
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <amazarashibr> When the new store is ready, as it is snap, will the new version reach LTS 22.04?04:27
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <kwasow_dev> Hi, I've encountered a bug on Ubuntu 23.10 beta, where I'll be logged out after the screen locks in Gnome Wayland. It doesn't happen on xorg. I've posted on the forum as I don't know which package to report the bug for in launchpad. Has anyone also experienced it? Any ideas which package it should be? Is it just gnome-shell?08:55
fossfreedom_have a look in /var/crash to see if there are any files - that will give you an indication of the package involved.  Probably gdm3 at a guess.08:59
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <kwasow_dev> Unfortunately there aren't any crashes that match the time of the issue09:03
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <kwasow_dev> Gdm3 sounds like a good guess, so I'll report it there if we're out of ideas09:03
guivercthanks for chasing up what you found, and helping make Ubuntu better @amazarashibr13:28
bdmurraythe lock screen issue is probably bug 203461916:45
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <kwasow_dev> It is in fact this bug, thanks.18:36

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