
-queuebot:#ubuntu-quality- Builds: 34 entries have been added, updated or disabled00:36
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <enrico89> Hello, I've just updated Kubuntu from 23.04 to 23.10 beta. The first start was pretty problematic... the first boot after the update I get tons of error messages related to the Intel Wifi then it started (2-3 minutes). When I shut down the system, it was stuck waiting for thermal.d daemon (or something similar). I had to force the shutdown. Now everything works fine with no errors at all and it's fast in 09:42
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <enrico89> Only that first boot had all these issues09:42
guiverc@enrico89, thanks for the report. You could file a bug report (ubuntu-bug linux probably) so there is a log of it.  Describe what happened, that it is now working etc.. If it re-occurs; there is a record/place for you to report issue with.  My 2c09:48
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <enrico89> Thanks for the reply, I'll try to report it (re @ubuntu_bridge_Bot: (irc) <guiverc> @enrico89, thanks for the report. You could file a bug report (ubuntu-bug linux probably) so there is a log of it.  Describe what happened, that it is now working etc.. If it re-occurs; there is a record/place for you to report issue with.  My 2c)09:49

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