[00:57] So... here's the thing... XD [00:57] I keep adding the development release to downloads. [00:57] Someone keeps removing it, and for long amounts of time, I don't particularly care. [00:57] Then, I somehow find myself adding it again to put download links in release notes. [00:57] And then, someone removes it again... ;) [00:58] So, can we come to an agreement? Specifically because, well, the Beta links to the *downloads* page, which has no Beta on it. :P [00:58] * tsimonq2 shrugs [00:58] If the point of hiding it from downloads is to hide it all together, uhhh how are people supposed to test easily XD [00:59] Anyway, rough thoughts. [01:00] @wxl, @teward001, @kc2bez: ^^^^ [01:00] oh and probably guiverc too ;) [01:02] I'm not sure what you're referring to. tsimonq2 [01:03] https://lubuntu.me/downloads/ vs https://lubuntu.me/mantic-released/ except A) someone should fix that slug B) You can download Lubuntu 23.10 here. points to *downloads* not *cdimage.u.c* [01:05] yeah i was aware of that.. I did edit a number of times (friday, even saturday after beta release) in attempts to get heading to show the mantic-released; sorry if something got removed; but I've not re-tried since then [01:48] [telegram] I don't think I intentionally removed it from the downloads but maybe I did after we did the last release? [01:49] [telegram] I remember cleaning some downloads up but I thought they were for unsupported releases. [02:25] [telegram] fyi i dont touch the site and we know its fubar so [02:25] [telegram] just sayin. *goes to bed* [02:32] [telegram] If I did it, it is OK if you slap me with a wet fish and give teward my coffee supply. [02:33] [telegram] *goes to spend some horizontal time too*