=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [13:22] Eickmeyer: looking at the lunar edubuntu-menu and ubuntustudio-menu SRUs, the edubuntu-menu package hasn't "matured" yet in the queue, just 5 days [13:23] Eickmeyer: I suppose it's best to release both at the same time? ubuntustudio-menu has aged and would be good to go === ahasenack_ is now known as ahasenack [13:34] not sure where to report this, but https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man1/openssl-rehash.1ssl.html , which should be openssl-rehash man page contains content for openssl-x509 [13:34] I reported some of those already :/ [13:35] to add it to the mix, follow the link at the bottom of the page to report bugs [13:36] I'll bring it up in standup today [13:36] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manpage-repository [13:49] ahasenack: thanks. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manpage-repository/+bug/2036978 [13:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2036978 in Ubuntu Manpage Repository "openssl-rehash man page for jammy contains content for openssl-x509" [Undecided, New] [14:08] arighi: hi, around? [14:08] aradesh: it's about LP: #2023661 [14:08] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2023661 in rtl8812au (Ubuntu Lunar) "rtl8812au-dkms FTBS with linux 6.2 in jammy" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2023661 [14:19] ahasenack: Honestly, getting ubuntustudio-menu out asap would be best because we *need* the menu items updated for the IRC redirect as opposed to the dead Matrix rooms. [14:20] Eickmeyer: ok, I added another question to the bug, could you please take a look? [14:20] Sure. [14:22] ahasenack: The SRU I was referring to was bug 2033992 [14:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2033992 in ubuntustudio-menu (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] Change Ubuntu Studio Chat from Matrix to IRC" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2033992 [14:22] Just FYI [14:22] ah, correct, my comment was on the other one [14:22] but it also changes ubuntustudio-menu [14:28] ahasenack: Answered your comment. That was a great question, and I haven't had my coffee yet, so it took me a minute. [14:28] and I had 3 coffees already, before lunch [14:28] D: [14:28] er.. :D [14:29] (ignore the gasping face) [14:29] I had no idea D: meant that [14:30] It does on Twitch, and I sometimes get my chat syntax messed-up. [14:30] I can make emojis on my chat client though. 😂 [14:44] Hi! I'm working in the dovecot FTBFS on arm64 from the mantic rebuild, and I found that if I disable the -mbranch-protection it works... I saw that flag was not set by default before. [14:45] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dovecot/+bug/2036268 [14:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2036268 in dovecot (Ubuntu) "FTBFS in arm64: backtrace failures in build-time tests" [High, New] [14:47] It seems it affects libunwind (another possibility to fix the ftbfs is removing the libunwind-dev - it was done in the past-), but for me, feels like a regression dropping the dependency [14:50] I don't know if is the return protection or the jump protection, or both, so I'm going to play with the mbrnach-protection flag values ... but I wouldn't want to simply remove the flag, and try to see what is happening [14:50] any clues appreciated...and sharing in the case other arm64 builds can be affected [14:52] _afk_ [14:55] ahasenack, about LP: #2023661 I double checked the fix in lunar (just to make sure it still works) and I've tried to upload the package (theoretically I should have dkms upload rights, but some of the dkms are not in the dkms group), we'll see in a bit if it shows up in -proposed... [14:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2023661 in rtl8812au (Ubuntu Lunar) "rtl8812au-dkms FTBS with linux 6.2 in jammy" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2023661 [14:55] arighi: awesome, thanks. If it doesn't, maybe reach out to patch pilot and see if someone can sponsor it for you [14:56] ahasenack, ok [16:54] ahasenack: RE https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-menu/+bug/2025196/comments/18: What if I left the file in place in the prerm and, since the postinst checks to see if the file is there and doesn't overwrite if it's there? [16:54] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2025196 in ubuntustudio-menu (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] Conflicts with edubuntu-menu and ubuntustudio-menu" [High, Fix Committed] [16:55] there is the question of who owns it, and should remove it. When/if both packages are removed, or just one, what will eventually remove that file? [16:55] and is that related to the matrix->irc change? Can't you leave that for another upload? [16:57] ahasenack: It's not related to the matrix -> irc change. It just happened to coincide. [16:57] what about a case $1 in upgrade, etc. [16:57] I don't like to rush a fix like this. This needs to be thought out [16:58] to be honest, what caught my eye at first was exactly the unconditional remove/reinstall bit, for every single upgrade [16:59] Right, alot of that was legacy (before Eickmeyer) code that I have been working with, so I can refactor it to be conditional. [16:59] but I don't know what that file means, "/etc/dconf/profile/user" doesn't sound specific to edubuntu or ubuntustudio [17:00] yet currently in lunar at least, those are the only two packages providing it [17:00] So, it's more specific to edubuntu (or really any GNOME install) that it enables a database configuration profile to be enabled. [17:00] It essentially enables pre-configured appfolders in the Applications overview. [17:01] ubunutustudio-menu is meant to be DE-agnostic in that way. [17:02] is the name "user" special? [17:02] I have a /etc/dconf/profile/ibus on my system (only file in that dir), owned by the ibus package [17:03] ahasenack: I don't remember, but it's what worked iirc. [17:04] I can try renaming it, I suppose, and see what happens. [17:04] * Eickmeyer tests [17:05] I think it's best if this can be thought about a little more. BUt then again, I'n not a desktop guy, and /etc/dconf is not my cup of tea, so I'm not even qualified to review the inner workings of that [17:05] Sure. Being a desktop guy on both Plasma and GNOME, this is the kind of thing I have to worry about. 😅 [17:05] * ahasenack bows [17:27] Eickmeyer: it is possible to do what you need with gsettings overrides instead of dconf directly? [17:28] jbicha: Tried, didn't work. [17:30] Especially for users that are installing after-the-fact. This mostly stems from when someone installs lsp-plugins, it will completely jam-up their activities overview with identical icons. [17:30] The desire to have an appfolder in that case is very high. [17:31] We're talking hundreds of icons. [17:37] the best docs I know for dconf for sysadmin (or distro admin) are https://help.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable [17:37] for instance, keys can be locked down to prevent being changed [17:39] the last time I dealt with trying to tweak gnome-menus, I remember it not working as well as I wanted :( [17:45] jbicha: Yeah, that didn't work so well. The good news is I just figured out a solution for what we've got. [17:45] ahasenack: Renaming "user" to "edubuntu" seems to have worked as expected, so I can probably go that route with both. [17:46] what about co-instalability of those two packages? Would each use a different name? [17:46] Yes. They both have the same contents and are telling the system to do the exact same thing, so again, not a factor. [17:47] please make sure to update the test case with something creative about this :) [17:47] One would simply be "edubuntu", the other would be "ubuntustudio". [17:47] install one, check your thing, install the other, check, then install both at the same time, check again [17:47] Yep. :) [17:48] great [17:48] phew [17:49] would be good perhaps, if you have this info, to have a reference in the [other information] part about what this file does (high level), if there are naming conventions for files in /etc/dconf/profile/* (or if they are all just read and merged together) [17:50] I did an apt-file search for /etc/dconf/profile, in lunar, and only two packages currently have content there: ibus, and ubuntustudio-menu [17:51] They're all read and merged together. Same thing happens in /etc/dconf/db/site.d where, if you have both installed in mantic, you have 00_edubuntu, 00_ubuntustudio, and 01_appfolders (which gets generated dynamically) and are all merged together. === tyhicks_ is now known as tyhicks [21:31] Eickmeyer: I'll continue tomorrow morning, my brain is fried for today, but it looks good [21:32] ahasenack: Awesome. Have a good evening! o/ [21:32] you too