=== shokohsc5108121 is now known as shokohsc510812 === patrick is now known as Guest721 === Continuity__ is now known as ContinuitySR === maya3298 is now known as maya329 [10:09] ContinuitySR, frickler: thanks or raising the cloud-archive bug. The ball has started rolling with attaching a package patch yesterday and we'll get it in there [10:18] fnordahl: thanks for taking a look, just as an estimate how long does this process normally take (first timer) :D === patrick__ is now known as patrick === pizzaiolo is now known as pizza === Guest5602 is now known as ogra === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer === patrick is now known as Guest5881 === esv_ is now known as esv === shokohsc5108122 is now known as shokohsc510812 === patrick__ is now known as patrick