[06:11] PR snapd#13231 closed: packaging: fix i18n patch for debian-sid [07:01] rpocase, better ask on the forum, this channel has kind of turned into a bot-only place [07:53] PR core20#157 closed: Use ucdev ppa instead of ubuntu-image [09:27] PR snapd#13235 opened: Feature/notices api [11:53] anyone with expertise at snap level? I failed to find accurate docs on the matter of aliases, but I'm really tempted to say it's a WONTFIX by design of snap?: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1825103 === Guest5602 is now known as ogra [12:40] lissyx, well, i think the issue is that there are multiple apps in that snap and only one can actually be aliased by snapd ATM ... so yeah, sounds like "wontfix" but a bug against snapd should be in order to make it handle multiple apps in a snap at parallel installs [12:41] ogra, would it be a legit usecase? [12:42] lissyx, well, if i want to parallel install snaps that have multiple binaries these multiple binaries need to be taken into account somehow ... looks t me like that is not happening atm [12:43] could be either by supressing the second (and further) apps from the additionally installed snaps or by having something like a "--suffix" option that applies a suffic to all binaries or something along these lines [12:44] but it is surely not solvable on a snap side level like in the FF snap [12:44] that's not a problem for me [12:44] I am just wondering whether it's useful to file an issue upstream or not [12:44] i think it is, at least for awareness [12:53] ok, so snapd? [12:53] yep [12:54] where, it looks like issues are not open on github ? [12:54] ubuntu-bug snapd or on launchpad on the snapd project, both should work [13:10] ogra, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/2037648 [13:10] Bug #2037648: Parallel installs of snap should allow for aliases to work [13:16] ❤️ [13:16] thanks ! [13:33] PR snapd#13224 closed: tests: fix selinux-lxd in centos-7 [13:38] PR snapd#13027 closed: locale_control: add locale1 dbus support [14:14] ogra, I can't find it, is there a strip() process applied during the snap construction process? [14:14] I'm having a look at my debug build and it does not have all the expected symbols [14:28] no, ther is no stripping usually ... unless your build system applies it [14:29] (libs pulled in from the archive are stipped though ... thats a general thing for debs) [14:45] PR snapcraft#4385 opened: feat(remote-build): get build id === user363627 is now known as weary-traveler [18:35] PR snapd#13236 opened: osutil: move to useradd from adduser [19:31] PR snapcraft#4380 closed: ci: download snap to tests dir [21:56] Issue snapcraft#4386 opened: stage-packages pull, fails for arm64 target architecture