
Guest97hello all - my desktop OS crashed last night and now it won't boot to a graphical environment.  machine still boots and i can ssh in, and i can also boot into a liveUSB environment.  what are my best options to 'repair' the install, can i save the install disk or do i need to back it up and format?00:03
Guest97i'm not sure of the exact version, but it's one of the LTS variety - can i use the startup disk creator or some variant to install just OS related files and leave the rest of the disk unharmed?00:06
Bashing-omGuest97: In such a situation - my 1st is to run a file system check/repair (fsck) from the live environment. What is the file system ?00:08
Guest97i believe ext3, what are some of the live tools i can use to verify?00:09
Guest97do i need the disk uuid to run the check?  i guess the boot drive is not online when you power from USB?00:10
Guest97actually i just found some /dev/sd* files, i can probably check it out this way - i'm unfamiliar with the use of fsck, any flags to consider?00:11
Bashing-omGuest97: From the liveUSB - identify the fsck target - sudo fdisk -lu - /// say the 1st identified target is the 1st hard drive "sda" and 2nd partition --- then the check/repair command will be ' sudo fsck /dev/sda2 '.00:14
Guest97when i try fsck, i get that /dev/sda is in use - e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.  do i need to target down to the partition, or can i unmount given that the live OS is running independently?00:16
Bashing-omGuest97: The target must be unmounted - hense to run the test from the liveUSB.00:17
Guest97umount: /dev/sda: not mounted. :( lol - however, i did get a clean check from /dev/sda1 (which contains the boot flag)00:19
Guest97with that said, the machine boots with some kernel spam, and control+alt+f2 give me a working terminal with access to the filesystem - the login graphic just crashes to a flashing _ prompt00:20
Bashing-omGuest97: Graphic's driver issue then ? Any hints from the gpu manager log file ' less /var/log/gpu-manager.log '.00:26
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Bashing-omGuest97: % in addition I would expect that "root' to be sda2 given the info so far seen.00:27
Guest97will this function from the liveOS, or do i need to view the log local to the failed login?  which 'root' are you referring to? fsck suspects that sda2 is a zero-length partition, and sda5 is the next shown which strangely only returns the version of fsck00:29
Bashing-omGuest97: to look at the log file I would do so from the install; as you can boot to a terminal.00:31
Bashing-omGuest97: "root" >> with out that you pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' we can not say more.00:32
Guest97i tried to view the log from usb and i see hundreds of sequential "can't access /run/u-d-c-nvidia-drm-was-loaded file" as well as "I couldn't open /var/lib/ubuntu-drivers-common/last_gfx_boot for reading."00:32
Guest97you want my fdisk dump?00:33
Bashing-omGuest97: Would ensure we are on the same page if we see what we are working with, yes.00:34
Bashing-omGuest97: looking ^ .00:39
Bashing-omGuest97: so far looks asaif sda1 is our target - does ' sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub ' confirm ?00:44
Bashing-omas if *00:45
Guest97grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow', looks like maybe an issue with live?00:46
Guest97i do know from context that sda1 is the correct boot device00:46
Bashing-omGuest97: Yeah - we are now working from the install :D00:46
Guest97oh! i will have to change irc accounts, as i'm on the machine!00:47
Guest28you'll never guess who i am. (testing)00:48
Bashing-omGuest28: 97 perhaps ?00:49
Guest28grub-probe confirms the target00:50
Bashing-omGuest28: Away for a few - back soonest.00:52
Guest28that's a good chance to restate my issue more clearly, really appreciate the help - i'm not sure that grub or graphics are involved, as i do briefly see a desktop and the ubuntu logo.  i'm just never presented with any users, login, or any way forward, and this quickly devolves to the blackout with a flashing _ (which is not a prompt, i cannot00:58
Guest28interact without going to the f2 terminal). at this time, i can still ssh to the machine, but only the gnome/X(?) parts are failing to give me your 'traditional desktop environment'00:58
Bashing-omGuest28: Well, by now we know the file system is intact - just an issue with the GUI layer. Likely still is the graphic's driver. Did the driver load - '  sudo lshw -C display ' ?01:06
Guest28i cannot tell, but i think not - i show UNCLAIMED and i don't see anything that i recognize as a driver01:09
Bashing-omGuest28: is that output from a SSH login ?01:10
Guest28from the control-alt-f2 interface, it might be a separate session - how do i boot into terminal instead?01:10
Guest28do i use the 'c' command at the GRUB screen and use the grub> prompt?01:13
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Bashing-omGuest28: control-alt-f2 interface is good for what we do now - one can boot to a terminal, however, from grub if needed. Pastebin that ' sudo lshw -C display ' and we consider to re-install a driver (nvidfia ?).01:15
kantlivelongdoes "/etc/network/interfaces" not fully work on 22.04? Upgraded from 20.04 to 22.04 and my IP config gets set right but the `dns-*` options don't seem to apply.01:16
leftyfbkantlivelong: desktop or server?01:17
kantlivelongleftyfb: server01:17
leftyfbkantlivelong: you should be using /etc/netplan now, not ifupdown(/etc/network/interfaces)01:17
leftyfb!netplan | kantlivelong01:17
ubottukantlivelong: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/01:17
Bashing-omGuest28: FYI: Boot to terminal from grub: At the grub menu press 'e' to edit - Append: systemd.unit=multi-user.target to the linux line.01:18
Guest28tricky to get the output! :D https://pastebin.com/raw/gNJAcsfm01:20
Guest28do i remove that flag to disable the cli boot, or is it a one-time?01:21
Bashing-omGuest28: "unclamed" at this point I am happy to purge and re-install the nvidia driver. can not hurt to try :D want to give that a try ?01:23
Guest28i have no optimistic alternatives, sure thing!01:24
Bashing-omGuest28: from that terminal run ' sudo apt remove --purge nvidia* ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' . Reboot to see the effect.01:26
Guest28oh, this is intriguing.  the purge failed, and after 'sugo dpkg --configure -a' as suggested, i see some nvidia items already working on their own01:28
Guest28going to try a reboot at this point before continuing the purge, things looked positive01:29
Bashing-omGuest28: Well - could then be that the system healed its self - :D reboot and see :D01:29
Guest28yes indeed, i'm right where i want to be - a full heal.  thank you kindly!!!01:30
Bashing-omGuest28: You did all the work :D01:31
Guest28i'm just the moth following the light!01:31
Bashing-omGuest28: /var/log/gpu-manager.log say all is hunky dory ?01:32
Guest28it's far shorter than before, didn't need to use less this time.  i don't have much experience interpreting, but i have active programs and all seems well01:33
Bashing-omGuest28: If unhappy you would notice in the log file :D01:34
Guest28that's such a strange resolution - the machine crashed during active operation and ended up in this failure state.  i probably should have recorded the dpkg log, but what do you suppose could have corrupted or unloaded the driver this way?01:36
Bashing-omGuest28: OH My - will take one more versed in drivers than I to even begin to ponder an answer :P01:38
Guest28:) no problemo - thank you again01:38
Bashing-omGuest28: Pleased to hold your hand --- it's ubuntu >> Always fixable !01:39
Guest28yes, now i have a few new commands to look into01:40
Bashing-omGuest28: Practice to become a command-line commando :D01:41
=== five61843 is now known as five6184
mordantrandom question, but can I setup unattended upgrades email notifications without installing an smtp client, like, could I use a curl request instead?02:30
rboxemail notifications are done with sendmail02:31
rboxyou could replace the sendmail binary with whatever you want to do whatever curl or whatever02:31
rboxbut that sounds like an awful idea02:31
mordantyea I dont wanna do that, alright fair enough02:31
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kotgcHello, I'm trying to setup chroot on ubuntu 22.04 LTS desktop, but error: https://dpaste.org/rxrqM06:02
kotgcHere's the schroot.conf file I made, which may be wrong https://dpaste.org/Ac85W as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot06:03
alkisgkotgc, you follow old instructions06:08
alkisgDo you require i386?! Just leave out the arch and the mirror parts06:08
kotgcalkisg, that's the best ubuntu guide I could find?06:10
alkisgkotgc: do you require i386?06:10
kotgcalkisg, what's i386?06:10
alkisg32bit architecture06:10
alkisgWhile the normal one is 64bit06:10
kotgcalkisg, I'm on 64-bit06:10
alkisgRight, but you're trying to create an i386 chroot06:11
kotgcalkisg, my mistake, I don't understand the guide 100%06:11
alkisgJust run this: sudo debootstrap jammy jammy06:11
alkisgIt will create a jammy chroot in a jammy folder06:12
alkisgWhat's your end goal, why do you want the chroot?06:12
kotgcalkisg, I need virt-manager on a USB for an offline install.06:15
alkisgkotgc: not sure why a chroot would help on that06:20
alkisgIf you need the packages, put the packages in the USB stick06:21
alkisgIf you need a full installation or a VM image, put these to the USB stick06:21
alkisgHow would a chroot help you?06:21
kotgcalkisg, apparently a chroot will download a clean virt-manager without requiring any dependencies when installing on an offline Ubuntu?06:22
alkisgkotgc: the dependencies will be wrong06:22
kotgcalkisg, I have downloaded virt-manager-
alkisgE.g. the offline Ubuntu will have some dependencies in its database06:22
alkisgThen when you try to install the most recent dependencies, the installation will fail06:23
alkisgThe solution is to go to the offline ubuntu,  run sudo apt install --print-uris virt-manager06:23
kotgcalkisg, ok, thx the jammy debootstrap thingy downloaed.06:23
alkisgIt will print a bunch of packages. IF you can find these, as some may already be removed from the repositories, then just copy them to a usb stick06:23
alkisgThe chroot won't help you at all06:23
kotgcalkisg, ok. I don't have the offline Ubuntu yet. This computer when I reinstall it from ubuntu.iso will then have no Internet, due to a bridged modem.06:24
alkisgThen you can run that command inside the live session, and get the package list06:25
alkisgI.e. boot ubuntu.iso locally, run the command, get the packages in .deb form and put them in a usb stick06:25
alkisgOr just do the installation IN the usb stick; then clone the stick to the target PC06:27
kotgcalkisg, boot ubuntu.iso loaclly -> run sudo debootstrap jammy jammy -> get virt-manager packages -> convert somehow to .deb form -> copy to USB?06:28
alkisgForget about chroots and debootstrap06:28
alkisgThey don't help you at all06:28
kotgcalkisg, ok06:28
alkisgBest option: install ubuntu.iso to a usb stick. Then clone the usb stick to the target pc06:28
alkisgSecond best option: boot ubuntu.iso. Run sudo apt-get install virt-manager. Then copy /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb to the usb stick.06:29
kotgcalkisg, this online Ubuntu 22.04 desktop is the target, after a fresh install the ubuntu.iso will be offline, until I install virt-manager.06:29
alkisgIf you install ubuntu to a usb stick, then install virt-manager to the stick, then clone the stick to the  target pc, you'll then have virt-manager there even if it's offline06:30
alkisgIt's the simplest option. Install everything where you have internet; clone to the target.06:30
alkisgImagine that your stick is actually a hard disk. You can install ubuntu and virt-manager there06:31
alkisgThen you can copy that "hard disk" to the target hard disk, and have everything there, even virt-manager06:31
kotgcalkisg, ok, this desktop has Internet. Clone ubuntu.iso and virt-manager directory to USB.06:31
alkisgTry to read the "best option" that I mentioned06:31
alkisgInstall ubuntu TO the stick. Like if it's an external hard disk.06:32
kotgcalkisg, I know how to copy ubuntu.iso to a bootable usb stick. Is cloning how to install to a usb?06:33
alkisgDo you have 2 usb sticks?06:33
alkisgYou boot from stick1. In the installer, you select stick2 as the installation target.06:34
kotgcalkisg, yes, one for ubuntu.iso and 1 for the virtualRouter.iso06:34
alkisgThen you boot from stick2 like if it's a local installation. You install virt-manager there.06:34
kotgc...and a 3rd usb for virt-manager directory.06:34
alkisgThen stick2 is ready, it contains virt-manager and you can run it offline everywhere06:34
alkisgWhen you go to the target pc, you clone stick2 to the target disk. Either with gparted or with the dd command06:34
alkisgThat's all, you don't need anything fancy. Just to install ubuntu TO the stick.06:35
kotgcalkisg, is installing ubuntu to a usb different to creating a bootable ubuntu.iso on the usb? https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop#1-overview06:36
alkisgA bootable ubuntu.iso is a live session. Changes don't stick06:36
kotgcMay I ask how? A search brought up https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop#1-overview06:36
alkisgInstalling ubuntu TO a stick is like installing ubuntu to a hard disk. It's a normal installation. If you install virt-manager there, it will be available after reboot06:37
alkisgRead my steps. Tell me which step you don't understand.06:37
alkisg1) Write ubuntu.iso to stick106:37
alkisg2) Boot from stick1. In the installer, select stick2 as the installation target06:37
alkisg3) Boot from stick2. Install virt-manager. Done.06:37
kotgcalkisg, ok. I'm concerned about the virt-manager-4.1.0.tar.gz which I unzipped to a directory virt-manager-4.1.0, that it won't be bootable?06:38
alkisgIn ubuntu you don't need virt-manager-4.1.0.tar.gz. You just apt install virt-manager06:39
alkisgYou don't install packages from source06:39
alkisgIt's an easy task, you somehow got it very complicated while it's not06:40
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kotgcalkisg, so 1) write ubuntu.iso to stick, don't create a bootable usb?06:41
alkisgYes that's a bootable usb06:41
dennis81Hi all, I've run into an issue while testing ubuntu 23.10 with an issue that removing an old kernel won't succeed. I have looked to find bug reports, but on this kernel there can't be much found. I have tried the usual stuff. Can I ask for help here?06:42
kotgcalkisg, 3) how do I install virt-manager? There will be no Internet?06:42
alkisgkotgc: in step (3) you're still in YOUR place where you HAVE internet. So you just `apt install virt-manager`06:42
dennis81or should I ask in #ubuntu-next?06:43
alkisgThen in step (4) you go to the target, and clone the stick2 to the target hard disk.06:43
dennis81Hi hermano!06:43
kotgcalkisg, (4) the target is ubuntu running on stick2? I haven't cloned before, is this a good guide https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-copy-clone-usb-stick-including-partitions/06:46
nteodosiodennis81, officially #ubuntu-next as per channel's topic, but probably people would have helped you here anyway if you hadn't asked? (;06:46
alkisgkotgc: no. The target PC has a hard disk, let's name it HD. You boot from stick1. Then you use gparted to graphically clone stick2 to HD. You don't need any commands.06:48
alkisgkotgc: if you really want to use a command, it is: sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sda bs=4M status=progress. But replace sdc with the stick2 device, and sda with the HD device.06:48
kotgc2ndchoicealkisg, ok, I've used that command before.06:50
kotgc2ndchoicealkisg, thx, I'll try it.06:52
alkisgYou're welcome06:52
Guest55year of the linux d......................06:54
knstnI updated to 23.10 and every time I login, I got a notification = "Software Update Installed: An important OS update has been installed"07:10
knstnI have deleted "/var/lib/PackageKit/transactions.db" and repaired PackageKit, but I get the notification every time.07:11
ubottuMantic Minotaur is the codename for Ubuntu 23.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.07:19
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hermano@dennis81 Hi.08:17
hermanodennis81, Hi08:17
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lockeI'm trying to install hexchat on ubuntu.09:07
lockeI'm getting error messages.09:08
lockehello SCVM_09:10
lockehello hatti09:11
lockeHello Angrytom, why are you angry?09:13
AngryTomI am always angry.09:13
lockeWhat are you angry at?09:16
lockeIs it computer-related?09:16
lockeHello iomari89109:16
lockeAngryTom, are you having trouble with your ubuntu system?09:17
AngryTomno, not computer related09:18
lockeIf so, we're here to help you if we can.09:18
lockeI'll talk about it in private, if you want.09:19
=== ord is now known as quem
lockehello ord09:22
lockeAre you in the Chicago area?09:22
lockeORD is the airport code for O'Hare Airport.09:24
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lockekotgc3rdchoice, is ubuntu your third choice?09:28
lockeHello tms09:29
lockewb bsmith093109:30
lockehello tms09:31
lockeWhy will hexcxhat not install on ubuntu?09:43
lockeWhat are you all using to get into this channel?09:43
tomreynlocke: what's the error message you get?09:47
lockehello OlegD09:47
tomreynlocke: while i understand you're trying to be kind, please don't greet everyone joining personally, some prefer to just idle here and join this channel as well as several others routinely.09:50
lockesudo apt-get install snapd  ... The screen says: Reading package lists ... building dependency tree ...reading state information ... snapd is already the newest version ... 0 upgraded ...09:54
lockeAnd then it doesn't do anything.09:55
tomreynlocke: what did you expect it to do instead?09:55
tomreynor: what's unexpected about this result?09:57
lockeI have several Hexchat.exe files in the Download directory.09:57
lockeIt says ... error in  loading the archive.09:58
tomreyn.exe? those are for windows.09:58
lockeThat's what it looks like.09:59
tomreynwhat happens when you try to install hexchat the same way as you tried to install snapd?09:59
lockeSo ... how do I get hechat for ubuntu?10:00
tomreynhow did you try to install snapd?10:01
lockeI got the messages mentioned above.10:01
tomreynand that's not what i asked10:02
tomreyn<locke> sudo apt-get install snapd10:02
tomreynreplace "snapd" by "hexchat"10:02
SlartibartHi. Is there a good place for asking openvpn related questions(on ubuntu if tha t matters)?10:02
tomreynSlartibart: i imagine there can be #openvpn, but you can aslos ask here, in #linux or on #ubuntu-server10:03
lockereading package lists , reading dependency tree ...10:03
tomreyn!paste | locke10:03
ubottulocke: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:03
tomreynlocke: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/package-management10:06
FKAShinobiIs there a command that will copy a directory structure recursively but create hard links for files instead of copying?10:17
tomreyncp -lr10:17
tomreynthat's an L (lower case), not a ONE.10:20
FKAShinobitomreyn: Thanks. For some reason I didn't think that would work with the r switch10:20
tomreynyou're welcome10:20
Slartibarttomreyn: Thanks.10:23
tomreynSlartibart: you're welcome10:25
SlartibartDoes anyone know how to set DNS servers on an Ubuntu Openvpn client? From what I see when connecting the server doesn't seem to push DNS servers, might be looking in the wrong place though. I do have the IP addresses of the DNS servers though, is there a way to add them manually, in the client config or something?10:25
tomreynis the openvpn client an ubuntu desktop or ubuntu server installation? which version?10:27
SlartibartIt's Ubuntu desktop 22.04(virtualbox on windows 11), command line there. Openvpn 2.5.5. Recently ran apt update.10:29
tomreynso you prefer to configure it from a shell than using the GUI?10:30
SlartibartActually I tried setting it up in the GUI, there's a field there for DNS server addresses and all. But currently I'm missing something in the GUI setup, it doesn't work while openvpn+client.conf does.10:32
tomreynbecause the easiest way to configure an openvpn client on a graphical desktop is to import the configuration into a network manager profile10:32
tomreyni see10:33
tomreynclassically, the configuration file usually refers to a "script" which is run after the connection is established, to set up static routes and dns.10:34
SlartibartIt's possible to import an openvpn config into network manager?10:34
SlartibartYes, update-resolv-conf10:35
tomreynyes, it's possible to import an openvpn configuration file into the openvpn plugin for network manager10:35
SlartibartI'll try it right away.10:36
tomreynopenvpn knows of a so-called script-security which is a measure to reduce what said script may do. this can get in the way of running scripts.10:36
tomreynin systemd land, however, if you want to configure it as you would on an ubuntu server, you'd probably manage openvpn 'client' connections as systemd services instead.10:39
tomreynnote that i have not tested whether this mechanism actually exists on ubuntu, too: https://wiki.debian.org/OpenVPN#VPN_connection_started_as_a_Systemd_service10:41
tomreynnetwork-manager-openvpn-gnome is the package you need to have installed to manage openvpn configurations graphically on gnome.10:43
OnkelTemHi folks! I'm configuring a VPS on Ubuntu 22.04 and among requirements there is Xorg presence. What desktop/window manager you would recommend to use? Xfce/Mate/Lxde/Gnome/Cinnamon or KDE? :) Something different?11:03
tomreynUbuntu comes with Gnome (gnome-shell, mutter). others are available and (community) supported as part of ubuntu !flavors.11:06
tomreynon a server type computer, you usually do not have a graphical user interface, and usually no X server11:07
SlartibartYeees. Finally. Thanks, tomreyn! I still had to add the dns server ip manually, but that's a one-time job so it's nothing. Thanks!11:14
tomreynSlartibart: glad you worked it out.11:14
OlegDhow to grep all sublime processes with ubuntu11:21
Slartibartps -A | grep sublime ? ..or whatever the processes are named?11:23
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BluesKajHi all12:22
mozambiqueUFCD DESIGNATION: Cybersecurity Fundamentals12:42
mozambiqueUFCD CODE: 918812:42
mozambiqueIdentify the fundamentals of cybersecurity.12:42
mozambiqueRecognize the different types of cyber threats.12:42
mozambiqueRecognize the profile and motivation of cyber attacks.12:42
pi_hello world12:55
pi_ where to find the file:  linux-headers-5.19.0-46_5.19.0-46.47_all.deb  ?12:56
leftyfbpi_: why?12:57
pi_to compile virtualbox.12:58
coconutpi_, apt cache folder12:58
leftyfbpi_: what release of ubuntu are you running?12:59
pi_Description:    Ubuntu 22.10 Release:        22.10 Codename:       kinetic13:00
pi_ 5.19.0-46-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Jun 16 13:30:11 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:00
leftyfbpi_: 22.10 is EOL. You need to upgrade13:00
leftyfbpi_: but also, you can just install virtualbox with: sudo apt install virtualbox13:01
pi_anyhow is there a backup somewhere for linux-headers-5.19.0-46_5.19.0-46.47_all.deb ?13:01
leftyfbmozambique: what do you need help with?13:02
mozambiquethe OS need s to be more usb friendly13:02
mozambiquethere is a lack f software for usb's13:02
leftyfbmozambique: can you be more specific?13:02
mozambiquein linux area13:02
mozambiqueI have to run mount all the time13:02
mozambiquethe system doesn't regocnize the usb13:03
mozambiqueand I need to amke mount auto all the time13:03
leftyfbmozambique: if you plug a USB flash drive into a computer running a modern release of ubuntu and the filesystem on that device is supported and clean, it will automount to /media/$USER/X13:04
mozambiquemaybe a bug13:05
leftyfbmozambique: what release of ubuntu are you running?13:05
pi_   http://launchpadlibrarian.net/672569520/linux-headers-5.19.0-46-generic_5.19.0-46.47_amd64.deb  <-- maybe ?13:05
leftyfb!kali | mozambique13:05
ubottumozambique: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/13:05
akikhi, i disabled ubuntu's lxd's socket activation for these snap.lxd.daemon.unix.socket and snap.lxd.user-daemon.unix.socket. after a reboot they've been restored so they don't point to /dev/null any more. how to fix this?13:14
akikthe problem i try to resolve is how to start lxd and a lxd container automatically on boot13:15
ograit should happen automatically once you have your first container ...13:17
ogra(it surely does on all my machines)13:17
akikogra: lxd doesn't startup automatically on boot13:17
ograit does here13:17
akik$ systemctl is-enabled snap.lxd.daemon13:17
ogra$ snap info lxd|grep -A3 ^services|grep lxd.daemon13:18
ogra  lxd.daemon:      simple, enabled, active13:18
ogra(and i never tinkerd with it)13:19
akik  lxd.daemon:      simple, enabled, inactive13:19
ogrado you have any containers yet ?13:19
akikwhat's the difference between snap.lxd.daemon and lxd.daemon?13:19
akikogra: yes, one13:19
ograhey are the same process but one is lower levl stuff you should not touch (systemd level)13:20
akiki don't want to use socket activation, but just start up lxd and the container automatically on boot13:20
ograsudo snap start --enable lxd.daemon13:20
akikoh it's done like that. thanks13:20
ograthen check again13:20
akik# snap start --enable lxd.daemon13:21
akiki was starting it with systemd13:21
ograthe socket activation is orthogonal ... it is used to trigger lxd.daemon to start if you have no container yet but use the lxc command13:21
leftyfbogra: hm, so I'm learning something new here, but not having the same results as you13:26
leftyfbogra: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/VDP8tV8wMD/13:26
akikogra: lxd is still not starting automatically13:27
ograinteresting ...13:27
akikogra: mind you, this is wsl 2 vm where i have this setup13:28
ograoh, there might indeed be differences in wsl2 ...13:28
leftyfbI've run into this issue kinda often Sometimes on boot the containers don't start up automatically13:28
leftyfbI'm not on wsl13:28
akikogra: it is ubuntu 22.0413:28
ograthere is a soecific irc channel for wsl stuff IIRC13:28
akikogra: yes i'm in there13:28
ograleftyfb, worth a bug i guess ... they are definitely supposed to (and work here on 5 machines OOTB as expected)13:29
akikogra: i ran this and it seemed to work(?) but lxd is not running after the vm reboot: snap start --enable lxd.daemon13:29
leftyfbogra: I'm not so sure it's a bug. I get this across all of the 22.04 servers I manage13:30
akiklxd.daemon       enabled  inactive  socket-activated13:30
ograakik, does it show as enabled in "snap info lxd" before you run this command ?13:30
leftyfbsimple, enabled, active13:30
leftyfbI get that for lxd.daemon13:30
akikogra: lxd starts up fine when i run lxc list13:31
ograi dont run server anywhere, desktop and UbuntuCore all over the place ... i wonder if thats specific to server installs13:31
akikogra: so does the lxc container13:31
ogratry asking in https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/lxd/support/14913:32
ograthey should definitely know whats going on there 🙂13:33
akikok thanks13:33
akikogra: "However, this site is NOT for technical support"13:35
ograakik, it is 🙂13:36
akikogra: okay :)13:36
ograah, there is also (on the old support forum)  https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/lxd-snap-switching-to-socket-activation/279313:36
ograThe LXD daemon will now startup when:13:37
ogra    You first talk to it13:37
ogra    You have auto-started containers13:37
ograso i guess i somehow have "auto-started containers" everywhere ... not sure how i got them though 🙂13:37
akikthere's a command for that13:37
akikbut i used it13:38
akiklxc config set ubuntu-jammy boot.autostart true13:38
akiki don't know how to create a new thread in that forum13:38
pi_archive.ubuntu does not have virtualbox ?13:39
pi_is there a archive source list for kinetic 22.10 ?13:39
leftyfbpi_: it's part of the multiverse repo13:39
leftyfbpi_: Ubuntu 22.10 is End of Life and unsupported13:39
pi_i look for virtalbox-qt 6.1 38 dfsg 3 amd64 deb13:40
ograakik, you need to browse a few posts, the discourse has an "anti spam bot" setup that rquires that13:40
pi_is there any archive somewhere on the web?13:40
leftyfbpi_: that version was available in Ubuntu 20.0413:40
ograpi_, you need to upgrade to 23.04 we can not support EOL releases here13:40
pi_virtualbox/virtualbox-qt_6.1.38-dfsg-3_amd64.deb   is on some website maybe?13:41
ograperhaps ...13:41
leftyfbpi_: you need to upgrade. Also, installing straight .deb packages downloaded from the archive on releases it wasn't meant for is also not supported13:41
ograyeah, hat will likely break ... why would you install such an old version anyway13:42
pi_does 22.10 have a archive sourceslist on the official ubuntu EOL?  (alike archive for debian)13:42
akiki think i'll make one blog post and wait for the anti spam bot to learn my presence13:42
ograakik, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/limiting-brand-new-user-accounts/1068713:42
leftyfbpi_: You need to upgrade. Good luck13:43
ogra(its a bit tricky, since discourse.ubuntu.com is not actually a support site ... but the lxd category is using it for support since they moved there )13:43
pi_leftyfb: how to upgrade ?13:46
leftyfb!eolupgrade | pi_13:46
ubottupi_: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:46
pi_is there a sources list for current lunar ?13:47
ograyeah, you get it with the upgrade13:48
lotuspsychjepi_: are you trying to just switch sources to make the upgrade?13:48
pi_22.10 to a new one with virtualbox ...13:48
leftyfbpi_: please follow the instructions you were given to upgrade13:49
pi_lunar is the current supported ubuntu ?13:51
leftyfbyes, until January13:51
pi_is it right? ===>  debootstrap  lunar  . http://ftp.us.ubuntu.org/ubuntu/13:51
leftyfbpi_: personally, I would recommend fresh installing 22.04 which is supported till 202713:51
leftyfbpi_: please follow the instructions you were given to upgrade13:52
pi_I did: apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade ; apt-get dist-upgrade ; sync ; reboot13:57
pi_ok, now I have ubuntu 23.04... what is the sources.list to get virtualbox to be installed ???13:59
pi_can you give me a lunar 23.04 working sources.list for getting virtualbox after?14:00
leftyfbpi_: lets look at your system to find out, please run this including the parens and post the resulting URL here:   ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; grep -R multiverse /etc/apt/sources.list* ) | nc termbin.com 999914:01
akikogra: i have no idea what i have to do to create a new thread there14:02
ograpi_, the upgrader too (do-release-upgrade) updates your sources.list automatically (and a lot of other things that are required for a clean update) ... nothing you need to do14:02
ograyou should be able to just apt install virtualbox14:03
ograakik, there is a plus sign ...14:03
leftyfbogra: they might need to enable multiverse14:03
pi_ wget https://termbin.com/adqf14:03
ograhmm, it should be on by default, like universe ... only deb-src lines are off by default normally14:04
akikogra: i don't see any + sign14:05
pi_ do-release-upgrade   seems to not modify it somehow14:05
leftyfbpi_: please run this including the parens and post the resulting URL here:   ( uname -a ; grep -R multiverse /etc/apt/sources.list* ) | nc termbin.com 9999    # do not try to pick individual commands out or use wget. Please copy and paste the entire command into your terminal14:05
leftyfboh wait, it might have worked...14:06
ograakik, hmm, it should appear on the top right once your trust level has gotten up14:06
leftyfb!multiverse | pi_14:06
ubottupi_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:06
leftyfbpi_: https://pimylifeup.com/ubuntu-multiverse-repository/14:06
akikogra: the bot doesn't like me :(14:07
deadroman LTS production machine with dockerd running anyway, instead of permanently installing all the management tools like this network config and that editor and the other fancy editor, is there standard toolbox?14:23
akikogra: tomp granted me user level 1! woohoo!14:25
leftyfbdeadrom: huh?14:27
deadromleftyfb, the idea is: small footprint and only brng in your fav tools when you need them14:28
leftyfbdeadrom: ok?14:28
leftyfbdeadrom: install ubuntu server14:28
leftyfbthere is a "minimal" option which doesn't even include vi or ping14:28
leftyfbor even nano for that matter14:28
deadromyes. now come the day when you need nano and say your other 10 standard tools14:29
leftyfbinstall them14:29
deadromnow you could install them all, but then you've blown up the footprint permanently14:29
deadromcould uninstall afterwards, but that's tedious14:29
leftyfbdeadrom: what is your question exactly?14:30
deadromis there any gain in putting them all in a container and load that from the registry only when needed14:30
leftyfbthere is no "registry"14:30
leftyfband sure, you could put them in docker, which you will need to install and uninstall as needed14:31
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leftyfbdeadrom: there is no magical way to have tools at your disposal without having them take up resources.14:32
deadromI am stil processing "there is no registry", which doesn't make sense to me14:33
leftyfbdeadrom: linux != Windows14:33
deadromcontainer registry.14:34
leftyfbok, the "docker registry" is a repository for docker containers14:35
leftyfband sure, you can create a docker container, upload it to a docker registry and pull it down as needed14:36
leftyfbit's not much more effort than installing and uninstalling .debs, but sure14:36
leftyfbexcept the packages on the container are never updated14:36
leftyfband requires the use of a docker daemon taking resources when there's no docker container loaded14:37
leftyfbwhere-as tools (binaries) only take up maybe megabytes of disk space, the dockerd daemon takes up disk space, memory and cpu, albeit not much14:38
leftyfbalso, a docker container loaded with tools will take up slightly more space than just loading the tools in your OS directly14:41
deadromwe live in the days of GB RAM and 6 core cpus that cost less then a pair of shoes. updating the packages is a question of build system. loading/unloading can be login/logout triggered14:49
ioriadepends on the pair of shoes14:52
leftyfbdeadrom: the same goes for the storage space15:04
deadromioria, 1460Z15:05
mordantso I'm trying to setup an MTA, found this page: https://tecadmin.net/install-sendmail-on-ubuntu/ - my sendmail.mc doesnt contain any of what they outline in step 3, configuring sendmail.mc, do I have some goofy version installed or something? or can I just add those lines to my sendmail.mc file?15:11
dman777how can I get the vim 9.*? it seems the standard rep only has 8.015:11
leftyfb!latest | dman77715:11
ubottudman777: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:11
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:12
leftyfbdman777: also, what does vim have to do with sendmail?15:12
leftyfbdman777: also, I would recommed postfix over sendmail15:12
mordantthat was my question15:13
dman777leftyfb: that might be someone else... no mention of sendmail from me :)15:13
leftyfboops, sorry15:13
dman777np :)15:13
mordantI had postfix and gave up because I couldn't configure that one either. I have an SMTP server and credentials, I followed tons of articles, and every single attempt failed, I know I'm missing something. Does my machine's hostname have to match my relayhost for postfix?15:14
mordantmy FQDN I mean15:14
leftyfbmordant: I would recommend going back to postfix and /join #postfix for help with it15:15
mordantleftyfb, I'll do that, thanks for the suggestion15:15
tomreynmordant: do you just want to send outbound email through an existing smtp account, or do you want to create new mailboxes (smtp and / or imap) for receiving and sending mail?15:29
mordant@tomreyn, just sending outbound mail through existing smtp15:30
tomreynif it's the former, you could cut it short and just use "ssmtp" or a similar "nullmailer"15:30
mordantsomeone over in #postfix just recommended nullmailer as well, I'll definitely check that out15:33
dman777how can I compile vim and have it use /etc/vim/?15:34
tomreynmordant: 'nullmailer' both refers to a type of software and an implementation of it. from what i remember, the "nullmailer" software (implementation) lacks the ability to do smtp authentication (which you, however, will require). the "ssmtp" software (implementation), however, supports authentication, which is why i suggested this.15:37
tomreyndman777: why do you need the newer vim?15:39
dman777tomreyn: for github copilot15:40
tomreynvim 9.0 is available in ubuntu releases since 22.1015:40
mario90hi,I installed xubuntu Lunar on my old 2013 iMac and wanted to use it as an external monitor anyway. is it still possible? Thank you15:41
tomreynmario90: you want to use the entire mac as an external monitor? external to what?15:47
mario90tomreyn, to use it with my intendo switch15:54
tomreynNishnabe: can we help you?15:55
tomreynmario90: oof i don't see how that would work.15:56
Nishnabetomreyn trying to change the black nick color so it does not blend with my background color15:57
leftyfbNishnabe: feel free to ask for help with IRC in #libera15:59
leftyfbmario90: the only way to do that is to plug an HDMI capture card into the ubuntu machine and set it as fullscreen. There will be a delay, whether or not it affects your gaming depends on the game16:00
leftyfbmario90: mind you, this same process can be done with any OS16:00
lotuspsychjemario90: how about another approach, use a nintendo emulator on your ubuntu?16:00
leftyfblotuspsychje: lets not suggest that16:01
lotuspsychjewhy not? its a snap16:01
leftyfblotuspsychje: the legality of actually using it is questionable16:02
elias_aleftyfb: Which jurisdiction are you talking about?17:58
leftyfb!ot | elias_a17:59
ubottuelias_a: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:59
elias_aleftyfb: If you do not want to discuss legal issues and differences between the legal differences of countries, please do not make misleading statements like that.18:01
elias_aThis is a global support channel. Things that are legal in one country may be illegal in another country and vice versa.18:02
leftyfbhence "questionable"18:02
elias_aI am not aware of any country where it would be even "questionable".18:02
leftyfbelias_a: feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic  (though I will not be participating)18:03
elias_aleftyfb: Feel free to say no more about legal issues.18:04
danse-nr3__hey relax folks18:04
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lockeWhat IRC clients are available for Ubuntu ?19:08
lockeI found out, from my consultant, that xchat is not available for ubuntu.19:09
lockeSo, what IRC clients are?19:09
birdwingquassel, hexchat19:12
greggiohello world19:16
nshirelaptopso I'm looking at a stackoverflow answer to disable the internal bt adapter. it says "sudo -H gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/81-bluetooth-hci.rules19:19
lockehexchat isn't available for ubuntu.19:20
nshirelaptopyes it is19:20
nshirelaptopwhat's the relevance of 81 in my previous message? sorry got cutoff from linebreak19:20
lockeWhere would I find it, then?19:20
nshirelaptopsudo apt install hexchat19:20
nshirelaptopClient: HexChat 2.16.0 • OS: Ubuntu "jammy" 22.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz (500MHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.4 GiB Total (5.5 GiB Free) Swap: 11.7 GiB Total (11.7 GiB Free) • Storage: 84.2 GB / 189.1 GB (105.0 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] @ Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v5/E3-1500 v5/6th Gen Core Processor Host Bridge/DRAM Registers • Uptime: 17m 35s19:21
lockeThank you!19:26
lockeO guess that my consultant was off in La-La Land.19:27
nshirelaptopdid they say it wasn't available?19:27
nshirelaptopso I need to get the vendor id and product id of my internal usb bluetooth adapter to replacce into the following string, how do I get those? "SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="105b", ATTRS{idProduct}=="e065", ATTR{authorized}="0""19:28
nshirelaptoplsusb shows Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0a5c:6412 Broadcom Corp. BCM2045A019:28
nshirelaptopis 0a5c the vendor and 6412 the product id?19:29
nshirelaptopfor sake of completion, 0a5c:6412 was in fact the vendorID:productID as laid out in the lsusb manpage19:37
leejonesThank you, nshirelaptop!19:44
leejonesThis is Locke!19:44
leejonesAre you using hexchat?19:48
leejonesI'm trying to find a larger font now, one I can read without the glasses.19:51
leejonesI'm on Monospace 9. And it can't change the size to 14.19:52
leejonesI get the messsage "Failed to open Monospace" in a new window.19:53
nshirelaptopI don't experience that19:53
leejonesWhat font are *you* using?19:54
nshirelaptopmonospace 1019:54
nshirelaptopbattery is about to quit19:54
leejonesMonospace 10 also failed to open.19:55
xanguaDid you try setting the size in your global font configuration?19:57
leejonesWhere is the global fong configuration?19:58
leejonesWhere is the global font configuration?19:59
xanguaDon't know what desktop you use, assuming gnome I haven't used it in a long time20:00
leejonesThe fonts I generally use are: 1) Arial where everything is proportionally space,  2) Courier where the character sizes are all the same, including the "i" and the "m". and   3) Liberation Mono, where the numeral sizes are all the same, but all other characters are proportional, which is good for text files in which there are columns of figures.20:15
ice9is it possible to export Ubuntu's gnome-shell theme and use with other distro?20:44
Eickmeyerice9: It's freely available: https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru20:44
ice9Eickmeyer, I don't think that one is updated to the same version that is in 23.10 or?20:45
Eickmeyerice9: That's literally where the development happens.20:45
EickmeyerLatest commit was last week.20:46
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