[17:38] hello, using Studio Controls, JACK is failing to start [17:38] where can I view the logs? [17:51] BinarySavior: ~/.log (autojack logs) [17:51] BinarySavior: That said, you may have to delete your ~/.config/autojack directory and start over, your might have corrupt configs. [17:58] I deleted the config and jack still won't start [17:59] https://bpa.st/IXVA [18:30] if I run jackd -R -d alsa -d hw:1 then jack server starts, but then ardour can't see my midi controller [18:30] but if I open ardour without jack running, then it detects my midi controller, but I don't hear any playback [18:36] OvenWerks: ^ ? [18:37] BinarySavior: That's because ardour will start jack on its own. [18:38] Make sure ardour is set to look at the correct sound server (alsa, jack, pulseaudio) [18:41] BinarySavior: Sometimes you have to reboot after deleting the configs. You might have a process stuck. [18:42] Eickmeyer, Ardour was pushing master to wrong hardware output [18:42] now ardour is working with its built-in jack server, I would still like to be able to run jack with the gui for applications where I want to control the audio channels but the software doesn't have a built in jack server [18:49] I totally understand. I was just wanting you to make sure you have ardour running *after* you start Jack with studio controls. If ardour is running before, you'll have trouble. [18:49] But if you delete the configs in ~/.config/autojack, you have to relog or reboot, no way around it. [18:56] Eickmeyer, cool thanks [18:57] I will revisit this in the future, right now ardour's default jack server is working for me after I pointed it to my usb audio device instead of the hdmi audio device it was using [19:09] BinarySavior: That's good to hear. Honestly, the work on PipeWire is coming along swimmingly, and I think by the time 24.04 rolls around this upcoming April it'll be nice and solid.