
gryBinarySavior: does it have logs in /var/log/apt/history.log or somelike?00:01
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josh_Hello! Have anyone upgraded from Ubuntu 22.04 to 23.04 and if so, can you share with me the experience?02:28
mybalzitchnope, I can't02:49
scwordsmithCan Lunar update to Gnome 45?02:51
rboxwhatevaer packages are in the repo are the packages that are in the repo02:52
scwordsmithOk, thanks..wasnt sure if someone knew off the top of their head02:53
guivercscwordsmith, you'll get GNOME 45 when you release-upgrade to 22.10; mantic is hours away from hitting 'beta'03:04
guivercs/22.10/23.10 ^03:04
lockeMy Google on ubuntu won't bring up anything -- not even Amazon.03:18
lockeAnd the firefox browsere won't bring up anything.03:20
lockeBut it is accessing my Wifi conection.03:21
decateloanyone on line?03:21
lockeI am.03:21
rboxnope, the 2 people that have talked since you joined are just figments of your imagination03:21
decatelowich country?03:21
decatelogood fellings!03:22
lockeI'm in USA.03:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:23
decateloI'm stay out from  IRC since 20 years, i guess03:24
decatelothat's wonderful see you here yet!!03:24
Eickmeyerdecatelo: I mean, just join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want idle conversation.03:24
lockeI can't get my ubuntu to picg .03:26
lockeI can't get my ubuntu to ping .03:27
Eickmeyer!patience | locke03:27
ubottulocke: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/03:27
lockeWhat am I missing?03:28
lockeNello YuGiOhJCJ. Of all the people I have seen on IRC, you've got the one handle I don't like retyping!03:41
rboxi guess t hats why god invented tab c ompletion03:42
lockeYuGiOhJCJ,  ... Oh Geez, the tab completion does work, at elast on Windows 10!03:43
matsamanthank gebus for Windows 1003:44
lockeDoes tab completion work in ubuntu also?03:45
matsamanlocke: =P03:45
lockematsaman, , what did your last message mean?03:47
matsamanthe IRC client you're using is from Unixland03:47
matsamanit does tab completion because an IRC client that doesn't is ridiculous, and because tab completion is incredibly popular in Unix land03:48
YuGiOhJCJlocke, you can call me yugi, it's fine ;)03:50
lockeYuGiOhJCJ, you''re fine, now that I know how to use tab completion.03:53
lockeAnyway, I've got to go to bed now. ...  bbl03:54
m4kerwhen i run netstat i get hundreds of Active UNIX domain sockets, is it possible i got some malware or something? *noob*05:34
akikhi, how can i make lxd start automatically on ubuntu 22.04 boot?06:18
akiknow it's started through maybe socket activation because lxc list starts it06:23
akiki got lxd start automatically by disabling snap.lxd.daemon.unix.socket, adding an [Install] section to snap.lxd.daemon and setting "boot.autostart true" for the lxc container07:24
LnxGnome@m4ker I would not think so from just that.09:53
ArtfulDodgerHey! Is that possible that, on Windows, some Wifi network is showed as "open" and connects by itself, while on Ubuntu 22.04, the same ESSID asks for an anonymous identity and CA cert (or to check the box stating that there is no cert)? I'd like to complain that they don't give use enough isntructions to connect but I wanna make sure that I'm not the one who makes some mistake :D10:01
weedmicyes, ArtfulDodger, perhaps someone saved all these items on the windows computer, yet you need to now do the procedure on the linux.  does it "automatically" connect on a brand new never used before?  I'll bet - computer says no10:08
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nwoobI have thinkpad t14 gen4 AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 7840U w/ Radeon 780M Graphics, tried to install ubuntu 22.04 but it goes to blank screen, so I tried to check with ubuntu 18 and it got installed but there are is no wifi and brightness also does not work. I tried to connect LAN cable but that does not work10:23
nwoobplease guide me10:23
nwoobNow I have installed linux mint and it works fine except for brightness10:24
jeremy31nwoob: try Ubuntu 23.0410:34
nwoobbut it's support is only upto jan 202410:36
alphasierrafedora then?10:36
alphasierrait's a bit more bleeding-edge with the drivers10:37
alphasierrayou might have more luck10:37
nwoobwell right now on limux mint and works except i can't change brightness10:37
nwoobalso if changing distro was my motive then I would not have asked help on ubuntu10:38
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NeoFrontierLong live irc !11:52
NeoFrontierIf I want to index my filesystem for fast file searching, is "locate" my best option ?11:53
ioriaif you update the db, yes; it's very fast11:55
NeoFrontierhello there ioria. :D . Does it index the whole system or only my home ? I would also like an external usb drive indexed.11:57
ioriaNeoFrontier, some directories  are not considered, but you can change the settigs11:57
NeoFrontierioria *thumbs up*11:58
ioriaNeoFrontier, check /etc/updatedb.conf12:00
* NeoFrontier takes notes12:01
* NeoFrontier offers ioria some tea12:01
NeoFrontierI am puzzled. I run updatedb. if I use "locate IMMORTALITY.pdf" I find it real fast. If I use "locate -i immorality.pdf" it returns nothing. Is the -i option not suppose to find it regardless of the case ?12:25
BluesKajHi all12:26
NeoFrontierLong live irc !12:28
weedmicNeoFrontier: if you do "sudo updatedb" it will index everything for locate12:37
NeoFrontierweedmic the -i option is not working on my system for some reason...12:37
weedmicthe other question about -i, i do not remember, please look at man:updatedb in konquerer12:37
weedmicok, i checked, -i is not an option.  it is too long for me to do now (it being english).  however, i did not find "text, insensitive, sensitive" so it might not be possible, but you can read it to be sure.12:39
NeoFrontierWhat language do you speak ? weedmic ?12:40
NeoFrontierioria: How do you search case insensitive with locate ? the locate -i option does not seem to work for me...12:42
weedmicbest, nederlands, but many others - i'm just lasy to read the english b/c of all the historical spelling nonsense.12:43
ioriaNeoFrontier, odd12:43
leftyfbNeoFrontier: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/q2Hh2xmP3Z/ works for me on Ubuntu 22.0412:44
NeoFrontierweedmic, Ek kan Afrikaans praat. Dit is baie dieselfde.12:44
ioriaNeoFrontier, on what fs ? ext4 ?12:44
NeoFrontierext4, but ioria, I do have filesystem issues.12:44
leftyfbweedmic: -i is in fact an option12:45
leftyfbNeoFrontier: filesystem issues?12:45
weedmicnot in man:updatedb12:45
NeoFrontierdrive issues12:45
weedmicI also tried -I12:45
ioriaweedmic, locate --help12:45
weedmicit's not in my version of updatedb man pages - i just double checked.  fyi man:updatedb and in the terminal man updatedb pull the same file - just one is printable and pretty12:47
ioriaweedmic,run ' locate --help'12:48
leftyfbweedmic: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/man1/mlocate.1.html#:~:text=and%20exit%20successfully.-,%2Di%2C%20%2D%2Dignore%2Dcase,-Ignore%20case%20distinctions12:49
leftyfbweedmic: it's not in the updatedb man page, it's in the locate man page12:50
leftyfbNeoFrontier: replace the drive, then worry about indexing12:50
NeoFrontierleftyfb: replacing the drive might just be a good idea...12:50
leftyfbI would call it the only idea/option12:51
NeoFrontierleftyfb Not the ONLY just the best option...12:51
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NeoFrontierlocate * | grep -i "aNyCaseyuO-likeWORKS"13:10
leftyfbNeoFrontier: what release of ubuntu is this?13:11
NeoFrontiernever use cheap solid state drives.13:11
NeoFrontierPRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS"13:13
leftyfbif you're going to have this sort of issue on that drive, then you're filesystem is done for and you're going to experience much more critical issues.13:13
leftyfbit's also a good idea to upgrade to 22.04 anyway13:14
NeoFrontierEverything is backed up. Ready for the explosion.13:14
mzokusnort, real time traffic analyzing and denying malicious sites, but is it free? I see CISCO managing it and they have a subscription plan13:18
mzokuor is there anything else that works the same way13:19
mzokuor should I ask this in linux channel instead of here13:19
NeoFrontierleftyfb, I am not entirely convinced that this particular issue is related to the drive. The only reason I ever suspected the drive to be strange - Is because when I do a stat command to get the birth date of a file - it never has the birth date.13:20
NeoFrontierChange: 2023-09-21 14:07:56.278280226 +020013:20
NeoFrontier Birth: -13:20
NeoFrontierBirth always looks like that...13:20
lotuspsychje!info snort | mzoku13:21
ubottumzoku: snort (, lunar): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Built by snort. Size 774 kB / 2,030 kB13:21
leftyfbthat's a non-issue13:21
mzokulotuspsychje, that's nice, thanks for showing13:21
lotuspsychjeits on the repos, you can install and use free mzoku13:22
NeoFrontierleftyfb, I have never been able to explain it. Its an ext4 filesystem. It should have birth dates.13:22
NeoFrontierand not this. locate -i is not working.13:23
NeoFrontier*shrug* cant blame everything on the monster under my bed, but strange...13:23
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leftyfbNeoFrontier: https://askubuntu.com/a/91830313:23
mzokulotuspsychje, I will try then, I hope filters malicious and dangerous websites13:23
lotuspsychjemzoku: snort is an intrusion detector for systems, not a browser filter13:25
mzokulotuspsychje, I read, that it will filter browsers as well, because its monitoring handshakes on the IP.13:30
mzokuopening a website is a handshake13:31
itaiare there any grammar checkers for linux? software that can be run in the terminal.13:50
heeenhow can I find out the build flags for a given package13:53
heeensay, if it was configured with multithreading enabled13:53
leftyfbitai: to be honest, that would be a terrible idea. I'm trying to type: ip a eth0  and the system tries to correct me?13:54
leftyfbitai: as especially grammar. If anything, that should be up to the individual application to provide13:55
leftyfb(though my ip command was wrong regardless ;) )13:55
itaileftyfb: I thought about a software one coul drun on plain text files using the command line.14:07
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itaiit is about running the grammar check on the contents of text files14:08
matsamanitai: maybe https://github.com/opencog/link-grammar14:12
DumbLDoorHi all! I need to install libssl on my 23.04, it keeps complaining about missing libcrypto15:27
lotuspsychjeDumbLDoor: can you pastebin the whole output, apt gives you so the volunteers can take a look for you?15:28
DumbLDoor@lotuspsyche - https://pastebin.com/Y0MRfYZz15:41
ExaDumbLDoor: where is this binary coming from?  I don't think it's part of a package from ubuntu repositories15:47
Exayou issue is that it needs to be recompiled15:47
DumbLDoor@Exa - I see posts recommending downloading the libssl deb package.15:48
ExaI would not recommend doing that. stick with apt commands for installing packages15:48
Exainstalling random deb packages could break your system15:48
iorialibcrypto.so.1.1 is from libssl1.1,last seen on 20.04, iirc15:49
ExaDumbLDoor: what is returned by the command: dpkg -S /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy15:50
ioriaso, or a ppa or a custom install or grub customizer15:50
DumbLDoor@ioria..dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern "that you sent"15:52
ioriaDumbLDoor, check if you have 'grub customizer' installed15:53
DumbLDoorI do have grub customizer15:53
ioriathat's thew culprit , i guess15:54
ioriai suggest you purge/reverse it15:54
DumbLDoor@ioria - yes, looks like it.15:55
DumbLDoori will reinstall it15:55
DumbLDoor@ioria Somehow, it is no longer on my system.15:58
DumbLDoormaybe a similar software.15:58
ioriacheck /etc/apt/sources.list.d15:58
ioriaquite sure no repo pkg adds a bin directory to /etc/grub.d  for fun16:00
DumbLDoor@ioria .save and .list, no .bins16:04
DumbLDoor@ioria .distUpgrades too16:04
ioriaDumbLDoor, you need to check .list; maybe has been disabled with an hash '#'16:05
ioriathat's the case probably, 'cause you performed a release upgrade16:06
DumbLDoor@ioria - yes, I might have done that.16:07
DumbLDoorI think I did on this machine.16:08
DumbLDoorn-muench-ubuntu-burg-focal.list.save .. let me see if I can use Burg16:08
DumbLDoor@ioria - how do I undo release upgrade?16:11
xatrixHi, i'm using Jammy and i'd like to install gcc-12 (12.3.0) but my 'apt-cache policy gcc-12' shows me only gcc-12.1.0 version is available. Any idea how to install 12.3.0 ? As long as i see in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-12 it has support of gcc-12.3.016:11
xatrixPlease advice16:11
ioriaDumbLDoor, what ?16:11
DumbLDoor@ioria - sorry, which .list do i need to check for #?16:14
ioriaDumbLDoor, grub-customizer16:19
DumbLDoor@ioria - i am installing grub cust and installed the required ppa before it.16:20
DumbLDoor@ioria - installed danielrichter2007-ubuntu-grub-customizer-lunar.list, it has the deb and #deb-src16:23
Guest11Hy there, I have the problem that after running the install shell script for installing anki most of my programms got deleted. Does anybody know how to undo this?16:29
lotuspsychjeGuest11: maybe you can share the tutorial you followed to install anki, and pastebin your dpkg logs, so volunteers can have a look for you what happened16:38
Guest11I just intalled anki from the official website unpacked the folder and followed the readme instruction which says to run the install shell skript16:39
Guest11how to get the dpkg logs?16:39
Guest22how do you undelete the deleted chaos abilities uh' 1001001001 der tremes deekhat oikloin deemonikhen deetrosse'. IOW, how does ubuntu ubuntu? IOW, how does uh-bun-two declare the 2 while re-negotiating the 'uh' in non-linear [chaos?] terms?16:41
lotuspsychjeGuest11: /var/log/dpkg16:45
MohaHi; Mounting my external disk, I get this error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2Skv7Fxp7x/17:34
ElliriaHey there, which (address book) program do you all use to keep your contact information in?17:48
ioriaMoha, there's no fs17:49
MohaDoes it mean my data on the disk has been lost?17:50
DumbLDoor@ioria I somehow have a lot of issues on 23.04 with Open SSL. I have the latest version but basic operations demand 1.1 for some reason17:50
ioriaDumbLDoor, basic operations... meaning ?17:50
DumbLDoor@ioria apt update / install etc17:51
ioriaMoha, i'd try testdisk17:51
ioriaDumbLDoor, i don't think so17:51
Mohaioria: you mean I need to follow data recovery solutions?17:52
DumbLDoor@ioria - all updates start meddling with grub17:52
ioriaMoha, unless you find a way to make its fs show up, yes17:56
ioriaDumbLDoor, you don't use 1.1 on a 23.0417:56
DumbLDoor@ ioria - yes but why do i keep getting errors saying libcrypto.so.1.1 is not found17:57
ioriaDumbLDoor, did you ppa-purge that grub-cust stuff or not ?17:57
DumbLDoor@ioria - i just installed open ssl 1.1 and all went away17:58
ioriaDumbLDoor, i suggest you to ppa-purge it17:58
DumbLDoor@ioria I installed a new ppa for grub customizer17:59
dustcan ubuntu include all noto fonts in latest version? would be a great help...18:34
leftyfb!bug | dust18:39
ubottudust: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:39
leftyfbdust: you'll need to find someone to package it up for ubuntu. The best way is to get the package(s) into Debian first18:39
dustdebian is a no go for me... they are partly that outdated that i would call it rotten18:40
leftyfbdust: you know Ubuntu is based on Debian right?18:41
leftyfbdust: every release of Ubuntu starts by pulling packages from Debian unstable18:41
dustthis is a part of the problems ubuntu has and ll not fix...18:42
leftyfbdust: mind you, this isn't the place to make suggestions or complaints about Ubuntu. That's what launchpad is for18:43
dustleftyfb, Official Ubuntu Support Channel ... is the title... no? who are you?18:47
leftyfbdust: support, as in someone with an issue we can help troubleshoot and resolve. Suggestions and complaints are done by filing a bug on launchpad18:48
leftyfbdust: this channel is all volunteers from the community. It is not Canonical support nor is it staffed by anyone that works at Canonical18:49
dustleftyfb, read what i wrote18:51
leftyfbdust: I did. It doesn't change the fact that coming in here and saying "Put this package into Ubuntu" will be only slightly more effective than yelling it out your window. Here, you've been pointed to the proper place to make such a request, which isn't here.18:53
dustleftyfb, again... read what i wrote...18:54
leftyfbdust: if you're asking who I am, I am a member of the Ubuntu community just like everyone else here. Though that is irrelevant when providing support as anyone capable can do so.18:55
dustleftyfb, great... no further talk with u necessary18:56
elias_adust: Neither with me. Move on.18:58
dustelias_a, we didnt even talk...19:00
leftyfbdust: again, if you're looking for support from Canonical, Canonical employees or even package maintainers, this isn't the place for it. You file a bug on launchpad19:00
elias_adust: After your comments there is no need to talk. What a twit...19:02
dustelias_a, ah some insults from you?19:05
ElliriaIs this the package, dust? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-noto19:06
sybaritenHey ho!19:10
dustElliria, thx for the hint... seems its outdated compared to https://github.com/notofonts/notofonts.github.io/releases19:11
sybaritenI have a headless ubuntu server, v22, which i thought was moderately well equipped. Now i wanted to install glances which is a tiny ps-like tool to see processes on the machine, ncurses. Python i believe. Apt wants to install 450 megabytes...   i already have python3. How do i determine what the big "culprit" is here, from the packages that are being spewed out as suggestion?19:12
leftyfb!latest | dust19:13
ubottudust: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:13
sybaritenbasically: why so much?19:13
ElliriaYeah, you may have to contact the  packagers on the Ubuntu team or contact the administrators of the GitHub repository to see which of them needs to do something to make it happen.19:13
sybaritenI mean its definitely not X dependant, its a command line tool19:13
limeniusHi guys, I am in need of help some with apt . I am running ubuntu 23.04, and somehow I got into point, where when I try to update packages using `apt update` all official mirrors end up with "at least one invalid signature was encoutered" so far I spent searching web and trying lot of stuff, nothing worked and on top of that most problems are19:15
limeniussolved with apt-key, which is in 23.04 deprecated and works only "del" command... Anyone willing to help?19:15
leftyfbsybariten: you're referring to the snap package for glances right?19:16
ElliriaIf it's in the Ubuntu repository, then this should tell you what it depends on: dpkg -s glances | grep "Depends"19:16
sybaritenleftyfb: as embarassing as it is, ive never undestood what snap is. I use "apt install bla bnla"19:19
leftyfbsybariten: sudo snap install glances19:19
sybaritenElliria: merci19:19
sybaritenleftyfb: so whats the diff?19:20
leftyfbsybariten: https://ubuntu.com/core/services/guide/snaps-intro19:20
limeniusSo anyone up for fight with APT and not working GPG check of mirror?19:25
dustlimenius, what u can try is delete the downloaded package and then do update and upgrade... can be there was an error at download19:27
limeniusdust thanks for response. The thing is, that I am unaware of installing some package which could do that. Also, only way to install some package for me is to manually download package and its dependencies and install using dpkg19:29
dustlimenius, its better to use the package manger... sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade19:32
dustlimenius, not sure if it answers ur last writing...19:33
limeniusdust not it does not. `apt update` ends with `E: The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lunar InRelease' is not signed.`19:33
limeniusdust I need to somehow make apt capable of checking keys or what the hell happened in that nice piece of code...19:34
sybaritenleftyfb: thanks, read the page but not sure i really understand it. For somone who doesnt know so much about packaging, it basically sounds like another type of packaging...19:35
dustlimenius, sorry i dont know19:35
sybaritenWill the install be euqally easy to , well, maintain with snap as with apt (in other words, can i remove it easily)19:35
leftyfblimenius: check the date/time on your server19:36
limeniusdust well thanks for interest19:36
leftyfbsybariten: correct, it's just another package type19:36
limeniusleftyfb my workstation... time is ok.19:36
josh_Hi, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 23.04, I noticed some freezing but I do like the feel and some of the improvements, is there a workaround to make it more efficient?19:56
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jgomo3Hi! I need help sending a bug report. I asked support in Askubuntu, and I got the suggestion to fill a bug report. The suggestion was: "try that in a liveusb of 23.10 and if it is still happening, please file a bug report". https://askubuntu.com/questions/1486233/webcam-stoped-working-after-upgrading-from-20-04-to-23-0420:09
DumbLDoor@ioria - I installed openssl 1.1, did my updates and purge-removes and then uninstalled 1.1. All is well now20:20
ravagejgomo3: did you check if the webcam does not work at all or maybe just not in the application you need? which one is that? what is the output of "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE" from your installed 23.04 system?20:29
=== Fisher2445995 is now known as Fisher244599
arunsIs tnftp the default FTP client on Ubuntu?21:40
arunsAs if I do apt show ftp, I get Source: tnftp21:40
ravagearuns: if you need a GUI client try filezilla21:53
=== KingKeA3 is now known as KingKeA
kuckleheadWhat's the package name for libvirt-bin?22:00
kuckleheadAnd also qemu-kvm22:00
webchat1hello, i am from brazil, am i working with GLPI 10 in ubunto, i am with some problems, anyone could try to talk to me ?i realy need help.22:06
arunsOK thanks ravage, already have it installed22:10
leftyfbwebchat1: for support with GLPI, please contact https://glpi-project.org/contact_us/22:10
jsmoothI installed Ubuntu to a Flash drive, but upon booting it only gives me a GRUB shell. How do I fix this so that it boots but doesn't try to takeover Master-Boot-Record?22:43

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