[11:00] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic post-Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: schopin, bdrung === pizzaiolo is now known as pizza === Guest5602 is now known as ogra === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [12:53] coreycb: hi, around? I don't see the horizon package in your verification comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/horizon/+bug/2030526/comments/11 [12:53] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2030526 in horizon (Ubuntu Jammy) "[SRU] yoga stable releases" [High, Fix Committed] [12:54] ahasenack: hey! sorry about the confusion on that. that's listed as openstack-dashbboard in the verification comment which is the main binary package provided by the horizon source package. [12:54] oh, dashboard? [12:54] right, just saw it while you were writing :) [12:54] all good [12:55] thanks for taking a look :) [13:07] Eickmeyer: hi, I caught a glimpse here on irc the other day, did you give up on the edubuntu-menu and ubuntustudio-menu srus? [13:07] I see an upload in lunar unapproved [14:05] schopin: bdrung: if any of you have cycles, looks like this could use a sponsor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfprint/+bug/2031872 [14:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2031872 in libfprint (Ubuntu Lunar) "Support Elan fp device [04F3:0C99]" [Undecided, New] [14:05] if done today, I could also add it to my SRU processing [14:05] ahasenack, i'll try to have a look [14:06] thx [16:25] schopin, bdrung: Can I get a review on https://code.launchpad.net/~eeickmeyer/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/452308 and possible merge? See the bug it's linked to for screenshots and details. :) [16:28] ahasenack: Yes, I gave up on the srus, sadly. 😞 [16:38] Eickmeyer, the change looks good. can you add the description of the merge request and the bug reference to the git commit message body? [16:39] bdrung: Sure can! [16:39] bdrung: Done. [16:39] and maybe add one release commit where you update d/changelog? [16:39] bdrung: Sure. [16:40] Eickmeyer: there are two of each (edubuntu-menu, ubuntustudio-menu) in lunar unapproved, shall I reject them all then? [16:40] ahasenack: Please. :) [16:40] ok [16:41] bdrung: Changelog entry pushed. [16:42] Eickmeyer: and this one, will it be wontfix for all tasks? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-menu/+bug/2033992 [16:42] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2033992 in ubuntustudio-menu (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] Change Ubuntu Studio Chat from Matrix to IRC" [High, Fix Committed] [16:43] ahasenack: That one can still be released for Jammy, and I need to redo it for lunar. [16:43] ok [16:45] Eickmeyer, ah, i meant add the description to the git commit message (shown with "git log -p") and not the "commit message" box on launchpad [16:46] bdrung: Ah, thanks for clarifying. :) [16:48] because the information from the MR is lost when you just have a git checkout [16:58] bdrung: There we go. Amended the commit and got the description in there. :) [17:00] Eickmeyer, could you wrap the lines in there (or should i do that)? [17:01] bdrung: I thought I had? If that's not to your satisfaction, my git-foo isn't advanced enough. I had to create a branch to make that happen. [17:03] Eickmeyer, git rebase is your friend. I'll wrap the lines then. [17:03] bdrung: Yes, rebase. XD [17:03] Thanks. [17:04] (I always forget about rebase) [17:05] ahasenack, sponsored #2031872 [17:06] o/ [17:07] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic post-Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: schopin [17:07] before more request come it ;) [17:07] Busy day. XD [17:08] last day before vacation. [17:08] always the busiest [17:08] especially if you want to finish an epic [17:09] Also two weeks before release, so bug squashing at its finest. [17:09] the good part is that it's usually really just bug squashing [17:09] and not new upstream versions [17:13] I was 🤏 this close to throwing a sync request for pipewire for an RC bug, but it turned out to not be pipewire but the kernel and it's likely fixed in proposed already. [17:27] Eickmeyer, ubiquity merged and uploaded [17:27] over and out [17:27] bdrung: Thanks! :) [17:27] Have a good vacation! [17:28] Eickmeyer, thanks. Can you mark your MR as merged? [17:29] bdrung: Done. [17:35] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic post-Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: kanashiro, schopin [18:57] Hi! Could someone with upload rights to scikit-build (universe) press retry on this build https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scikit-build/0.17.6-1/+build/26499999? [19:03] oing [19:03] doing [19:03] done [19:09] vorlon: thanks! [20:23] mitchdz I am taking a look at the amazon-ec2-net-utils MPs you submitted and I'd try to add a simple SRU template to the bug. Even being a new package in jammy and focal, it is still a SRU [20:24] kanashiro: That's fair, thanks for letting me know! I'll add that. [20:25] mitchdz the packaging changes look good, I am going to upload them already [20:42] kanashiro: Thank you! [20:51] mateus-morais I just added a comment to your python-duniterpy MP, the fix is simple, if you manage to do that now-ish I can still upload it for you today [21:08] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic post-Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: schopin [23:48] erico I backported mailman3 to jammy and added a comment to the bug [23:49] Bert ^