
m_tadeugood morning. is there a way to recover a system (failing I'm guessing due to a bad update), by mounting the disk on another system?09:34
lotuspsychj3m_tadeu: try ubuntu's recoverymode from grub first09:37
lotuspsychj3m_tadeu: you got a lot of options to try there, fix packages with apt, boot into a previous kernel, manualy install packages on a rootshell etc09:38
m_tadeulotuspsychj3: I don't think I have access to the boot stage...it's a aws instance09:38
m_tadeuat least I don't know how09:38
lotuspsychj3check perhaps if a shift hold or ESC brings you into grub m_tadeu 09:41
m_tadeulotuspsychj3: unfortunately I can't find a way to do that. is there something I can change in the grub config to trigger that?09:48
lotuspsychj3not sure sorry m_tadeu maybe someone else has ideas09:49
lotuspsychj3if you running ubuntu server, you should be at least able to boot into a previous kernels for when things get wrong right09:50
m_tadeulotuspsychj3: thanks...well I launch the instance but then I don't have direct access to the machine. I have to connect to it. by that time, the boot menu is long gone09:52
lotuspsychj3can you ssh into it?09:52
m_tadeunop, since it doesn't boot properly...doesn't even get to start the network09:53
lotuspsychj3if it doesnt boot properly, we can also not edit grub to try things to boot09:55
m_tadeudamn...finally was able to get in....after standing for a lot of errors, I'm in bash as root...trying to recover09:59
lotuspsychj3ah nice10:00
lotuspsychj3enable networking + rootshell in there10:00
m_tadeusystem recovered...10:10
m_tadeulotuspsychj3: appreciate your help10:10
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)10:10
JanCdoesn't Amazon have something like a remote console?10:18
JanCor a rescue boot image?10:20
m_tadeukind of...I was able to create a new machine that supports serial console connections...then I was able to get it as root (since the boot failed). and despite lots of error messages just popping up, I was able to 'dpkg --configure -a', which fixed the issue10:51
esvhey folks, are there Ubuntu repos that might match this regular expression ? "http:\/\/[a-z][a-z]\.archive\.ubuntu\.com\/ubuntu"11:23
esvthat looks odd to me but rather check here than just tossing it out11:24
esvahhhh maybe country specific?11:25
lotuspsychj3esv: maybe a question for the #ubuntu-mirrors crew?11:39
blahdeblahesv: That definitely matches many mirrors11:39
blahdeblahhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors have more info if you need it11:41
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