=== Woenx1 is now known as Woenx === Woenx1 is now known as Woenx [08:32] hi, switching from microsoft world (since 80's) to Linux one, I've a few questions [08:35] Q1: which app like timeshift to make incremential snapshots of my PC ? [12:14] hi, i have problems with desktop icons when i click icons on desktop, it open it with kate i don't know how to change it to start apps? [12:17] Well that sounds strange [12:17] bOSKE, have you tried right-clicking the app icons and seeing what options are in the menu? [12:19] @kirvesAxe, yes i clicked in desktop right click on properties [12:19] and it writes Open With: Kate [12:19] Hi all [12:20] when i try to start some desktop icons it just shows some icon and nothing happens [12:21] bOSKE, what is the output of: xdg-mime query filetype ~/Desktop/Launcher.desktop [12:22] @diogenes_Vx15, xdg-mime: file '/home/boske/Desktop/Launcher.desktop' does not exist [12:23] bOSKE, instead of Launcher.desktop you need to specify the icon that doesn't work. [12:23] run: ls /home/boske/Desktop [12:23] and you will see those files. [12:23] boske@boske-komp:~$ xdg-mime query filetype ~/Desktop/discord_discord.desktop [12:23] application/x-desktop [12:25] and now: xdg-mime query default application/x-desktop [12:27] @diogenes_Vx15, i dont get output from that command [12:27] but again it doesn't work [12:27] bOSKE, if you don't get output from that command that's bad. [12:28] you don't have a mimetype set up for desktop files. [12:28] what should i do? [12:28] boske@boske-komp:~$ xdg-mime query default application/x-desktop [12:28] boske@boske-komp:~$ [12:30] run: dpkg -l | grep xdg-open [12:30] boske@boske-komp:~$ dpkg -l | grep xdg-open [12:30] boske@boske-komp:~$ [12:30] sudo apt install xdg-open [12:31] E: Unable to locate package xdg-open [12:33] run: update-mime-database /opt/kde/share/mime [12:33] Directory '/opt/kde/share/mime/packages' does not exist! [12:33] xdg-open is a snap and flatpak app [12:33] update-mime-database /usr/share/mime [12:34] it asks me root [12:34] should i sudo [12:34] sorry this madness with snaps, that's one if the reasons i don't use Ubuntu. [12:34] bOSKE, yes use sudo [12:34] boske@boske-komp:~$ sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime [12:35] try to open now [12:37] using Kubuntu here without issue here, no snaps or flatpaks [12:37] @diogenes_Vx15, again the same [12:38] i just figure it out that i can start desktop icons from dolphin in desktop folder [12:38] but on desktop i cant [12:38] bOSKE, run: locate inode/directory [12:38] boske@boske-komp:~$ locate inode/directory [12:39] boske@boske-komp:~$ locate inode/directory [12:39] bOSKE, can you update and upgrade your packages ? [12:39] boske@boske-komp:~$ locate inode/directory [12:39] damn it wont copy [12:39] boske@boske-komp:~$ locate inode/directory [12:39] bOSKE, dpkg -l | grep shared-mime-info [12:40] boske@boske-komp:~$ dpkg -l | grep shared-mime-info [12:40] ii shared-mime-info 2.2-1 amd64 FreeDesktop.org shared MIME database and spec [12:40] try: rm ~/.local/share/mime/mime.cache [12:41] sudo apt reinstall shared-mime-info [12:41] boske@boske-komp:~$ rm ~/.local/share/mime/mime.cache [12:41] rm: cannot remove '/home/boske/.local/share/mime/mime.cache': No such file or directory [12:41] then log out [12:41] ok just reinstall that package and log out [12:43] again the same [12:46] bOSKE, do you have this file? cat ~/.config/mimeapps.list [12:46] does it show anything? [12:49] boske@boske-komp:~$ cat ~/.config/mimeapps.list [12:49] [Added Associations] [12:49] application/x-keepass2=org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop; [12:49] [Default Applications] [12:49] application=.desktop [12:49] application/x-keepass2=org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop; [12:50] oh i think in KDE it's dophin responssible for desktop icons [12:51] bOSKE, don't paste here in the chat [12:51] run: cat ~/.config/mimeapps.list | nc termbin.com 9999 [12:52] you will get an url in the terminal, paste it here/ [12:52] https://termbin.com/onz6 [12:53] now run: cat ~/.config/kiorc | nc termbin.com 9999 [12:53] https://termbin.com/in6j [12:56] run: mv ~/.config/mimeapps.list ~/.config/mimeapps.list.bak [12:56] then: mv ~/.config/kiorc ~/.config/kiorc.bak [12:56] the log out [12:59] @diogenes_Vx15, its the same [13:01] bOSKE, ok that's an anomaly, is such cases i go with an atomic approach, i create a brand new user and login as the new user and if everything works there, then the problem is definitely somewhere in your /home/username, if not, then something is broken in system libraries. [13:02] if you want you can create a new user and try it. [13:02] i will try it now [13:06] on other user its the same [13:06] cant start desktop icons [13:07] tnx anyway [13:08] then something is broken on your system, run: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [13:08] it's there are many lines don't paste them here [13:08] dont get output [13:10] ok then you didn't add any PPAs which might break something, but can you rememember after what actions/updates it stopped working? [13:10] i just installed new system [13:10] and did update after install [13:10] i think it worked before update [13:11] did you reboot after update? [13:11] yes [13:12] then i suppose it's a bug unfortunately :* [13:12] :( [13:12] :/ [13:12] yeah [13:12] i will wait maybe they fix it on next update [13:13] maybe you can file a bug if you want [13:13] !bug [13:13] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [14:06] Hmm, if I find a bug on Kubuntu's default behavior with mouse right-click context menus, should I do a bug report on Ubuntu or KDE? :) === adad is now known as `dd` === ick is now known as lick [18:43] Hello! In gnome, there's a "sharing" option, where you can activate a VNC connection (or rdp) . But there isnt in Kubuntu? Or am i blind? I found KRFB, but that connection was very slow...