=== LnxGnome1 is now known as LnxGnome [01:41] hi. so i have installed nemo as my default file explorer via xdg-mime and "gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true [01:41] ". the problem is brave browser is still using nautilus for things like opening downloaded files in folder. any ideas to tell brave to use nemo instead? === codingkoopa3 is now known as codingkoopa === marcopolo1_ is now known as marcopolo1 [04:58] como isso funciona [04:58] ? [04:58] english === GenericPlayer8 is now known as GenericPlayer === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [06:30] Good morning! Has anyone encountered freezing issues upgrading to Ubuntu 23.04? === ord is now known as quem [09:29] 2> are you know how to install latest ruby on rails stack to xubuntu? [09:30] are you know how to install latest ruby on rails stack to ubuntu? === Vercas2 is now known as Vercas === shlom is now known as V1A === ord is now known as quem === guiverc2 is now known as guvierc === guvierc is now known as guiverc [11:42] I installed Ubuntu to a Flash drive, giving me only a limited GRUB shell. I rebooted a few times and that got me a desktop environment, but I could not get Firefox to open and now Firefox appears uninstalled. Trying to install Firefox snap, it times out. [11:43] I really want Ubuntu to a can do PHP development, but I don't know what to do here. [11:52] jsmooth: wich ubuntu release is that? [12:15] I downloaded the latest release a day or two ago. === ord is now known as quem === ord is now known as quem [12:35] Hi all === shlom is now known as V1A === esv_ is now known as esv [12:58] !next | jsmooth [12:58] jsmooth: Mantic Minotaur is the codename for Ubuntu 23.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [13:10] oh hey, no more activities button [13:10] not a discussion for this support channel mybalzitch [13:30] I dont accept the terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService, whatever they are :-)) [13:50] Guys, did you ever consider changing to linux or will you stay on ubuntu? [13:50] KingShark: trolling is offtopic here. Feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support issues [13:51] :( [13:51] * Now talking on #ubuntu-trolling === esv_ is now known as esv [13:59] I have a question, is there any known problems with ubuntu2023.04? [13:59] compared to what [14:35] I only have 22.04.3, according to ubuntu.com, so I don't need #ubuntu-next [14:36] jsmooth: thats not the latest ubuntu then, but the latest current LTS [14:37] Yes, that is correct. [14:37] I don't understand what happened to firefox or why only Terminal, Software, and app menu will open. [14:38] I have at least 8G ram, the flash drive is 32G and this laptop is not even a year old. [14:38] try to open firefox from a terminal and see what happens [14:39] I did, it said I needed to install firefox using snap install firefox. I tried that and it timed out. [14:40] I certainly didn't uninstall it. [14:40] is snap the only option? what does sudo apt install firefox give you [14:41] Let me try booting again and see if I can get firefox [15:01] hi! is this the ubuntu or the ubuntu studio topic? [15:01] Both [15:01] !support [15:01] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [15:01] ok. thanks! [15:02] Ubuntu Studio is *not* a separate distribution, being an official flavor of Ubuntu. Don't know where you got the idea it was separate. [15:07] anyone using ubuntu studio ? I updated audacity to v3 , and now reports a lot of plugins not compatible . The thing is , if I update (if I can) those plugins, will not mess the other audio apps, etc. I made the download from the audacity site, so I guess the question is, is there a proper way to update audacity to version3? [15:07] mesnitu: What version? yy.mm [15:08] !yy.mm | mesnitu [15:08] mesnitu: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [15:08] ok. 22.04 [15:09] mesnitu: Sadly, 22.04 lacks the proper dependencies for Audacity 3, but there is a snap for Audacity 3 if you want to use that. [15:13] ok, I'll check that. There is no issue with audacity , the thing is about the plugins warnings ( around 27 plugins not compatible with version 3 ) ... I guess all of them . Also, I'm "new" to ubuntu and new to ubuntu studio, so not sure if this warnings are just for audacity, and no harm done if I try to update those of plugins, or is down hill afterwards. [15:14] mesnitu: That's actually pretty normal for Audacity. It's known to not be compatible with all plugins and implements a non-standard way of handling lv2 plugins. [15:14] I got snap to try to install, but it stopped saying something wasn't seeded yet. I don't have a clue what that means. [15:14] Also note, that this plugins are from a default ubuntu studio installation. So nothing mine [15:14] It took 10 minutes for the system to boot up [15:14] Installing to a flash drive seems to have been a big mistake. [15:15] mesnitu: Understood. I'm the Ubuntu Studio lead, and I assure you all of the plugins are unmodified from the upstream and are done according to standards. Audacity just has a non-standard way of handling them. === ord is now known as quem [15:16] jsmooth: Flash drives are notoriously slow compared to nvme or even a spinning hdd. [15:17] I have an external usb hard drive, but I'm not sure it'd be much better. [15:17] ok , I'll check snap. Thanks, and also thank's for your and the team work. So far so good! [15:17] jsmooth: Depends on the USB speed and the speed of the HDD, but typically internal is faster. [15:18] mesnitu: Glad to hear it. [15:18] It's usb 3.0, I know that [15:18] the flash drive is only 2.0 === shlom is now known as V1A [15:18] jsmooth: Yeah, you might have better luck with the external hdd compared to the flash drive. [15:26] Why is my server swapping? https://imgur.com/a/zvc6bhq [15:30] onesendi, try following this to find out which process is swapping https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-which-process-is-using-swap/ [15:40] I give up. I can't get the Ubuntu on Flash to do anything and I cannot shrink partition on my external to install it there. [16:09] Is there a way to "reset" the studio control ( in ububtu studio ) to the default install values? [16:34] how to detect hdmi devices on ubuntu? [16:34] I have ezcap device which has hdmi and usb out [16:34] if connected only with hdmi can i detect hdmi? can I detect usb itself? [16:36] Hello! I upgraded to Ubuntu 23.04 and I am experiencing some freezing issues. Has anyone faced such issue and is there any appropriate step to remedy the situation? [16:39] does your heating system have a central control unit? [16:40] that was mean KingShark .. [16:40] :( sorry [16:40] bad pun [16:40] farrah where are u from? [16:41] i am still laughing but yes humour is subjective :)) [16:41] :) [16:56] Can anyone clarify what this file is about? [2023-09-22T12:47:35-0400] error : filesystem statistic error: cannot read /sys/dev/block/0:0/stat -- No such file or directory [17:06] FKAShinobi, https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/block/stat.txt [17:07] How come netstat isn't in repo anymore? [17:09] KingShark: Is this a high severity error? [17:11] hello everybody, is there a way to set a specific FIXED permissions of files and folder ? for example i would like to set 660 to /static and 600 to /app and after a git pull i would like to force permissions usign the same i set [17:11] jsmooth: it is, it's part of the net-tools package [17:11] can i do it somehow? [17:12] instead of running chmod everytime [17:12] is there any way to detect my hdmi device with cmd? [17:13] Yakov32: yes https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man1/ddcutil.1.html [17:15] btw how to do the same on windows? [17:15] Yakov32: ask in #windows [17:17] I did :) [17:20] Curious, does this channel support Ubuntu that is installed into Windows Subsystem for Linux? [17:20] !wsl | jsmooth [17:20] jsmooth: Windows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [17:21] I know, I have it installed, but I'm wondering if it's a special version of Ubuntu that isn't supported [17:32] how to detect what conntected to my hdmi port? [17:33] sorry, wrong channel [18:03] what command might i use to print out the number of open files there are per application? [18:04] lsof | wc -l is showing 150k open files....just curious whats making that number up [18:07] coderman1, this page has same solutions to that https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21752067/counting-open-files-per-process [18:07] some one liners in the first reply [18:10] KingShark, hard to find one of those that actually works...most of them print it out by PID, and some of them only print out a total of like 500 open files [18:11] lsof | grep ' rabbitmq ' | awk '{print $NF}' | sort | wc -l [18:11] worked the best, it shows 115k open files by rabbitmq [18:13] coderman1, the second answer (10 upvotes) one works well for me [18:13] it does not translate the pids to process names though so thats something you could work on x) === pasiz32 is now known as pasiz3 [18:47] ciaoooo [18:50] Hey everyone [18:50] hello [18:51] are u from [18:52] from Cuba here [18:52] !chat | mina34 [18:52] mina34: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:57] ❤️Sei disposto a fare sesso reale?❤️😋 Telemm>>mina4986 [19:16] ❤️Sei disposto a fare sesso reale?❤️😋 Telemm>>mina4986 [19:16] ❤️Sei disposto a fare sesso reale?❤️😋 Telemm>>mina4986 [19:18] del amina siento yogo? Telemm >> Guest22 [19:19] layiento amina siento la mina [19:20] ❤️Sei disposto a fare sesso reale?❤️😋 Telemm>>mina4986 [19:21] !es [19:21] lalala delmina [19:21] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [19:21] es nochos doritos la Einmeyer, siento nochosahhhhhh [19:22] !ops | Guest22 [19:22] Guest22: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [19:22] oh shit [19:23] * el raises eyebrow at Guest22 [19:23] taco [19:23] if you're not actually that spammer perhaps learn to not repeat spam because i very nearly removed you from the whole network for that. [19:31] https://shrinke.me/RdoWok [19:58] how do I set ubuntu 20.04 to have all the utf8 locals in usa? this is what I want to set it to https://dpaste.org/cQHEB [20:18] dman777_alter: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales [20:27] zoomm10: do I click every box on there? [20:28] dman777_alter: no, only en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 [20:32] does it slow down the shell or the system if I have 2 many locals used? [20:44] dman777_alter: no [20:47] zoomm10: thanks [20:59] hey guys, I've just done a fresh install of ubuntu 23.04 (gnome 44.3) on my gaming laptop AMD Ryzen 7 3750H CPU with integrated GPU Radeon Vega 10, and discrete GPU nVidia GTX 1660Ti. I'm having trouble starting Steam [21:00] when running steam via gnome, it loads, logs me in, and then freezes [21:00] however, if i run steam via terminal, it works fine [21:01] I've also noticed that if I run steam via gnome but by using right-click menu and "Launch using integrated GPU" it also works [21:02] I previously set Prime profile to "Performance Mode" instead of the default "On-demand" mode, in Nvidia X server settings [21:03] also, I installed steam using terminal and apt install steam-installer [21:07] if I run this in terminal, steam also freezes: "__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia steam" [21:45] I think i solved the issue with Steam. I've reverted the nvidia x settings from "Performance" to "On-demand" so that Steam starts with iGPU [21:46] it works now [21:48] gj [21:48] \o/ === pro is now known as Guest4905 [23:28] I installed Ubuntu a few days ago onto a USB stick, after a few reboots, i got to a desktop, but Firefox wouldn't start. Then after a reboot, Firefox must be installed via snap. Attempt to install it got me an error that something isn't "seeded yet"...I don't know what to do. [23:42] jsmooth: usb is very slow to transfer data so once installed everything will happen much faster from the harddrive it upadte after 1st boot then all should be fine [23:42] updates [23:44] jsmooth: I do usually update and store updates a few minutes after first boot before looking for issues speed ect.