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ContinuitySR | Hey all, Im an OpenStack user, and have run into a bug which is fixed and has been backported to Yoga, and Antelope, but not to Zed. I have raised a bug in Launchpad for the cloud-archive project. Is there anything else I need to do, or anyone else I need to inform? | 10:52 |
ContinuitySR | https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/2037532 | 10:53 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2037532 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "Openvswitch backport for OpenStack ZED" [Undecided, New] | 10:53 | |
ContinuitySR | for reference | 10:53 |
effendy | Hi. I'm getting this error "load_autoinstall_data cloud config scheme error autoinstall.user-data.mounts.0.1 none is not of type 'strings'" when I provision Ubuntu 22.04.3 with user-data that is part of autoinstall. | 11:02 |
effendy | The error seems to be related to the "mounts" directive in "user-data" which is defined as "- [ swap, null ]". Removing this altogether gets rid of the error. | 11:03 |
effendy | But this is perfectly correct syntax on cloud-init and it's worked before. Now all of a sudden subiquity/autoinstall says that this isn't right. This looks very much like a bug to me. | 11:03 |
effendy | Has anyone else come across something similar? | 11:04 |
minimal | which version of cloud-init is this with? | 11:18 |
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frickler | fnordahl: ^^ the ovs bug mentioned above was mainly handled by you afaict? (2037532) | 12:31 |
effendy | @minimal the cloud-init version is 23.2.1-0ubuntu0~22.04.1 | 12:51 |
minimal | effendy: and the version of cloud-init in the older Ubuntu where it worked before? | 13:07 |
minimal | the relevant part of the cloud-init schema hasn't changed between 22.2 and 23.3 as far as I can see, so I can only assume where it previously didn't complain was on a cloud-init version before 22.2 | 13:08 |
effendy | @minimal let me check the version, I used the Ubuntu 22.04.1 iso image before. I'm guessing there is no time for subqiuity or whatever to update the cloud-init version beforehand, given that autoinstall triggers cloud-init, so I'm guessing everything happens in the initial atages during the installation. | 13:10 |
effendy | But given that the version references ubuntu 22.04.1, I have a feeling this will be the same. | 13:11 |
effendy | So autoinstall/subiquity might be the issue here. | 13:12 |
minimal | I'm assuming that the schema error is coming from cloud-init | 13:12 |
effendy | Couldn't they have changed something that affects cloud-init without actually changing cloud-init/its version? | 13:15 |
minimal | no idea, I'm just referring to cloud-init itself have a schema file that it checks user-data against and that defines the "mounts:" values as arrays of strings | 13:24 |
minimal | s/have/having/ | 13:24 |
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effendy | @minimal well then, why does the check works without any issues even with the mounts directive applied? | 13:49 |
effendy | Ok, you actually said you didn't have any idea if subiquity is at fault, but given that cloud-init checks the user-data configuration and says it's ok (with that particular version), I'd tend not to blame cloud-init. | 13:50 |
dbungert | effendy: the logic for checking autoinstall.user-data is done by subiquity calling out to cloud-init. I see you mentioning 22.04.1 ISO, it might be worth a retest with 22.04.3. If that still fails would you file a bug against https://pad.lv/fb/subiquity with a sample cloud-config? The bug can be redirected later to cloud-init if we think that's appropriate. | 14:19 |
effendy | @dbungert The iso I'm using is 22.04.3, not 22.04.1. I haven't had the time to test 22.04.1 again to see exactly if this is the difference. | 14:39 |
effendy | But I will soon. | 14:39 |
dbungert | effendy: oh, ok. I missed that part. A retest with 22.04.1 is optional, I thought you were doing the other away around | 14:40 |
effendy | I'll file the bug after seeing what's going on with 22.04.1 | 14:40 |
dbungert | Thanks | 14:40 |
effendy | @dbungert I've just checked the cloud-init version for iso 22.04.1 and it's 22.2-0ubuntu1~22.04.3 (which I find weird, given that it's referencing "22.04.3"). In any case, it's different than the one on the iso image 22.04.3. | 14:53 |
effendy | And yes, I can confirm I don't have this error on 22.04.1 | 14:54 |
effendy | I've submitted the bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2037555 | 14:54 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2037555 in subiquity "autoinstall cloud-init complains about mount directive - none is not of type string" [Undecided, New] | 14:54 | |
effendy | launchpad doesn't support any syntax formatting and stuff like that, right? | 14:54 |
effendy | @minimal Maybe that interests you too given that the cloud-init version is indeed different on Ubuntu 22.04.1 | 15:02 |
minimal | effendy: you didn't make it clear earlier that you had run "cloud-init schema" to verify that cloud-init itself was happy with the user-data, so I had been working off the assumption that cloud-init was NOT happy with the user-data presented to it | 15:06 |
dbungert | effendy: great bug report, thanks. I can reproduce with your provided cloud-config. | 15:10 |
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effendy | @minimal yes, you're right, it occurred to me only later (in the bug report) to mention it. | 18:11 |
effendy | @dbungert Thanks. I hope this can be addressed :) In the meantime I guess I can bypass it. | 18:11 |
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