[00:20] any good ubuntu networking book(s)? was wondering if it is possible to configure ubuntu server to be a private VPN, i am hoping this will enable me to login into my dwelling, into the ubuntu server, access files, from the ipad/iphone what not, i guess i'll need to get some easy domain name? reverse proxy? then some sort of VPN set up? is that how it works? no clue.. === root is now known as Guest3353 === ord is now known as quem [01:09] explore, don't know of any books to recommend, and I've never done it, but it should be doable. Most popular VPN servers on ubuntu are OpenVPN and Wirequard, I think. === deepSleep is now known as Guest2632 [01:11] explore, wireguard is newer and supposedly easier to administer/connect to. wireguard.com has docs, and it's in the ubuntu repos (so is OpenVPN I think) [01:12] explore, don't think you'd need a domain name, unless your residential IP is very unstable, in which case you'd need one of the various dynamic dns services [01:14] explore, #networking or #wireguard might be better for getting help since it's not particularly ubuntu-specific [01:26] ok ok [01:27] hey so i installed ubuntu server lts when i had no internet connection, from an iso, and then today i finally got internet (telco showed up to plug in the wire), and i did a sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade, it may have had a hiccup when i tried to reboot--after all was said and done [01:27] it said it had to update kernel or something, i vaguely recall [01:28] so i wanted to verify, so i did a dpkg -V (as well as debsums -c), i was hoping to see zero errors, but both command listed a sizable list of missing files [01:28] is that.. normal? [01:28] : [01:31] i was inspecting the missing files and mostly locale files, like /usr/share/local/es/LC_MESSAGES/iso_639-2.mo (from iso-codes package) [01:32] maybe apt is smart enough to only install locale files for my region/localization, that's why so many locale files are missing? [01:32] i don't get it >___< [01:32] could you just reinstall that package? [01:33] i tried, i read this write-up https://devicetests.com/find-reinstall-corrupted-packages-ubuntu [01:33] and it had two remedies, the second line was to reinstall all packages that the "missing errors" complaineda bout [01:33] when i ran the command, i got this huge list of errors complaining that these packages don't exist [01:34] maybe it's nothing...i am a debian system luddite [01:34] explore, it's possible that some of the less used locales might be missing stuff (broken packages). In general what happens if a .mo is mising you just get an untranslated (english/C-locale) message [01:35] ah ok ok [01:35] not super sure what you just said b/c i don't understand [01:35] but you said it crystal clear [01:35] explore: if you are new to vpn routing you may want to try IPFire for a router with vpn and configs all grafical it worked well for me to learn on [01:36] thanks for heads uyp === Woenx1 is now known as Woenx === alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg [05:12] .. [05:12] someone [05:13] helo [05:13] hi [05:15] i use lubuntu, and you? [05:16] lubuntu === Woenx1 is now known as Woenx [05:38] Where can I find hexchat for ubuntu? [05:38] I'm using Windows now. [05:42] !info hexchat | locke [05:42] locke: hexchat (2.16.1-1build2, lunar): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Built by hexchat. Size 361 kB / 1,047 kB [05:46] Hello guiverc [05:47] !info hexchat [05:47] hexchat (2.16.1-1build2, lunar): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Built by hexchat. Size 361 kB / 1,047 kB [05:48] But where on the web can one downloas hexchat for ubuntu? [05:54] !archive | locke [05:55] locke: archive.ubuntu.com [05:56] locke: you cant install a deb on windows right [05:57] `sudo apt install hexchat` should install it locke (supported releases anyway) [05:58] it's a two-step process; first install wsl 2, then install hexchat [05:58] do note it's in 'universe' or the community-supported repository; so universe may need to be enabled [05:59] if you're using Lubuntu; universe will already be enabled (all releases as Lubuntu is community flavor) [06:05] Yesterday I asked about suggestion of solving bluetooth problems (could not find the devices). Turned out that this was a problem occuring by the motherboard. It got solved by removing powercable and switch off the power button in the rear. Seems bluetooth feature on motherboard can behave same way as a bluetooth dongle. The computer thought that the bluetooth was unplugged. By doing the power reset, bluetooth comes back. [06:06] Anyone knows why the loss of bluetooth from motherboard happens? [06:06] I will move my last question to #hardware channel. [06:09] hermano: many reasons heat from expanding and contracting dust in the connectors, parts breaking down on the bluetooth module bad solder on the board [06:15] Tower server is 5 month and it was assembled for me. But, yes sound reasonable that something must have caused the unplugging of bluetooth. [06:19] hermano: way too often just a car ride across town has caused issues on desktops/servers bouncing? dust? I just clean reset parts retest then replace part if needed [06:35] A car rice can cause issues on a computer? even if the computer is on a seat and gets a xmooth ride? [06:35] A car ride can cause issues on a computer? even if the computer is on a seat and gets a xmooth ride? [06:36] smooth ride? === nikhil__ is now known as nkshirsa [07:25] Hi, im trying to create a systemd unit that runs every 12 hours, unit only need to run an script, cna some guide me a bit please? [07:26] https://opensource.com/article/20/7/systemd-timers [07:26] Thanks ravage, also i see normally create a timer and a .service file right ? [07:27] yes [07:28] ravage: why is that ? why there cant the unit have its own timer ? just wondering [07:29] timers start units [07:39] How many of you use Hexchat? [07:39] or xchat? [07:42] With around 1000 users what accuracy do you expect a response to have, locke? [07:45] I don't know. But hexchat for Linux xeens very hard to find. [07:46] So I wonder what others use for IRC. [07:47] weechat-screen IRSSI [07:47] I had it on my laptop, then that laptop went caffluey and ubuntu had to be reinstalled. [07:48] So, I wonder what the others are now using for an IRC client. [07:49] What do you mean with hard to find? It's in the archive, apt install hexchat. [07:50] I tried it on my laptop. And it says that there is no hexchat. [07:50] Hmm, weird. Can you share the output of 'sudo apt update && apt policy hexchat'? [07:52] hexchat is not availible after 20.04 per https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=hexchat [07:53] but it is a snap in 22.o4 [07:53] toddc, no, they just seem to have sorted the distributions alphabetically now, which is indeed confusing. [07:53] So it is still available in all supported releases and Mantic. [07:54] it is in my 22.04 software center but not a program I use [07:54] Argh, not alphabetically. But in reverse chronological order. [07:57] The sucoI installed snapd, and then used snap install, for onw. [07:57] one that didn't work. [08:01] I installed snapd then a snap install of hexchat, and that didn't work. [08:01] Don't install the snap, but the deb. Open a terminal and enter 'sudo apt install hexchat'. [08:02] How do you install the deb? [08:02] I just told you... [08:03] You said to open the terminal after the deb has been installed? [08:03] No, to install the deb, open a terminal and enter that command. [08:06] command deb not found [08:06] Do I have to get rid of the snapd first? [08:07] It said that there is a command den or dub [08:08] You already entered 'sudo apt install hexchat'? Then it is installed and you can launch it normally, or by typing 'hexchat' in the terminal, not 'deb'. [08:08] or debt or debc or derb ... [08:09] The deb is the packaging format. So you can either install hexchat packaged in deb format or the snap format. I guess the software center installed the snap format. Thus I suggested you to install the deb format via the command line. [08:12] did ubuntu already fix that issue that apt installed a snap? [08:12] theoceaniscool ... Actually the hurricanes that ravished Florida in the last month or two happened because the ocean is warm. But that is a conversation is for a different channel. [08:13] [08:13] ubuntu couldn't find the commands. And that's the problem i have. [08:15] Hello YuGiOhJCJ [08:16] ahic ... Are you still there? [08:16] Can you help me? [08:17] Hello Bencraft42 [08:23] locke, Ubuntu systems allow you to install both deb and snap packages, but commands control which is installed. eg. to install firefox using a deb I could `sudo apt install firefox` (ie. sudo to elevate privileges, `apt` is the command to download & do something; install is what I want, and `firefox` tells it what I want to install; ie. `sudo apt install firefox` [08:24] if I wanted to install a `firefox` snap; it would be `snap install firefox` OR `sudo snap install firefox`.. to install `hexchat` it would be `sudo apt install hexchat` [08:25] * guiverc has put commands within `` brackets; `apt-get` is an older version of `apt`, with a number of ways we can accomplish tasks. [08:25] * guiverc is heading out though sorry; won't be around for a couple of hours [08:28] guiverc, doesn't firefox come with the ubuntu distribution? [08:28] Do you get the Activities on the left side of your home screen? [08:28] * guiverc was using firefox as example [08:30] * guiverc adds deb is package format; snap is a package format + a command; deb packages are installed with `dpkg`, or can be installed via front-end tools such as `apt-get` or `apt` which combined download (wget) & the install (dpkg) for you [08:30] For me the install snapd seemed to work. [08:31] im the only one who see guiverc on blue? [08:36] bbl ... bed time === ord is now known as quem === routebee is now known as route-bee [10:30] hi === _miruoy is now known as miruoy [12:04] hi, i have problems with desktop icons [12:04] when i click it it open it with kate [12:05] i don't know how to change it to open apps [12:05] ? === boske_ is now known as bOSKE [12:14] I am using Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, with NetworkManager version 1.36.6. I get very frequent WiFi disconnections, I think caused by this bug: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/-/merge_requests/1263. It looks like for my Ubuntu release, 1.36.6 is the latest NetworkManager version. Any tips on how I can upgrade? [12:14] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Merge 1263 in NetworkManager/NetworkManager "wifi: wait supplicant to settle before renewing DHCP after roam" [Merged] [12:15] !latest | kx112 [12:15] kx112: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [12:16] kx112: I would start with disabling power saving to see if that solves your issue https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/315400 [12:20] Hi all [12:20] leftyfb: I tried disabling power saving, to no avail. From looking at the NetworkManager and wpa_supplicant logs, I'm fairly sure it is the bug mentioned above: my device roams, starts to reauthenticate with a new beacon, but a dhcp refresh occurs during this which gives me a new IP and causes any connections to reset. [12:21] kx112, there are alternatives to NM (e.g. wicd), but idk if it would solve your issue [12:23] kx112: how do you know that is not i wifi interference problem? [12:29] zoomm10: Here are the logs: https://pastebin.com/raw/8DHMWxPB. The disconnection is caused due to getting a new IP when roaming between beacons. [12:30] ioria: I would prefer to use NetworkManager. I suppose I could upgrade my Ubuntu version to one with a new NM version, but I'd prefer to stick with an LTS version. However, if I cannot resolve this, I will probably have little other option, as the disconnects are very frequent at the moment. === alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg [12:51] anyone knows what the Night Shift thingie to reduce eye strain uses under the hood? [12:56] magga, probably something like redshift [13:09] ioria: ok === debianero is now known as Guest673 === debianero is now known as Guest1707 === debianero_ is now known as debianero [14:22] Now, after killing that dialog box, and shutting the update down, apt update says this:, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock. It is held by process 181282 (aptd) [14:23] try a reboot johnfg [14:23] lotuspsychje: do you think that would be better than killing the process? [14:32] irc://irc.artikanet.org/GALAXY [14:34] hey === u0_a255 is now known as saad [14:52] Hello, hello, I have a machine with one disc booting by default to Windows, how do I make it booting Ubuntu by default ( already installed ) ? [14:54] you change the boot order? [14:55] yes, I want ot change boot order [15:06] paul424: you can change in bios which disk to boot from [15:30] Just got this: dpkg: too many errors, stopping [15:30] Hi. Is there a good way to see how much disk space is being use and how much is free in Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS? [15:31] Terminal-V: df -h | awk '$NF=="/"{printf "Disk Usage: %d/%d GB (%s)\n", $3,$2,$5}' [15:31] hi [15:31] pavlos is there a good way for normal people? [15:31] General netplan/networkmanager issues someone might be able to help with ... [15:32] Terminal-V, just 'df -h' [15:32] ioria I found that meaningless. [15:32] really ? [15:32] ioria yes. isn't there just a total sum figure with some simple command? [15:33] Terminal-V: you can alias df to what I typed ... mine says, Disk Usage: 50/219 GB (24%) [15:33] I have 2 files in /etc/netplan ... one to bring up enp2s0 without an IP (using rendered NetworkManager) and the other to bring up vswitch0 with dhcp (using networkd as renderer) ... I am currently connected the way I need to be, but nmcli dev shows only unmanaged devices... however, it should show enp2s0 as managed, no? [15:33] pavlos sweet. What is the command? [15:34] Can 'df' be used to show the total sum of used and free for /? [15:34] Terminal-V: at the end of .bashrc add the command I gave. Any time you pop a terminal it will show Disk Usage [15:34] pavlos I'm not typing in that crazy command. [15:34] I'd rather boot Windows [15:34] ok [15:35] ok fuck this shit. im done [15:35] who's this people ? === debianero_ is now known as debianero [15:41] alol [15:41] rage quit at df -h ? :D [15:41] yeah, those people are never going to survive in a Linux OS, forget it.. [15:41] "dont you understand man, I dont want to remember!" [15:42] v0lZy, what you mean with 'without an IP' ? [15:43] ioria: i just need the link state up. [15:43] oh,ok [15:43] but I don't want an IP configuration on it. [15:43] I have this working, by the looks of ip add output [15:43] and if i inspect /run/systemd/network files, it looks properly applied [15:43] yet, NetworkManager insists that its not managing anything [15:44] not sure if NM can manage two .yaml files [15:44] which causes a problem with cockpit, which needs NetworkManager to manage something, else it thinks its offline and doesnt bother showing me updates. [15:44] im not using it to manage 2 yaml files, so thats fine [15:44] I'm using networkd as renderer in one file, and NetworkManager as renderer in the other file. [15:46] v0lZy, afaik, when you use networkd, would be recommended to stop and disable NM, and viceversa [15:47] yeah, cant have that [15:47] ubuntu packages debian's NEtworkManager which doesn't provide means to manage openvswitch [15:47] so have ot use systemd-networkd for that directly [15:47] but cockpit required NetworkManager [15:47] i see [15:48] there is a cockpit-networkmanager module [15:48] from what I understand, systemd-networkd is what does networking, netplan is a declarative way of doing networking (think ansible and automation etc) and NetworkManager is a daemon that ensures networking is seamlessly transitioning on events [15:49] like unplug laptop from ethernet port, ensures that its on wifi, etc [15:49] in that sense, there shouldnt be any conflcit between netplan and networkmanager [15:49] as long as you properly have 1 file per each interface [15:49] cockpit-networkmanager I have... but as said, issue is with cockpit consulting network manager before it renders updates ont he page [15:50] if networkmanager is showing no managed devices, then it doesnt show updates [15:50] in my case, i am trying to get NetworkManager to manage the enp2s0 device [15:50] and in this sense, 'manage' means 'bring the link up without dhcp' [15:51] but from what i understand, network manager at the end of the day does the exact same thing as if i go and write manual files for systemd-networkd [15:52] so the whole concept of it 'managing' something is quite arbitrary - we tell it which interfaces it should manage (via netplan files) [15:52] in my case, it seems to do what I tell it, but not register that its 'managing' that interface. [15:53] (so ultimately, I do have the network set up the way I want it to, its just the effing NetworkManager saying 'Managing enp2s0? Who? Me? Nooo.' [15:57] https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/change-netplan-renderer-from-networkd-to-networkmanager/ [15:58] v0lZy, someone replied to that issue, with a 'Ok, do not manage your network interfaces through Cockpit' (and use networkd, masking the servie) [15:58] *service [16:03] so, its not about using cockpit to manage networking [16:03] its about cockpit showing updates available to the system [16:03] that simply doesnt work without networkmanager [16:04] and networkmanager simply doesnt work with openvswitch (because Debian) [16:04] I have a situation where I have this unlucky combo [16:33] pavlos, no , ITS only ONE disc [16:33] Hello, hello, I have a machine with one disc booting by default to Windows, how do I make it booting Ubuntu by default ( already installed ) ? [16:36] paul424: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair easiest way assuming bios can see ubuntu drive then ubuntu grub program will allow both ubuntu and windows boot from grub [16:37] I'm in /etc/default/grub [16:48] Hi what is GIMP called in Ubuntu 22.04 ? "Package gimp is not available, but is referred to by another package." [16:48] !info gimp jammy [16:48] gimp (2.10.30-1build1, jammy): GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component universe, is optional. Built by gimp. Size 4,807 kB / 20,562 kB [16:48] apt-cache search keyword [16:48] Gnome image manipulation program [16:56] Is there an apt package? [16:56] Hello, I'm trying to compile a 32-bit version of a program on Ubuntu 20.04. I'm passing the -m32 flag to the compiler and linker, but I keep getting a persistent error message about a missing library. [16:56] have you enabled 32 bit arcitecutre? [16:56] No missing, but incompatible. [16:57] "/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc" [16:58] sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [16:58] try that [16:58] I'm more familiar with another Linux distribution, but I have a need to compile this program on an Ubuntu installation. I've installed all kinds of i386 versions of the GCC deval packages, but no luck with this. [16:58] then sudo apt-get update and dist-upgrade, if you really want to be fancy you could make the whole thing a single liner ;) [16:59] do you have other builds of libgcc which it's not skipping? [17:00] mosfet: apt-cache search gimp shows gimp-data and xsane and libraries. What is the name of the apt package for "Gnome image manipulation program"? [17:01] NoImNotNineVolt: I don't know. There are a bunch of versions of this library, e.g. /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/9/libgcc.a, but I don't know why they are not being picked up. [17:02] gimp website promotes a flatpak, and snap advertises a gimp snap. Has it been removed from apt repositories? [17:02] according to the truth lyed therein, I assume yes === ick is now known as lick [17:03] in accordance to the prophecies down the pipes of mario bros. [17:04] anyone know if ubuntu 23.04 is that much different than ubuntu 14.04? [17:06] they both use the linux kernel, there is applications like uuuuhhh uuuhhh terminal [17:06] the security is almost identical [17:07] Ich rests his case [17:07] ick, I don't have any trouble finding the gimp package in jammy. do you have universe enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list? [17:07] I've got the package libgcc-9-dev:i386 which owns that library. Don't know why it is not used during linking. [17:08] rfm what does 'apt info gimp' say to you? mine says "Can't select versions from package 'gimp' as it is purely virtual" [17:08] raffo: normally when i run into problems like this i'm unable to resolve them myself. [17:08] good luck. [17:09] I resolve with a revolver around a planet that circles stars [17:09] mosfet: I did the add-architecture command and the dist-upgrade. A few packages were installed, all amd64 architecture. It did not have any effect. [17:10] then the effect was irrelevant to the cause of action, and it was good [17:11] rfm: I have lines like this, is it enough? deb https://mirror...../ubuntu/ jammy universe [17:11] lick, https://termbin.com/cuzg is what i get from apt info gimp [17:15] oh weird why do you get a real package and I get a dummy? Are you using 22.04.03 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) ? [17:15] lick, I would be suspicious of the mirror being busted, or maybe a bad locally cached version? "apt clean" and maybe try a different mirror [17:15] does anyone know how to exclude an application from software updater ubuntu Thunderbird 115 sucks and I don't wat the software udater downloading updates. I have locked the version I want in Synaptic but "Software Updater" keeps downloading a newer version. [17:15] I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 [17:16] lick, this was installed with 22.04 but has been upgraded all along so its effectively 22.04.3 [17:16] sudo apt-mark hold [17:16] rfm, yes that is how I got here also. [17:17] nunya: sudo apt-mark hold [17:17] I still want it to download other updates to other applications and have the otion to install these updates just not Thunderbird [17:18] hmm 'apt update' now gives me dozens of lines of output repeating 'Get:24 https://mirror.enzu.com/ubuntu jammy i386 Contents (deb) [36.9 MB]' [17:20] I just started using this mirror a day or two ago, maybe its buggy [17:24] nunya: to allow updates change hold to unhold. [17:26] pavlos: Thanks! [17:31] thanks rfm! apt clean; apt update changed the gimp package [17:31] Is there a tutorial for how to setup an Ubuntu installation so that the necessary development packages are installed to compile 32-bit binaries? [17:32] I'm puzzled because I though apt info was supposed to be cryptographically signed and verified. [17:34] raffo, https://devicetests.com/understanding-gcc-multilib-ubuntu [17:36] lick, do you mean this ? http://mirror.enzu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/ [17:38] I'm puzzled because I though apt info was supposed to be cryptographically signed and verified; how could apt clean; apt update change the gimp package from dummy to actual package? [17:39] lick, do you mean this ? http://mirror.enzu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/ ; if yes seems that last update was on 26-Jan-2023 [17:40] pick, ^ [17:49] ioria: that's odd, I'm pretty sure the ubuntu mirror list called it up to date!! [17:50] Is updating once a year sufficient for a mirror ? [17:50] any unity enjoyers [17:51] !discuss | adrh [17:51] adrh: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [17:51] ioria: it doesn't want to install that package, some dependency: "Depends: gcc-9-multilib (>= 9.3.0-3~) but it is not going to be installed" [17:53] In any case, it's f'd up. In trying to manually install other packages, I accidentally removed a bunch of i386 packages. They're not available in ther current repos for installation. [17:53] raffo, apt-cache policy gcc-9-multilib [17:53] rfm ioria : why wouldn't apt catch that it was being offered old lists from a mirror? [17:54] pick, my advice (for now) is just not trust that mirror === mrkubax10 is now known as mrkubax11 [17:58] ioria: I lost a bunch of library I needed to build my program, w/o it I can't use this machine. [17:59] ablookahdareeeee === mrkubax11 is now known as mrkubax10 [18:21] Hello Ubuntu Team [18:22] I wonder if you are available to guide me on install an app on Ubuntu [18:23] Guest55: sudo apt install [18:24] yes, its a inverter monitoring app called Watchpower, comes in Linux 64bits version: https://www.mppsolar.com/v3/download/ [18:24] Guest55: you'll need to follow their instructions on how to install it and seek support from them if you have issues with it [18:25] it requires jre and jdk but I cannot manage to get it running on several rp4 distros [18:25] leftyfb: I already ask them but they didnt give app support [18:26] Guest55: then if the app vendor doesn't provide support for their app, I wouldn't use it [18:27] I have been trying , like using wine to run it as win  .exe app without avail , also darling to run it as macos but cannot install gcc-multilib [18:28] good luck [18:28] leftyfb: I cannot as its the only app able to monitor via usb the device i need [18:43] is there a default cli browser installed with ubuntu 22? [18:43] elinks, lynx and flinks did not work :) [18:44] nor did xdg-open hehe [18:45] x-www-browser google.com [19:28] hello how can i see the total size of installed packages? [19:28] DeepAI recommended this command: sudo apt-get install apt-show-versions && apt-show-versions -b | grep -v uptodate | awk '{print $2} ' | xargs apt-cache show | grep "^Size: " | awk '{print $2}' | paste -sd+ - | bc && apt-get purge --auto-remove -y apt-show-versions [19:29] what do you think of this command? [19:39] nasum: seems bit convoluted and unnecessary in many ways [19:41] nasum: you could use something like dpkg -l | awk '$1 =="ii" {print $2}' | xargs apt-cache show | awk '$1 == "Size: " {print $2}' |.... [19:43] not sure why you need apt-show-versions [19:46] nasum, i'd use dpkg-query [19:46] dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n | awk '{print $1}' === kelvis is now known as K3LV1 [19:49] nice ioria [19:50] nasum: this should get the total size like the earlier command "dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\n' | paste -sd+ - | bc" [19:50] let's try: dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | awk '{print $1}'> sum ; awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }' sum [19:52] something isnt right though [19:52] EriC^^, how you doing EriC^^ ? all good ? [19:52] i get like 9mb for mine, if you do apt-cache show , the size shows a number but in dpkg-query a different one, wonder whats going on [19:53] hey ioria , all good here thanks :) what about you? [19:53] EriC^^, same stuff, boring ... but it's ok [19:53] EriC^^, 9mb ? [19:54] yup i got the number 9794152 [19:57] maybe it's not in bytes? [19:59] nope, kb [20:00] i think; https://serverfault.com/questions/291743/on-a-debian-system-how-is-the-installed-size-field-of-the-control-file-used [20:01] yup [20:02] have a nice night [20:10] Greetings! Has anyone upgraded from Ubuntu 22.04 to Ubuntu 23.04? [20:12] If so, can you share with me the differences? [20:39] josh_: try this search: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=what's+new+in+ubuntu+23.04 [21:38] hey guys! [21:42] heyo [22:56] jose: there'll be a new ubuntu release next month, 23.10 mantic minotaur on october 12th. === ubuntu is now known as Guest7158 [23:18] y4 [23:22] can't seem to find this package in ubuntu repo: https://github.com/xioTechnologies/Fusion [23:29] BinarySavior: libgtsam4? [23:29] is that it? [23:29] !info libgtsam4 [23:29] Package libgtsam4 does not exist in lunar [23:29] ... [23:30] BinarySavior: It'll be in 23.10, but not before. [23:31] yep I see only `libgtsam4 | 4.2~9+dfsg-5 | mantic/universe | amd64, arm64, riscv64, s390x` [23:31] ahh okay [23:31] must be new [23:31] Only 48 commits on github, I'd assume so. [23:35] how can i monitor progress of unattended upgrades? === pasiz32 is now known as pasiz3 === ricardus_apt_ is now known as ricardus_apt