[14:02] hmm according to the metoffice there's a <5% chance of rain, according to bbc there's a 21% chance of rain; looking out of the window I'd say it's >50% [14:03] :D [14:08] battening down the hatches and preparing for storm agnes at the mo. wind and rain forecast. code yellow in dublin, code orange in south of country [14:14] ooh haven't heard about this [14:14] https://www.msn.com/en-ie/weather/topstories/storm-agnes-met-eireann-pinpoint-when-peak-will-hit-as-orange-weather-warnings-issued/ar-AA1hhc7K [15:31] stepped outside for 10 minutes and rain decided to start early [15:31] huh actually stayed dry [15:32] not an option with this rain [15:33] if it's in Dublin it's probably a few hours from here [15:33] oh that reminds me, i was gonna try and scope out a new rain jacket whilst here... at some kinda outdoor shop i can find [15:34] daftykins: I just bought a couple from Regatta's online sale over the weekend - so try Blacks/Regatta/etc [15:34] ah har [15:35] i have a nice North Face one but one layer over the shoulders has broken down and peeled away, so i just get soaked on there now [15:43] I ordered the XL, even though I'm only M-L - and I'd still like them longer [15:58] some could say I just want to cover my arse, which is true for the rain we get here [16:05] heh [19:07] i just buy lidl or aldis finest raincoat when they have them just before winter strikes :-) [20:58] zxmpi: I use the light ones for summer and have big heavy things for winter