Unit193 | Eickmeyer: `seeded-in-ubuntu yt-dlp` shows several flavors, but I'm presuming only due to mpv. As Studio is in that list, can you confirm? Having yt-dlp the latest at release time would seem ideal to me. | 01:19 |
Eickmeyer | Unit193: Can confirm, due to haruna specifically. | 01:20 |
Eickmeyer | Unit193: I can do a sync. | 01:20 |
Unit193 | I was going to, but I didn't want to upset any flavors. Seems the autopkgtest sometimes throws STDERR, but otherwise passes just fine. | 01:21 |
Eickmeyer | I see. | 01:22 |
Eickmeyer | Well, I have no issue with it. | 01:22 |
Unit193 | Cool, sounds great to me then. | 01:22 |
Unit193 | https://dpaste.com/ELWS67DMA that's the STDERR that sometimes hits. | 01:24 |
Eickmeyer | Yikes! | 01:31 |
cpaelzer | teward: mapreri: thanks for all the content let me read the backlog ... | 04:40 |
cpaelzer | teward: mapreri: btw line wrapping made misread and send the mail to backports@ instead of ubuntu-backports@, but given the amount of answers I see that mail might not have been required | 04:41 |
cpaelzer | teward: mapreri: read the backlog, thanks already - I'll have a look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/689166277/distro-info_0.18ubuntu0.18.04.1~bpo18.04.1_source.changes as well to give you this ack | 04:49 |
cpaelzer | teward: mapreri: you already ruled it out, but to fill in the gaps why serving this via pro would make even less sense ... broken distro-info from backports affects the pro client, which depends on it, in negative ways. I don't know how bad, but it would make consuming the fix via that even less practical | 04:51 |
cpaelzer | teward: I've left traces of this discussion and my testing in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/distro-info/+bug/1862305 | 05:49 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1862305 in Xenial Backports "distro-info in xenial backports needs a newer distro-info-data and versioned dependency" [Undecided, Won't Fix] | 05:49 | |
cpaelzer | teward: mapreri: for process sake I've also added a backport template to bug 1862305 | 05:55 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1862305 in Xenial Backports "distro-info in xenial backports needs a newer distro-info-data and versioned dependency" [Undecided, Won't Fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1862305 | 05:55 | |
cpaelzer | teward: it LGTM, and I'd ask you or mapreri / ddstreet to consider accepting it | 05:56 |
schopin | @pilot in | 10:50 |
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rbasak | waveform, apw: bug 2007827 - go :-) | 13:10 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2007827 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu Jammy) "[SRU] flash-kernel failure when upgrading f-k and kernel in the same cycle" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2007827 | 13:10 | |
waveform | hi! | 13:10 |
apw | hi, the unerlying resistance to a flash-kernel specific fix is that this drives all consumers to implement the same kind of fixes. | 13:11 |
apw | we have a proposed solution, which is going to be fleshed out and spec'd up soon | 13:12 |
apw | that envisions not having kernel binaries in /boot unless they are complete and consumable; so that the existing gates on including /boot/vmlinuz* or whatever we are using returns to safety. | 13:12 |
apw | but, i personally have no objection to a short-term flash-kernel fix to paper over the lack of this. | 13:13 |
waveform | okay, I agree entirely that the f-k fix is ... horrid, and that it should be short-term but we were blocked on the SRU team wanting the kernel team to weigh in (even if that was "not going to happen yet, go with the horrid f-k fix until we can sort stuff out") -- could you add something to that effect to the bug? | 13:14 |
apw | done. | 13:16 |
rbasak | Thank you! | 13:18 |
waveform | brilliant, thanks! | 13:18 |
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