
guiverci just noted a user reported seeing 23.04 on current daily; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2490772 )  ... no iso specified01:53
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: Bump plymouth-text version number for mantic @ https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-artwork/commit/b899e32a65e29cdc3337a283e442cdc989a3781f (by bluesabre)11:12
bluesabreguiverc: Whoops, that ↑ will take care of the 23.04 text, on next upload.11:12
bluesabreDid the scheduler change in 23.10? Any time I start downloading a file, my browser (Firefox or Edge) grinds to a halt.23:11
Unit193Snap or PPA firefox?23:12
bluesabreSnap firefox, deb Edge23:18
Unit193It won't be very helpful to you, but I can utilize firefox's downloader, and I'm sure I have a worse system.23:22
bluesabreThanks :)23:51
bluesabreIn other news... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-screensaver/+bug/1874178 appears to be fixed?23:52
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1874178 in xfce4-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Unlocking existing session needs two attempts after selecting Switch User" [Medium, Confirmed]23:52
bluesabreSomebody seems to have plugged the leaks with lightdm23:52
Unit193...Two is better than none! :>23:54
Unit193I mean seriously, it's not good sure but I'll take it over another "The screensaver crashes" or "The screensaver shows the desktop while locked"23:54
Unit193There's a new notifyd and it seems it makes the patch I had against it no longer needed, which is great.23:55
bluesabreI mean, this bug seems to be resolved in mantic.23:55
bluesabreYay for few patches :)23:55
Unit193I don't know if you ever agreed with me on that, but it seemed like a problem for others and it certainly broke my workflow.  I wanted both desktop and dbus launch, not either/or.  Desktop was the new one and useful if you had more than one notification daemon installed, dbus is useful if it crashes (or is manually killed due to system library updates) and a panel app tries to trigger it.23:57
Unit193I don't know why, but https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-notifyd/-/commit/b33940e151b8449dee8904074058ef81d3898435 slightly concerns me.23:58
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Commit b33940e in apps/xfce4-notifyd "Make the XDG autostart file attempt a systemd start first"23:58
bluesabreFeels funky.23:59

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