=== nikhil is now known as nkshirsa [16:03] DMB meeting? [16:04] o/ [16:06] Sorry I'm late [16:08] so from the previous meeting Utkarsh was supposed to chair and bdmurray be backup [16:08] I don't see any applications for today so given the lack of quorum. [16:08] neither were there and kanashiro ended up chairing [16:09] bdmurray, should we just skip? [16:09] Is there anything outstanding from the ML or anywhere else that needs addressing? [16:09] * kanashiro waves [16:09] Yeah, sorry also in another meeting [16:10] "Mailing list only appliations for Contributing Developer" [16:10] there was some reply via email on the list but we could get some more [16:10] sorry i'm also distracted by non computer tasks [16:11] Let me reply to the ML thread to prompt people to reply there. [16:11] (done) [16:12] i'm late sorry [16:12] dealing with "WTF Internet" problems today due to construction crews messing with things [16:13] but i guess there's nothing for the meeting so [16:14] doesn't seem so, outside of some members who need to reply on the list about the topic mentioned ^ === JanC is now known as Guest2394 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [21:18] HELLO