[00:08] I am trying to setup a stadia for BT but it is paired with the system as a gamepad controller. I am looking to have it connectd via usb but not paired so I can setup the BT via Brave. === jj5_ is now known as jj5 [05:42] I am getting this error after registration : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1cee7e9b/file_68919.jpg [05:42] Last night I was registered using my [05:42] Android id === VlA is now known as V1A [12:09] Hi all [12:19] * enyc meows BluesKaj [12:21] Hrrm, if a contact would do well with KDE desktop for reasons of theming/style/etc, this raises the question, will Manic23.10 be a good start that can be 'upgraded' to stay on 24.04 LTS -or- is rather older 22.04 just as good, big step back, .... ?? [12:21] Wondering especially what the "state of flux/change" is at this point [12:22] how ubuntu LTS/sub-releases are co-inciding with KDE big changes [12:22] [/releases] [17:52] Does anybody know why I can't get maliit to pop up? [17:54] I switched to KDE on my Ubuntu installation about a month ago and the only thing that is not quite working is the screen keyboard [17:55] As far as I know maliit is the only one that integrates into KDE but it won't pop up for me even after setting the required environment variables [17:56] I had to disable screen locking because of the lack of a functional and supported keyboard [18:00] the system will reboot now during the power off or reboot I get that msg and also it take time like 1 min to turn off or reboot any solution === VlA is now known as V1A [20:15] mr_honesty: The problem with slow shutdown is the systemd shutdown mechanism is arguably over-cautious for a desktop system. Edit /etc/systemd/system.conf and change DefaultTimeoutStopSec to something lower than the default (from 90s to 5s). Then sudo systemctl daemon-reload. Hope that helps. === VlA is now known as V1A