=== Hobbyboy|BNC is now known as Hobbyboy | ||
carlonsky | buongiorno a tutti | 14:29 |
carlonsky | sto tentando di installare ubuntu studio su di una distro ubuntu 23.04 official with gnome | 14:32 |
Eickmeyer | !it | carlonsky | 14:32 |
ubottu | carlonsky: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette) | 14:32 |
carlonsky | I'm trying to install ubuntu studio within a regular ubuntu 23.04 with gnome as a destop environment | 14:44 |
carlonsky | using the provided ubuntu studio installer doesn't seem to work properly | 14:44 |
Eickmeyer | carlonsky: checking all of the boxes on ubuntu studio installer isn't a good idea, as two of the packages cannot be installed simultaneously (ubuntustudio-pipewire-config and ubuntustudio-pulseaudio-config). Furthermore, ubuntustudio-pulseaudio-config cannot be installed on Ubuntu Desktop due to a known bug in the ubuntu-desktop metapackage. | 14:46 |
carlonsky | I saw that so does this mean I just cannot use ubuntu studio on this version on ubuntu? | 14:46 |
Eickmeyer | (this is documented on the page) | 14:47 |
Eickmeyer | No, read the documentation carefully. | 14:47 |
Eickmeyer | !ubuntustudio-installer | 14:47 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, and/or add the !ubuntustudio-backports PPA. For more info, see https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/ | 14:47 |
carlonsky | so what if I try from terminal without the installer? I actually did that and it installed most of the things | 14:47 |
Eickmeyer | "NOTE: Due to a packaging bug in Ubuntu Desktop (the ubuntu-desktop metapackage specifically), ubuntustudio-pulseaudio-config is incompatible and cannot be installed. Users of Ubuntu Desktop (also known as Ubuntu GNOME or Ubuntu “vanilla”) must use ubuntustudio-pipewire-config." | 14:48 |
Eickmeyer | Are you reading what I'm typing? | 14:48 |
carlonsky | yes | 14:48 |
Eickmeyer | It's still possible. | 14:48 |
carlonsky | in fact I did install pipewire | 14:48 |
carlonsky | and dropped the other one | 14:48 |
Eickmeyer | Then you're done. | 14:48 |
carlonsky | what about the low latency kernel | 14:49 |
carlonsky | do I need to check that when I reboot? | 14:49 |
Eickmeyer | Did that install? | 14:49 |
carlonsky | probably yes | 14:49 |
Eickmeyer | Then you're fine. Just reboot and everything is good. | 14:49 |
carlonsky | Ok I'll try | 14:49 |
carlonsky | thanx for now | 14:49 |
Eickmeyer | You really didn't need help, you did everything correctly. | 14:50 |
carlonsky | I'm checking the kernel rebooting, it is not working now. for instance I can't find the ubuntu studio setup app | 14:51 |
Eickmeyer | There's no such thing. | 14:51 |
Eickmeyer | And that's not a feature of the lowlatency kernel. | 14:52 |
Eickmeyer | If you mean the audio configuration utility, that's a 23.10 feature. | 14:55 |
carlonsky | Yes, I noticed that. I'll mess around with it and let you know. I was interested in trying linuxsampler with ubuntu studio on my hp | 15:03 |
Eickmeyer | Ok. Just of note: you have not converted your system to Ubuntu Studio as a flavor, you've simply installed Ubuntu Studio's configuration and applications onto Ubuntu. | 15:04 |
carlonsky | I always used old hardware so I wanted to give a chance to it with same hardware I'll normally use to play music | 15:04 |
Eickmeyer | Sounds great. | 15:05 |
carlonsky | exactly, I was really impressed on the new (for me) environment of ubuntu 23.04 gnome | 15:05 |
carlonsky | So I wanted to keep that. Probably it will be easier to just install from scratch a new ubuntu 22 professionally approved version of it. I won't be very interested in the desktop environment if I'm playing music | 15:07 |
carlonsky | Maybe a dual boot | 15:07 |
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