=== shokohsc51089 is now known as shokohsc5108 [17:47] gimzmoe: I never actually used those but there are multiple packages like `nvidia-driver-525` and `nvidia-driver-535` IIRC so maybe you need one more than the other? Presumably they don't support all the same cards? [17:50] ubuntu-drivers should select the right driver [18:04] I have run that, nvidia-detect returns the 535 version but lsmod claims neaveau is in effect, after reboot and blacklisting nouveau [18:19] Once upon a time with the same version and hardware it was working, but I can seem to make it happen again === shokohsc51088 is now known as shokohsc5108 === JanC is now known as Guest2394 === JanC_ is now known as JanC