[06:25] * guiverc has new mantic wallpaper packages installed; thanks wxl [07:27] [telegram] nice but logon screen still has lunar lobster.. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) has new mantic wallpaper packages installed; thanks wxl) [07:30] maybe look at what package is on manifest (i've not looked at daily), 23.10.3 is installed locally (but I've not logged out/back in to see change; nor reboot) [07:30] * guiverc can't look now; why ^ [07:31] [telegram] expect next iso should have it all.. [07:31] hopefully :) [07:32] [telegram] i applied updates to yesterdays ..re my comment [07:32] the package only hit this box in my ~midday upgrade; not morning... [23:42] i've started on mantic/23.10 release notes (in notes.lubu.me); up to system installer (edit from 23.04 notes)... [23:43] We need to confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/2016828 still impacts mantic.. (I'm leaving that in, but no 'mantic' codename exists on bug report) [23:43] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2016828 in calamares (Ubuntu) "You can 'enable' encryption and then not provide a passphrase for the disk, in which case Calamares will do an unencrypted installation" [Undecided, New] [23:44] [telegram] I would be shocked if that bug didn't still exist. We didn't change anything that would fix it. [23:45] [telegram] Also we will need a link to the notes you started. [23:45] * guiverc agrees, but confirmation given in notes I think worthwhile [23:45] [telegram] I agree [23:45] https://notes.lubuntu.me/K_Fryv_DQYWT8eJPJ2BzRA# [23:45] [telegram] ty [23:46] I've not looked/changed anything past the "User password"... I'll return to it as I can [23:47] [matrix] has anyone pushed that upstream? [23:47] [telegram] I think we can change our config to check pw quality [23:48] [telegram] or existence even [23:48] [telegram] I could be wrong about that though