
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> Getting this : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/a8fc6c09/file_68938.jpg03:09
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> I need to move that file to this folder : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/29c5a5a0/file_68939.jpg04:28
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> Getting this issue  for long time : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ec937f75/file_68940.jpg04:34
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/df7c047a/file_68941.jpg04:34
enychrrm. I was asking a question before ....06:50
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> How i can set the Albert hot key globally in kubuntu 23.1008:36
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> How i can set the Albert hot key globally in kubuntu 23.0408:41
tomreynmr_honestyy: what is "the Albert hot key"?10:02
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> Ctrl + space10:03
tomreynwhen you are sharing "issues", please try to use text as much as possible. just posting an image is often not enough to describe a problem. describe what you did, what you expected to happen, and what happened instead.10:03
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> Ok10:03
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> When I reboot or power off my system i get this msg and it take time like more than one minute to automatically turn off or reboot : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/df7c047a/file_68941.jpg10:04
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> . (re @mr_honestyy: )10:04
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> When I reboot or power off my system i get this msg and it take time like more than one minute to automatically turn off or reboot how i can solve this problem... : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/df7c047a/file_68941.jpg10:05
tomreynwhich kubuntu version are you running?10:06
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> When I reboot or power off my system i get this msg and it take time like more than one minute to automatically turn off or reboot how i can solve this problem...Kubuntu version :- 23.04 KDE version:- 5.27.4Processor :- Intel core i5 Graphics platform:- Wayland : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/df7c047a/file_68941.jpg10:08
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> . (re @mr_honestyy: )10:08
tomreynpress escape immediately when then messages seen on https://irc-attachments.kde.org/df7c047a/file_68941.jpg is printed on screen, then see if there is some process which is taking a long time to shut down (and ultimatively failing to do so)10:10
tomreynonce you know what it is that delays the shutdown, you can focus on fixing this issue.10:10
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> I press escape many time nothing i see (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> press escape immediately when then messages seen on https://irc-attachments.kde.org/df7c047a/file_68941.jpg is printed on screen, then see if there is some process which is taking a long time to shut down (and ultimatively failing to do so))10:12
tomreynok in this case let's try this:10:13
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters10:14
tomreynboot with these kernel parameters, then shut the system down - you should get more output this time.10:14
tomreynactually if you just run    systemctl log-level info    before you shutdown, thuis may be sufficient to get more verbose output10:22
tomreynmr_honestyy ^10:22
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> getting this error when i run this command : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/15c2fe9e/file_68945.jpg10:28
tomreynyou can just run the command with "sudo" prefixed, no need to "sudo -i"10:35
tomreyni.e.    sudo systemctl log-level info10:37
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weedmicin the end, what did the "albert hot key" turn out to be?10:45
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> not getting anything : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/d44c0d95/image_2023_09_26_16_17_40.png10:47
tomreynmr_honestyy: on a linux shell, when there is no output for a command, it usually means the command succeeded10:50
tomreynshutdown now, and you should get to see more (may need to hit escape again)10:50
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> Ok10:50
tomreynweedmic: <mr_honestyy> Ctrl + space10:51
tomreynapparently it's some application10:51
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> I get this : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/b0165a75/file_68947.jpg10:51
weedmicwhy call it such a name?10:52
tomreynmr_honesty: that's after reboot, but did you get to see more during shutdown?10:52
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> I do know i a new Linux user10:53
weedmicI mean I have the "host" key - for right ctrl, and a few other weird things like that.10:53
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> I am asking for this problem (re @mr_honestyy: )10:53
tomreynmr_honesty: you can press ctrl-alt-del to leave the grub prompt10:54
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> Ok yes I do10:54
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> Then10:54
tomreynif you want to, you can repeat the process: boot normally, then in a konsole window, type  sudo systemctl log-level info    then type   sudo systemctl reboot   (or do whatever you did previously to cause the slow shutdown) and press escape immediately to ensure you get full output.10:58
tomreynif this still doesn't work then i'm afraid i don't know what's wrong with my recipe.10:58
tomreynthe idea of getting more output is for you to see and understand what is the thing that is causing the shutdown to take so long10:59
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> Getting this just : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/35c8f4d5/file_68948.jpg11:07
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/c29aa200/file_68949.jpg11:08
weedmicbut you already know <mr_honestyy> "albert toggle" = Ctrl + space11:47
BluesKajHi all12:07
givkoI have 2 monitors. can anyone tell me how to scale only one monitor on Kubuntu?17:08
gregor3000hi, 've had nvidia driver issues at upgrade for some time but not as bad as today at my kids PC. so the issue was that PC apparently went off at some point possibly after autoupdate or triggered. anyway while it would boot i could not get the openGL to work. enabling it in settings resulted in non bootable state. and drivers were not fully upgraded. i uninstalled, reinstalled18:21
gregor3000went to older kernel worked just fine.18:21
aienaI have a kubuntu virtual machine setup in virtmanager it is getting network connectivty through a bridge configured in network manager on the host it gets the static dhcp ip from the real router and internet works but KDE shows the network with limited connectivity why does it say that?18:21
gregor3000reinstalled new kernel, nothing.18:21
gregor3000went to recovery, did some repair, booted.it was showing drivers installed. but they were not. so i installed them. PC boots. yes!! finally!! but now it takes 1. min to boot.18:22
aienagregor3000, live boot also doesnt work?18:22
gregor30001.5 min18:22
gregor3000it is just strange as i had a simialr issue myself. drivers update in updater then screen goes black18:23
gregor3000at the time i saw this my quick fix was go to console TTY2, wait a bit, then reboot. but why does it turn off the screen?18:24
gregor3000this is what puzzles me as it didn't do this before.18:24
gregor3000so i was wodnering if anyone else saw this? we both have Ryzens  (7 - 2700 and 5-3600) and we both use nvidia GTX 1650 (different manufacturers) and we both have 22.04 LTS18:26
gregor3000maybe it is time for an upgrade18:26
gregor3000i mean kernel. to use HWE or something18:26
gregor3000additiuonal drivers could not install any driver version and at  same time they showed latest drivers install. so i took to console and did a manual install command and reboot. just to see what would happen. sure enough it worked. but now boot is longer +  plymouth is not working correctly. i dont' have the will to try out game so see if drivers are actually working correctyl18:35
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