
esvhey folks, I have a Samsung monitor with 2 display ports connected to my Ubuntu 22.04, I configured the monitor to display each port side by side, so far, so so.00:10
esvwhen the monitor goes to sleep, the computer has a hard time getting it to wake up, but that's not why Im here.00:12
esvI just enabled Night light on Display settings, expecting it to use it on both displays, but heck no! only in one DP.00:13
esvis there anything I can check, logs to provide? etc...00:14
davros1Ok I got a USB stick with ubuntu installer; I've got that booted. I can click through "install" , and I get to the screen where I can choose 'format the disk & install, or manually partition'00:46
davros1In the "manual partition.." Screen I can see my 2 existing install partitions. The 64gb (that currently boots) and the 192gb (that is broken)00:47
davros1I'd like to install over the 192gb partition00:47
davros1Is that possible ? I dont seem to be able to click anything here that enables me to go to 'next'. I can click '-' and it shows that it will clear it or something00:48
davros1I do have the data I wanted copied to a usb drive aswell00:48
EriC^^davros1: try selecting for the '/' mountpoint and dont choose the format option00:55
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davros1Thanks that worked00:59
davros1Incidentally the broken partition was actually 22.04. the one i was booting into today was 20.10 or somethign00:59
davros1Ok I now have a fresh install of 23.04 (I recall you say 22.04 is better but I'd already downloaded it) . it boots and I can see all my old files albeit in a weird partition , I can bring things across and compile etc01:27
leftyfbdavros1: just be ready to upgrade in 4 months01:28
davros1This will carry me over for the next few days but I'll still grab a new drive , I could do with more space01:28
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LnxGnometomreyn: Thanks for the pointers.  [IPoIB] came from a `netplay apply`.  netplan.io seems to understand IB.  so, networkd in 22.04 hasn't caught up. Guess I'll have to drop networkd. I'll give this a try.. https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-switch-back-networking-to-etc-network-interfaces-on-ubuntu-22-04-jammy-jellyfish-linux01:39
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LnxGnomeubottu: the configs use static addressing, so the dhcp issue wasn't encountered.01:41
LnxGnometomreyn: or switch to NetworkManager, even though it's a server.01:45
LnxGnometomreyn: NetworkManager seems to do the trick.02:03
aienaWhat is the correct way to persist custom ip routes tables and routes created with the ip command in ubuntu05:19
aienaor laternatively is there a way to run a script after all interfaces are up?05:20
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ravageAlexC: https://i.imgur.com/s6Jmf3V.png05:50
ravageaiena: https://i.imgur.com/s6Jmf3V.png05:51
aienaravage, I have a slightly different setup with 2 NICS and 2 default routes in 2 different routing tables one custom defined05:51
aienathis looks like it will only affect the main routing table05:52
aienaoh there is a tick box05:53
aienaI thought i could find a DE agnostic way without netplan05:54
aienathanks ravage05:55
arkanoidI left my ubuntu box copying files, after 5 hours I came back to it and I found it turned off. What happened? By reading the logs, the last lines from last boot shows: "systemd[1]: Starting Daily apt upgrade and clean activities..."06:21
arkanoid"Stopping NVIDIA Persistence Daemon..."06:21
arkanoid"systemd[1]: Reloading"06:21
arkanoid"systemd[1]: Starting NVIDIA system hibernate actions..."06:22
arkanoid"suspend[845021]: nvidia-suspend.service"06:22
arkanoidbasically ubuntu disrupted its services on its own06:24
* foogalo_bar /join #jokes06:56
Piratynow that ubuntu's pip refuses to `pip install --user -U foo` (it says "error: externally-managed-environment" ) , what's a useful approach to manage the application i have (currently non-functional) in ~/.local/bin instead? each gets a venv and i prepend all the venvs' bin to PATH, risking a possible shadowing if i have the wrong ordering?07:18
Piratyor have giant venv which i prependd to path07:18
Piratyor , likely worse, have aliases that call the executable scripts i'm interested in directly07:24
Piratyok i'm reading the file mentioned in the error output. /usr/share/doc/python3.11/README.venv07:26
Piratyi lol'ed at pipx07:26
akikPiraty: you can use the option --break-system-packages if you're running pip as your user07:32
akikPiraty: just remember which packages you have installed in your $HOME07:33
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programarivmhi there09:36
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weedmicarkanoid: did you find out what really happened?10:43
arkanoidweedmic: nope10:57
weedmicarkanoid: did you check /var/log/wtmp to see what triggered a shutdown/reboot?  I'm pretty sure that would be the log to lookin11:03
arkanoidweedmic: no, doing now. Seems binary11:04
tomreynPiraty: ^11:10
tomreynalso see the venv README the message you read on screen refers to11:11
tomreynarkanoid: use the "last" command to parse wtmp11:12
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tomreynarkanoid: also   journalctl --list-boots    and view the end of the log where you shut down unexpectedly    journalctl -b BOOTID -e11:14
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arkanoidI'm already using "journalctl -b -1 -e"11:16
BluesKajHi all12:07
tykling_what is the recommended way of installing a 22.04 server with a disk mirror? is it not possible to do in the installer?12:53
tykling_yes thank you but how?12:55
leftyfbthere's several results on google when searching for "ubuntu 22.04 server installer RAID"12:56
omnigoatI'm on 20.04. Is there documentation somewhere on 1) the relationship between rsyslog and journald, 2) reasons why both are configured and running12:59
omnigoatThis is an older installation and there's a chance that this isn't by default and that I did all this myself and have forgotten doing so. Sadly, I can't tell because from my googling it simply isn't stated anywhere what the default logging config/setup is.13:02
mgedminit's pretty standard; although I don't rememebr if rsyslogd is installed by default on modern ubuntu installs13:04
mgedminjournald is mandatory (systemd depends on it), it can store persistent logs if configured to do so, in a binary format13:05
mgedminrsyslogd hooks into journald and copies all the logs into a bunch of traditional log files in /var/log13:05
lotuspsychje!info rsyslogd focal13:05
ubottuPackage rsyslogd does not exist in focal13:05
leftyfbomnigoat: https://askubuntu.com/a/925446  pretty sure this still applies to newer releases of ubuntu13:05
mgedminat one point long ago (circa 18.04 maybe?) the default setup was non-persistent journal + rsyslogd by default, then ubuntu made the journal persistent by default13:06
mgedmin!info rsyslog focal13:06
ubottursyslog (8.2001.0-1ubuntu1.3, focal): reliable system and kernel logging daemon. In component main, is important. Built by rsyslog. Size 418 kB / 1,655 kB13:07
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mgedminI think the way to get an official answer is to check the release notes for every ubuntu release in a given time range, searching for 'syslog' and 'journal'13:08
mgedmin(would be nice if there were a git repo of these notes in markdown format or something)13:09
omnigoatAlright, thank you all. There are enough in those remarks to clear the confusion for me.13:10
lotuspsychjeomnigoat: try out some fancy journal viewing in realtime with; journalctl -f | ccze -A13:11
pycuriousDoes anyone know how to fix this issue: ubuntu iptables/1.8,7 failed to initialize nft protocol not supported13:16
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leftyfbpycurious: what release of ubuntu?13:17
leftyfbpycurious: is this on docker or WSL?13:17
pycurious22.04LTS - on LiNode server13:17
pycuriousIt's working on other servers, but not on this one…13:18
leftyfbpycurious: try rebooting13:18
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pycuriousrebooted already13:18
pycurioussame error13:18
leftyfbpycurious: which kernel?13:19
omnigoatRe the rsyslog journald marriage: what tripped me up at first that `logger whatever` wrote to /var/log/syslog while I couldn't see it in journalctl output, so my assumption that they were connected didn't seem to hold13:20
omnigoatbut turns out the journalctl output was flooded by the usual hapless SSH scanners/bruteforcers and the "whatever" was ancient history by the time I had a look13:20
leftyfbomnigoat: journalctl -k13:21
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Guest4321hello all13:22
lotuspsychjewelcome Guest432113:23
leftyfbpycurious: I would recommend upgrading the kernel, preferably to the latest HWE kernel13:24
pycuriousleftyfb: what command should i use? I've run apt update/upgrade on the machine. 22.04.3 LTS13:25
leftyfbpycurious: sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.0413:25
pycuriousleftleg_: is there any reason the default kernel would break iptables/nft connection? I'm going to try to change the kernel as you suggested, will let you know in a moment.13:28
_spk_I seem to have an issue with snap on 23.04 following moving home directory to a different zpool - it is still mounted under /home/<user> though, but snap seems to think it's not...13:31
pycuriousleftyfb: Changed the kernel - still the same error from iptables after reboot13:32
_spk_anyone else hit a similar issue? I can't really see anything that could make snap think my $HOME is mounted somewhere non-standard13:34
leftyfbpycurious: did you confirm you are running the new kernel?13:45
scottpedialeftyfb: zup how u doing?13:48
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ChurchQuery, has anyone been able to install both python2-pip and python3-pip on a host at once? (Yes I know don't use py2, I'd love to if I could)14:14
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laraajihello, does this work? I am not too familiar with IRC14:17
lotuspsychjelaraaji: you joined the ubuntu support channel here14:17
lotuspsychjeyou can ask ubuntu related questions here14:18
laraajiyes, can i ask for something that might be a bit specific? i am not too sure if it belongs here, but i'm using kubuntu if that helps clarify why i am here14:18
laraajiit's regarding QEMU and booting a drive I have a windows install from it14:20
lotuspsychjelaraaji: shoot and the volunteers might reply or redirect you if needed14:21
laraajiWell, I wanted to know if it's possible to boot my Windows 10 drive from QEMU, it's really simple taking it into account, I've got into the software fairly recently so sorry if this isn't the right place to ask14:22
pickanickHi 1. does U 22.04.03 cache DNS requests by default?  2. If I install dnsmasq is there a conflict between the two?  3. Can I have DNS requests go over a low-datarate channel that is not subject to DNS poisoning, and then the other requests go over the mair ISP connection?  [trying to find a workaround for bad ISP]14:24
mesnituhi. Shoud I enable ppa packages and updates (using ubuntu studio)? I mean , no issues, or some issues on the way ? There's always that feeling that it might be missing something ...14:25
Eickmeyermesnitu: That's completely up to you. If You want newer packages, go for it. If you are happy with the stability, don't.14:28
EickmeyerStability = no frequent updates, in this case.14:29
Eickmeyer(don't confuse stability with crashiness)14:29
Eickmeyermesnitu: In other words, it depends on your use case.14:29
mesnituyeah, i was reading the comments in discover, and I'll stick to stability until I actually need update.14:31
dwigton_I have a driver straight from nvidia installed on 22.04 to use the CUDA toolkit. It has been fine, but today I can't install any new packages. `libnvidia-gl-535 : Breaks: libnvidia-gl-535:i386 (!= 535.86.10-0ubuntu1) but 535.104.05-0ubuntu0.22.04.4 is to be installed`15:30
dwigton_Is there anyway to resolve this without using "--fix-broken"?15:30
mesnituhi , I need to put a second monitor on startup, but I would like to have it load befor the gdm screen. Already try to put it as a service in the graphical.target.wants and in Xsession.d with no success.... any hints ?15:31
mesnitu# Check if the monitor DP-2 is connected15:31
mesnituif xrandr | grep -q "DP-2 connected"; then15:31
mesnitu    # 1920x1080 59.96 Hz (CVT 2.07M9) hsync: 67.16 kHz; pclk: 173.00 MHz15:31
mesnitu    # Modeline "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync15:31
Eickmeyer!paste | mesnitu15:32
ubottumesnitu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:32
dwigton_The last time I used --fix-broken I lost all output from the GPU and a really tedious repair ensued.15:33
Eickmeyermesnitu: You shouldn't have to do Xsession.d gymnastics. Your DE should be able to handle it.15:33
mesnitusorry about the paste, what is DE?15:34
dwigton_Desktop Environment.15:34
dwigton_Gnome KDE15:35
EickmeyerDesktop Environment. Furthermore, if you're using ubuntu Studio, sddm is the display manager, not gdm.15:35
EickmeyerAnd sddm handles multi-monitor just fine, as in cloned.15:35
mesnituok. i'll check that15:35
EickmeyerOrder is questionable, but in that case it's luck-of-the-draw.15:36
EickmeyerThe goal in that case is to get you signed-in.15:36
mesnituyeah, i guess the thing here is to set the resolution for the external monitor, to display it properly in sddm. The rest is ok. The startup script only loads after de sddm .15:40
dwigton_Ok if I have `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda-ubuntu2204-12-2-local.list:deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cuda-4A4BF9B3-keyring.gpg] file:///var/cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-2-local /` in souces.list.d I guess it just points to var and doesn't get updated?15:48
tomreyndwigton_: it points to the apt repository at /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-2-local and gets updated with whatever new there is there16:11
awdwadwaIs there a way for tzdata to be completely non-interactive? I'm using a CI and I want US/New York selected. My config is build-linux: docker: - image: ubuntu:20.04 steps: - run: apt-get update && apt-get install -y tzdata openssh-client git --no-install-recommends tzdata16:27
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tomreynltdan: you seem to be asking how to install, with apt, package "tzdata" completely non-interactively?16:33
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tomreynif you want to change the system timezone to US/New York, you can just   echo 'US/New York' | sudo tee /etc/timezone && sudo dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata16:39
bratnerHi all! Where can I ask libvirt/qemu configuration related questions?17:57
lotuspsychjebratner: if its related to ubuntu, you can ask a question here18:07
bratnerI'm running Ubuntu 22.04 with qemu 6.2 (using virtmanager). I want to route audio from my guest win10 VM to host over pulseaudio, instead of the default spice channel. I can't make it work, meaning the guest is not connecting to pulseaudio (according to pactl) and looking for any credible guide/doc how to configure or at least get some logs.18:31
Skilt0nElbowsRichard Simmons' Seclusion Story - A Royal Canadian Secret Agent Pedo Sting Richard's Simmons current seclusion is explained telling the story of his trying to meet up with an 11 year-old African refugee child for a kale and cottage cheese enema and sex!  https://justpaste.it/Richard_Simmons_Pedo_Sting_Bust19:16
din0Where do they come up with this stuff19:17
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ogradin0, perhaps there is some "spam quote of the day" mailing list somewhere πŸ™‚19:34
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jumpcutkingAnyone know how I can install folly? CMake Error at FindFolly.cmake:30 (message):22:18
jumpcutking  Failed to locate folly include directory22:18
jumpcutkingCall Stack (most recent call first):22:18
jumpcutking  CMakeLists.txt:133 (INCLUDE)22:18
jumpcutkingTried building and moved tmp/.../install/folly folder to /usr/lib/folly22:18
yolowhy do I have DISPLAY=:1 on my ubuntu 22.04 instead of :0? seems causing trouble for electron.js apps for me who might expect :022:19
yoloERROR:ozone_platform_x11.cc(241)] Missing X server or $DISPLAY22:22
yoloOK I got electron.js working(switching display to :1 inside), still why ubuntu 22.04 by default uses :1 instead of :0?22:26
phinxy /j #macosx22:54
corestomreyn: you were helping me with an hdmi/usb-c/linux problem yesterday. i think it was yesterday. anyway, i don't think my issue is linux related, it's some other problem: cable, monitor, usb-c hub, something else.23:12
tomreyncores: thanks for reporting back.23:14
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