[02:05] hi, fedora is disabling the plasma on xorg session in fedora 40. is kubuntu planning this also for some future release? [02:08] I cannot speak for the developers, but Kubuntu MM (to become 23.10) doesn't even have Wayland as the default yet. === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [09:32] Hello, I'd like to politely ask if this feature (see link below) will be eventually be backported to Kubuntu with Plasma 5. I am already looking forward for six months to use the great new feature and I'm pretty sure lot of users would warmly welcome this. [09:32] https://invent.kde.org/plasma/breeze/-/merge_requests/292 [09:32] -ubottu:#kubuntu- Merge 292 in plasma/breeze "Outline intensity setting" [Merged] === guiverc2 is now known as guvierc === guvierc is now known as guiverc [12:35] Hi all [15:20] Hi team [15:21] I am new here , and proud to use Kubuntu for 3 weeks now [15:21] it's running on a BEELINK S2 mini [15:22] unfortunately running Intel AX101 so no BT or Wifi [15:22] which , if I understand well, I need kernel upgrade but I am scared to break everything