[00:03] guiverc: Just as soon leave as is - what the poster posted. [00:04] fair enough... i'm still reading (very slowly though) [00:13] ack [00:23] looks good Bashing-om [00:24] ps: Bashing-om, I've asked UCC if we want to list our meeting (mentioned in Monica's post on agenda items) on fridge & uwn; no response yet... do you mind if added (if requested in time).. meeting 26-sept-2023 [00:25] * guiverc about to head off (physio appt) [00:25] guiverc: Wow - was somewhat painful getting it together - though I checked it over 3 times - was sure to have missed "something" :D [00:27] guiverc: Sure - I can add the UCC meeting. [01:57] LGTM. Thanks for mentioning the Ubuntu Studio post. Money is slowly trickling in but it's been just that... a trickle. One person tried calling out that a job should come before our son's education when, in the U.S., a child can be taken if they're not enrolled in school as truancy is considered a form of child neglect in most states. [02:04] Eickmeyer: I do admire that you place your child's welfare before a job. Hang in there. surely something good will happen. [02:05] I sure hope so. :) [02:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Alan Pope: Ringtones on iOS @ https://popey.com/blog/2023/09/ringtons-on-ios/ [20:36] UWN: Pulling "WIP [20:37] UWN: Pulling "WIP" - no further edits are known - will start the push soomest. [20:49] UWN: M/L is away - Posting to the Forums next. [21:00] UWN: Posted to the Forums - Doing the Discourse posting next. [21:12] UWN: Posted to Discourse - Making up a Mastodon blog next :D [21:57] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Ubuntu 23.10 Makes Firefox’s Native Wayland Mode Default @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/09/wayland-firefox-snap-default [22:02] UWN: Mastodon blog done - pending now is release to the other Social Media. [22:14] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-805/38734/2 [22:14] sorry; copy didn't work. [22:14] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/09/18/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-805/ [22:15] (discourse paste was making up what I'll use shortly for elsewhere... away briefly for birbs.. back soon to continue) [22:22] Fridge: Spot check -- looks good :D [22:42] posted uwn 805 to twitter, telegram, (mewe) [22:43] guiverc: Clean/rinse now and prep to repeat ? [22:43] yep, scrub away Bashing-om [22:44] doing ^ :D [22:52] UWN: We do 806 :D