Bottle0fWateroh rsync is not GUI?23:12
leftyfbBottle0fWater: you can use grsync if you like23:12
scottpedialeftyfb: imo the lvm method of back-up is more efficient cause it's based on a snapshot model which only takes in what's changed23:12
leftyfbscottpedia: and does you no good in the even the drive is no longer accessible to you23:12
scottpediaand that's what i've been using for my server and desktop23:13
scottpedialeftyfb: you mean the original disk or the backup disk?23:13
leftyfbscottpedia: if your house burns down, floods or someone breaks into your house and removes your computers, how do you recover your data?23:14
scottpedialeftyfb: you find the backup disk stored elsewhere right?23:14
leftyfbwhich is not LVM23:14
scottpediayou purge the backup storage into under a physical volume and unplug it after the backup is done FKAShinobi23:15
scottpediait's just like any conventional backup solution would do...23:15
leftyfbthat's called rsync, not LVM23:15
leftyfbthe backup method is rsync, the data you're backing up is an LVM snapshot23:16
scottpediayou can do that in LVM too bro. or otherwise why would you call it a backup feature?23:16
Bottle0fWaterleftyfb: so in the source, am I selecting the whole drive as in /23:17
Bottle0fWateror just the /home?23:17
leftyfbLVM does not have native network capabilities. And if you're referring to creating your snapshot volume on a separate drive and removing it, I'm not that familiar with it, but I'm pretty sure that machine won't boot if a piece of the LVM volume is missing23:18
leftyfbBottle0fWater: personally I just backup /home23:18
Bottle0fWaterwould this cover all the settings of Brave Browser?23:18
Ivan_hello, I mount my gdrive on ubuntu but if I make a symbolic link wiht ln -s to to a folder in the mounted gdrive it will display folders with weird names lke 712jkjasv3223 and not the actual names23:18
leftyfbBottle0fWater: it should23:18
Bottle0fWaterthis is the only most important thing for me23:18
Ivan_any ideas23:18
scottpedialeftyfb: yeah ideally to recover the system partition also, an additional machine is required in the process23:19
scottpediaif using LVM in the scenario you described23:19
scottpediaa Live CD/DVD would do the job as well tho23:19
leftyfbscottpedia: either way, we're offtopic now. I'm not suggesting to anyone to use LVM has a backup solution because it isn't23:20
leftyfbI do suggest using it to setup full disk encryption23:20
leftyfbgotta head out now23:20
scottpedialeftyfb: yeah chill man. it's whatever you say it is23:21
Bottle0fWaterleftyfb: you gone?23:23
Bottle0fWaterhow would I restore using GRsync?23:24
Bottle0fWatercan do on a live system or Bootable USB?23:24

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