[14:44] ddstreet, teward: I just got home and I really need to do a few things before our meeting. I might be a few minutes late. [14:44] no problem [14:44] no worries [15:02] let's wait few more minutes before starting [15:03] * Eickmeyer sends the backports team coffee and donuts ☕ 🍩 [15:03] alright, I'm here (slowly also getting my brain in here) [15:04] good morning/afternoon! [15:05] been a while since the last mtg :) [15:05] *nearly evening [15:05] ^^ [15:05] good evening too :) [15:05] i think we're all here so let's start [15:05] #startmeeting Ubuntu Backporters Team [15:05] Meeting started at 15:05:49 UTC. The chair is ddstreet. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [15:05] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [15:06] probably should go through all the agenda items, though i've been busy with other work and summertime vacations so unfortunately i dont think i've done much of anything [15:06] #topic previous action items [15:07] same, plus I've been traveling for 1+ month... [15:07] #subtopic ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over) [15:07] #action ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over) [15:07] ACTION: ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over) [15:07] #subtopic ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over) [15:07] #action ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over) [15:07] ACTION: ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over) [15:07] #subtopic ddstreet send follow up email on no-bug-required ML thread mentioning cockpit [15:08] i did this one! :) and i think it's been resolved? [15:08] nope [15:08] i have not caught up on my email, just got back today [15:08] I mean, you did the followup, but we haven't follow up again on the topic [15:08] ah ok [15:08] oh wait [15:08] this is specific to cockpit [15:08] oh this is the no-bug-required one [15:08] wait [15:08] * mapreri spawns up mails [15:09] the cockpit self-approvals issue is separate i think [15:09] * ddstreet been gone too long, brain needs to catch up [15:09] (and handled) [15:09] so, the pitti issues has finally been handled, though I do have some questions after reading his answer. [15:09] lemme go read that also [15:10] so did I. It took the TB poking pitti to get attention, I don't accept their reasoning of simply sinkholing everything going to their ubuntu.com address but i cant validate any of that on their end [15:11] and yes i did escalate it to the TB for intervention / poking [15:11] well, let's just say that his "I'm not reading this email because it's only spam" is bullshit in my mind, so I want to dig deeper in there, since AFAIK we did try to reach him on multiple addresses. And our thing has been announced in ubuntu-devel-announce (IIRC), so one reason less for him not knowing, so… but yes, I believe it's handled enough for now. [15:11] i brought those concerns up with the TB in a reply myself but it got eaten by my email so i have to resend it [15:11] teward: you mean the points I raised? [15:12] but yeah theres concerns at play, but at least Martin seems willing to work in the new processes [15:12] mapreri: and others I am not at liberty of bringing up publicly or I'd have to eat my many hats [15:12] heh [15:12] then ok, I think I'll leave everything to you, thank you [15:13] yep, the key was to poke Martin and get it handled such that he stops self approving. And I rejected his reasons as well for not replying prior. [15:13] ddstreet: the actual "no-bug-required" topic is further down, btw, this seems to be specific to cockpit/pitti. [15:13] i'll read the full escalation TB thread later, it seems like for now his response seems fine and i think he did recently upload a new version to backports and did not self-approve [15:13] and he has agreed to abide by our processes so. [15:14] yep, let's drop this action item as it seems done [15:14] yes [15:14] #subtopic ddstreet send short policy wording proposal to ML regarding https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023030.html [15:14] i guess we should keep this on the ML, unless either of you want to discuss it now? [15:15] not now [15:15] ack [15:15] #action ddstreet send short policy wording proposal to ML regarding https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023030.html [15:15] ACTION: ddstreet send short policy wording proposal to ML regarding https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023030.html [15:15] #subtopic ddstreet send follow up email for clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions [15:15] i think this can be dropped as we have the ML thread already [15:16] #subtopic mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress) [15:16] as long as we don't forget (fwiw, I have a wording in my mind, but it will have to wait until I get to this) [15:16] carry over pls [15:16] #action mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress) [15:16] ACTION: mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress) [15:16] #subtopic mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over) [15:16] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Debian bug 1001399 in lintian "lintian: adjust backports-upload-has-incorrect-version-number for ubuntu" [Normal, Open] [15:16] carry over [15:16] #action mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over) [15:16] ACTION: mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over) [15:17] #subtopic mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over) [15:17] also i assume? [15:17] yes [15:17] #action mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over) [15:17] ACTION: mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over) [15:17] #subtopic mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over) [15:17] #action mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over) [15:17] ACTION: mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over) [15:17] aye, sorry [15:17] #subtopic mapreri follow up in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/2012676 [15:17] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2012676 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "[BPO] nfs-utils/1:2.6.1-2ubuntu4 from kinetic" [Undecided, Invalid] [15:17] carry? [15:17] no, this was done and over [15:18] awesome! [15:18] #subtopic mapreri reply to TB charter email thread [15:18] i think this is done too? [15:18] yes [15:18] hold on a sec pls [15:18] ack [15:19] I was reading that bug about nfs-utils, I missed the last answer from the OP. But I believe it's fine as it is (i.e., rejected) [15:20] yep i agree [15:20] ok moving on [15:20] #subtopic teward make sure there are no bugs in requestbackport and backportpackage tools (in lunar) (carried over) [15:21] i think you looked at this at least somewhat? [15:22] i havent poked everything but there were some issues [15:22] so keep it for now [15:22] #action teward make sure there are no bugs in requestbackport and backportpackage tools (in lunar) (carried over) [15:22] ACTION: teward make sure there are no bugs in requestbackport and backportpackage tools (in lunar) (carried over) [15:23] (had bigger fish to fry since that was put on so) [15:23] ack, no worried [15:23] #subtopic (unassigned) consider documenting an SLA for reviewing uploaded backport packages [15:23] should we carry this or move to ML? or discuss now? [15:23] keep it here [15:23] #action (unassigned) consider documenting an SLA for reviewing uploaded backport packages [15:23] ACTION: (unassigned) consider documenting an SLA for reviewing uploaded backport packages [15:24] works for me :) [15:24] #subtopic (unassigned) check if backports pocket uploads and/or approvals go to a ML [15:24] probably should assign this to someone to look into ? [15:24] teward you have any extra time to look into this? [15:24] imho better keep it in the backburner until we catch up with the rest, unless either of you want to take it on. [15:24] nope no spare cycles [15:25] FT job eats all my cycles atm [15:25] ack, yeah let's keep it here then [15:25] me as well, yeah [15:25] #action (unassigned) check if backports pocket uploads and/or approvals go to a ML (carried over) [15:25] ACTION: (unassigned) check if backports pocket uploads and/or approvals go to a ML (carried over) [15:25] #subtopic (unassigned) if no ML for backports uploads/approvals, check on how to create one [15:25] follow on to last item so carrying this one too [15:25] #action (unassigned) if no ML for backports uploads/approvals, check on how to create one (carried over) [15:25] ACTION: (unassigned) if no ML for backports uploads/approvals, check on how to create one (carried over) [15:26] that's all the previous action items; moving on to ML threads unless anyone has any other previous items to discuss [15:26] nope but i have a time crunch so can i bring a different item up ahead of ml threads [15:26] sure [15:27] #topic AOB [15:27] i will need one of you two to poke distro-info later today [15:27] i am reuploading after a self reject due to version strinfs [15:27] strings* [15:27] is it fine to accept it? [15:27] this is the pings from cpaelzer_ in devel yesterdat [15:27] mapreri: cpaelzer_ said yeah but i made a screwup with version strings so gonna fix and reup [15:27] I mean, I have no cycles today or tomorrow to actually confidently look at things. for me it would be better if I did it next week. [15:28] (and I believe it can wait) [15:28] ack just putting it on the list [15:28] if it's not complicated, i can take a look today or tomorrow [15:28] i'll keep it in mind to try to get to this week [15:29] otherwise mapreri can tackle it next week :) [15:29] ^^ [15:29] yep this or next week is fine but wanted it on the list [15:30] since we're in AOB, anything else to discuss before going back to regular agenda? [15:30] so, right now we have one open bug (which is a reject, launchpad will expire it in 10 days) [15:30] and in the queue there is only cockpit from pitti [15:30] i'm being pulled into a meeting @ work so i need to nip out but will read back after. [15:30] are we going to ask him for bug or shall we just look at it as it is? [15:30] *whooshes out* [15:30] teward: o/ [15:32] i can take a look at the cockpit backports, if they are the typical 'no-change' backports that we usually don't require bugs for, i think it's ok to just approve without a bug [15:32] unless you think we should ask for a bug at least for the first cockpit we approve [15:32] that was pretty much my question [15:33] how about if i see *anything* that i have a question about i'll ask for a bug, otherwise if the backports look fine and i have no q's i'll approve them without a bug [15:33] the wording for the no-bug-required thing I was thinking of was indeed to require the bug for the first upload to series, and then not require a new it if it's only no-change with no real risk to it (and instead just keep referring the old bug in the changelog also for the new updates). [15:34] that would work for me. [15:34] It would be unfair to ask for a bug for a process that has not been defined (the no-bug-required thing) when we are silently accepting simple no-change updates. [15:35] yep, once we have the policy in place it should be easier [15:35] i'll action that at least [15:35] #action ddstreet review cockpit backport uploads [15:35] ACTION: ddstreet review cockpit backport uploads [15:35] ty [15:36] no further AOB from me today [15:36] #subtopic ML threads [15:36] #undo [15:36] Removing item from minutes: SUBTOPIC [15:36] #topic ML threads [15:36] #subtopic clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions [15:36] i think this is the only ML thread? at least, in the agenda [15:36] #link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2022-February/022680.html [15:36] no movement for a while on it [15:37] i'll send another ping to try to keep it alive :) [15:37] ty [15:37] #action ddstreet ping email to keep thread alive: clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions [15:37] ACTION: ddstreet ping email to keep thread alive: clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions [15:37] i think that's everything, besides picking a next mtg date? [15:38] yes [15:38] #subtopic next mtg date [15:38] according to my calendar, regular schedule would say Oct 18th? [15:38] ah, no, sorry wrong ubuntu team [15:38] 4 weeks as 'usual' would be Oct 25 [15:38] not in my recurring calendar? [15:39] yeah we've been just doing one-off mtgs so far, though we could switch to recurring [15:39] oh, was it you sending gcal invite? [15:39] yep [15:39] after each mtg [15:39] see, it has been too long since the last meeting i forgot! [15:39] lol [15:39] maybe we should just commit to monthly mtgs? [15:39] I'm fine with oct 25 [15:39] would normally wfm [15:40] sounds good, i'll set up the next for oct 25 and set it as recurring every 4 weeks, and we can cancel/resched as needed [15:40] hold on [15:40] the 25th is right before the DST change [15:40] what about after? [15:41] I'm keen on keeping this at 5pm Europe/Rome time :> [15:41] in the past, we were sticking with DST [15:41] US DST change is first sunday in Nov, so i think it would be the same time [15:42] let's just schedule next 25th that's before the change, and let's growl at DST next week ^^ [15:42] s/week$/meeting/ [15:42] sounds good [15:42] #action ddstreet sched next mtg oct 25 [15:42] ACTION: ddstreet sched next mtg oct 25 [15:42] isn't the EU getting rid of DST? [15:42] ahahahaha [15:43] that will happen after whatever next "crisis" pass [15:43] but then postponed to the after the next-next crisis, I'm sure [15:43] lol yeah i dont see the US dropping it anytime soon either [15:44] ok i think we're wrapped [15:44] any final items? [15:44] none from me [15:44] #endmeeting [15:44] Meeting ended at 15:44:48 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-09-27-15.05.moin.txt [15:44] thanks mapreri teward o/ [15:45] o/