
EickmeyerUnit193: Sadly, if you go that route, you will have zero LTS support (or merge request approval) from anyone at Canonical for Ubiquity. Subiquity is a much better, more solid installer and the flutter GUI is merely a frontend.00:41
EickmeyerBasically, Ubiquity cannot go another LTS.00:41
EickmeyerCanonical is not willing to support it anymore.00:41
EickmeyerUbiquity is a bug-ridden patchwork quilt that should've died years ago.00:42
Unit193Right, but big changes and new trials aren't good in a LTS cycle, that's all I'm saying...00:50
EickmeyerRight, and that's what I was telling the desktop team and what one of my biggest frustrations was, that they were having us do this on the LTS cycle. Doesn't seem we have much choice, but the choice between that and staying another LTS on Ubiquity? I'd rather have Subiquity.00:53
EickmeyerI was telling them this nearly a year ago.00:54
Eickmeyerbluesabre was in the meeting, he saw how frustrated I was.00:54
Unit193That's literally all I was saying, I'm not grandstanding about staying on ubiquity but I'm going to be pissed when things are broken for the LTS...00:54
EickmeyerOh, 100%. That's why we need to do it as early in the cycle as possible. Like, priority #1.00:55
EickmeyerAnd all of us working together and not on our own islands.00:56
bluesabrehttps://gitlab.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin/-/issues/96 :\12:01
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 96 in panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin "known-players and persistent-players properties use app names instead of IDs or executables" [Opened]12:01
bluesabreRelease notes updated further: https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/23.10/release-notes12:54

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