
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest6338
=== routebee_ is now known as route-bee
kx112I was previously using Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, and had 5.1 surround sound working fine. However, I have just upgraded to 23.04 (which I think uses pipe wire rather than pulseaudio), and surround sound no longer works. I also don't think the subwoofer is working. Any idea how to reenable this? I don't see 5.1 surround in any of the sound options in00:43
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pycurious sudo apt-cache show libboost-all-dev | grep -i "Installed-Size" —> Gives Installed-Size: 10 — does that mean the installed size is 10kb? 10MB?02:20
pycuriousInstalled-Size: 10.2 kB02:25
pycuriousDownload-Size: 2,468 B02:25
pycuriousThat does not sound right to me?02:25
Bashing-ompycurious: https://packages.ubuntu.com/kinetic/libboost-all-dev .02:31
Bashing-om!info libboost-all-dev02:31
ubottulibboost-all-dev (, lunar): Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL) (default version). In component universe, is optional. Built by boost-defaults. Size 3 kB / 11 kB02:31
pycurious@Bashing-om - https://packages.ubuntu.com/kinetic/amd64/libboost-all-dev/filelist - this does not list the header files themselves - what am i missing?02:35
pycuriousThe boost library is 38M compressed - something smelss.02:38
Bashing-ompycurious: Beats me - does https://askubuntu.com/questions/308657/installing-boost-on-12-04-have-ran-sudo-apt-get-install-libboost-all-dev-now help ?02:39
leejones_oppshank me deze eene nacht02:40
pycurious@Bashing-om The size of libboost-all-dev is 10.2kb - and then it installs a dependency libboost-dev - which also is 10.2kb in size….the mystry thickens :)02:41
leejones_TT/join #hexchat02:46
leejones_MATAMOROS, please come back!02:53
leejones_Oh darn, I know that he/she can't see what I just typed!02:54
m2x07ubuntu bad04:55
* m2x07 flips off04:55
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kotgcHello, File Manager is not showing a recognised USB?06:02
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ravagedefine "recognized"06:19
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DaghdhaHow to disable keyring popup on Ubuntu? I do NOT use auto login. yet i still hav eit popping uo.06:47
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ice9is there a channel to submit ideas to Ubuntu?08:09
father_of_liesHello everyone ?08:44
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Daghdhait's idling contest in here i fear. Hello though08:48
kotgc3rdchoiceHello, File Manager is not showing a recognised USB?08:55
father_of_liesIs all irc chat like this ?09:03
fazio1983buongiorno posso comunicare con voi per farvi delle domande?09:15
fazio1983ce nessuno09:15
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geirhakotgc3rdchoice: are you sure it has a filesystem?09:35
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kotgc2ndchoicegeirha, I ran a 2nd format and deleted all partitions, which seemed to fix the issue.10:24
viii lost my show desktop shortcut11:01
osse h11:08
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nteodosioice9, desktop or server?12:03
ice9nteodosio, both12:04
nteodosioice9, in general you could use Discourse, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/, but there is also https://github.com/ubuntu/desktop-devel-feedback.12:05
=== VlA is now known as V1A
BluesKajHi all12:22
ice9nteodosio, there is no option to create a new topic on Discourse12:22
nteodosioHow come? Are you logged in, ice9?12:23
ravageyou need minimal credit to create a new post i think12:34
lotuspsychjeice9: ^12:35
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ograice9, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/limiting-brand-new-user-accounts/1068712:41
=== Vercas4 is now known as Vercas
tmm88heyho everyone13:07
lotuspsychjewelcome tmm8813:07
tmm88i am trying to install ubuntu touch or older ubuntu mobile13:07
tmm88on my computer13:07
tmm88i am using an asus m137x13:08
tmm88i tried to set it to developer mode13:08
tmm88which i did13:08
ravage!touch | tmm8813:08
ubottutmm88: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports13:08
tmm88i tried ubports already13:08
tmm88but i am not being able to flash my device13:08
tmm88once my device is a bit old13:09
tmm88namely it dates back to 201313:09
ravagethis is the wrong place to ask.13:09
tmm88but in principle should be ok13:09
tmm88ravage: what's the right channel?13:09
=== esv_ is now known as esv
mordantI'm setting up unattended upgrades and want an email alert, I changed the config file and see that it's attempting to send an email, but I have some kind of mismatch going on with it and my MTA (msmtp). It's trying to send to the correct place, but it's 'From' is just set to 'root', so my server slaps it down immediately. What can I do to fix this?14:30
mordantI already set the 'from' setting in my msmtp config, which seems to be ignored, as a working manual sending using mailx still sends from 'root@mydomain.com' despite the 'from' setting set to something else. Manual sending does get delivered however, unlike the unattended upgrade summary14:31
mordantI also have my .msmtprc file in /root14:41
leftyfb mordant use postfix14:42
mordantcouldn't get it working, let me ask a better question then. Does unattended upgrades run as a different user than root?14:43
leftyfbmordant: use postfix, get it working, and install apticron14:44
leftyfbmordant: postfix is dead simple. Purge what you have, including /etc/postfix, reinstall it, and if doesn't ask during the installation, run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix14:46
mordantI appreciate the suggestions, I do. And everything I see makes postfix look dead simple like you say. I did the reconfigure after a purge yesterday, it failed, I tried setting it up manually after another purge, that failed. It sends only local everytime, I have no idea what it's trying to do, but using the reconfigure wizard didn't work, and setting it all up manually using a dozen different walkthroughs failed too14:48
leftyfbmordant: then you need to troubleshoot14:49
leftyfbmordant: just trying other MTA's hoping they'll work with little-to-no understanding of MTA's isn't the solution14:49
mordantim not just banging on the keyboard hoping for the best, I did troubleshoot, I started over several times, I read over the manual, it's quite a deep hole just to send a system email14:50
oacHi there, I have multiple kernels installed via PPAs (for testing a few things) in a mantic system running in lxd (so, no user-interactive grub by default). Is there a way to tell the system in the VM to reboot into a different kernel?14:51
leftyfbmordant: I saw zero troubleshooting going on in #postfix other than someone suggesting you use nullmailer and you saying everything was working fine14:52
mordantthat was after half a day of troubleshooting on my own, trial and error, watching the mail log, changing settingsm, redoing the config, etc.14:53
leftyfboac: LXD containers are containers, not VM's. If you want a VM, install a VM in LXD. Then you'll have grub14:53
leftyfbmordant: right, and at that point, you ask for more help with troubleshooting14:53
KingSharkmordant, maybe this helps you https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/379175/how-do-i-change-postfix-sender-address14:54
KingSharkbottomline is, its not postfix defining that sender address but the program you are actually sending with14:54
leftyfbmordant: use postfix and apticron. apticron lets you specify the user14:55
mordantalright, I'll give it another shot, thanks for the suggestions14:55
oacleftyfb: LXD can do both, all it takes is passing a `--vm` flag to the `lxc launch` command. So it boots with its own kernel. In this case, the kernel from the PPA I'm using. But I'd like to tell it to boot with the stock kernel instead of the one from the PPA. Is that possible without using grub? Or perhaps I should just adjust the grub configuration in the VM...14:57
leftyfboac: use grub14:57
oacleftyfb: Alright, thanks14:59
dipta14some 1 here??15:02
leftyfb!support | dipta1415:02
ubottudipta14: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:02
dipta14no 1 here huh? only me15:02
reinaldoWhat do you want?15:04
AngryTomHow to make submenus open automatically on Gnome like macOS does?15:09
KingSharki dont know macos so i struggle to follow15:14
KingSharki dont know gnome either but i am still curious what the question is :-))15:14
leftyfbAngryTom: which submenu's exactly?15:15
AngryTomWhen I right click on the panel.15:15
leftyfbAngryTom: which panel?15:16
AngryTom@leftyfb: the Gnome panel15:16
AngryTomthe dock15:16
leftyfbAngryTom: I don't think you can.15:17
leftyfbAngryTom: you can try asking in #gnome15:17
mordant@leftyfb, tried again, twice, and still, my mail.log is showing that its sending locally, as I'm only seeing postfix/local and not postfix/smtp, so it's not even trying to reach out where I specify15:35
=== VlA is now known as V1A
leftyfbmordant: pastebin your main.cf modifying anything you don't want public15:37
leftyfbmordant: and how exactly are you testing email being sent?15:40
mordantleftyfb, working on the paste, just need a minute. I'm just doing a mailx command and checking the mail.log15:40
leftyfbmordant: echo "this is a test email body" | mail -a "FROM: user@email.com" -s "my subject" recipient@example.com15:40
mordantwhats that paste site you can use with a pipe again?15:42
mordantleftyfb, yep, though I use mailx, but yea that's what I'm doing exactly for testing15:42
leftyfbmordant: termbin.com 9999. But if you want anything obfuscated, I wouldn't recommend piping to termbin15:43
V1Ahi all15:44
V1Amy desktop resolution seems to be fd!15:44
V1Aseems to be set at 5760x3240 ???!! I HAVE A 4K DISPLAY SHOULD BE 3849X2160PX15:45
V1Asry caps15:45
V1Ahow do i fix that15:45
ravagesettings -> display -> resolution15:45
V1Aoh seems i found it15:45
mordantleftyfb, nothing sensitive, replaced anything specific: https://termbin.com/5eub15:45
V1Athe reolution was fine problem was scale was set to 1.5x15:46
V1Amuch nicer now should work15:46
V1Aalso thx ravage !15:46
V1Ano wonder it was all so fukd lmao15:47
mordantleftyfb, ok, so postfix switches over to smtp when I'm not using my actual FQDN, like when I use sdfkgjhsdg.com, the log shows it switched over to smtp, but when set to my domain, it's set to local. Is there some mapping or alias on the system thats making it think my fqdn is itself? nothing I've set myself, I can confirm that much15:49
leftyfbmordant: Change "myhostname" to your actual hostname and remove your fqdn from the list of "mydestination". That is why it's trying to deliver email for mydomainname.com locally15:51
mordantleftyfb, progress, goddamn, thank you, I see it attempting to connect now15:53
leftyfbmordant: https://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#mydestination15:54
mordantand I was missing libsasl2-modules which I added, and now, it works. and it's a miracle. 🎉15:56
mordantleftyfb, thanks man, I really do appreciate your help15:56
leftyfbnot a miracle. Just basic configurations :)15:56
mordantand black magic16:11
mordantbasic values in a text file? might as well be neverland16:12
kaliboywhat up yall16:12
mordantleftyfb, im left thinking where I went wrong in the install configuration wizard, feel like that should be doing most of this stuff and I goofed it16:20
akikwhy are the lxd systemd socket files restored back to original status even if i sym link them to /dev/null ?18:43
akiki don't want to use socket activation for lxd snap18:44
ravage-> https://github.com/canonical/lxd/issues18:45
akiklol another place to report issues18:46
akiki already wrote to discourse18:46
ravageit is the link on the snap page18:47
akikravage: ok thanks i'll try there after a few days if nobody replies to discourse18:47
akikravage: do you know what this looks for? lxd.activate[190]: ==> Checking if LXD needs to be activated19:00
akiksystemd[1]: snap.lxd.activate.service: Deactivated successfully.19:00
akikwow that fixed it19:03
akiki enabled both snap.lxd.activate and snap.lxd.daemon with systemd for graphical.target19:04
akiknow lxd starts automatically on vm boot19:04
Guest46hi https://pastebin.com/jcMS4Wnr i'm trying to get gcc 12.2 to work(need it to compile some cuda stuff), it seems ubuntu installs 12.3.0 when installing the gcc-12.2.0 package. anyone got any idea on how to get gcc-12.2 ?19:05
akiksay what again19:12
dharcan't believe irc still works19:14
leftyfb!support | dhar19:14
ubottudhar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:14
Strifeshi all got a question19:29
toddc!ask | Strifes19:30
ubottuStrifes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:30
Strifesis it good to use ifconfig or better to go to ip command?19:32
Strifes'ifconfig' will be removed or will it be an alternative command?19:33
leftyfbStrifes: "ifconfig" is no longer installed by default19:34
toddcStrifes: https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/networkmanager/networkmanager-and-netplan19:45
res0netplan is so good.19:57
mossberg_NickServ loggin19:59
res0mossberg_: /msg nickserv help :)20:00
=== Buzzard-Buzz is now known as BuzzardBuzz
=== pasiz38 is now known as pasiz3
xenixyAnyone have any experience with installing Ubuntu on an HP Z440 with the stock PCI-E SSD? For some reason, only Windows seems to be able to see this drive as a... drive. If I boot an Ubuntu live-USB, lspci does seem to see it, but it is not offered as a drive during installation.23:09
leftyfbxenixy: disable the fake RAID in the bios23:13
xenixyleftyfb I didn't think I had anything like that enabled, but let me check.23:17
leftyfbxenixy: it's default23:17
leftyfbxenixy: please don't PM23:23
leftyfbxenixy: also look for Intel Rapid Technology23:24
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leftyfbxenixy: sorry, Intel Rapid Store Technology(RST)23:24
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=== raj is now known as Guest919
xenixyleftyfb I don't see any BIOS setting about RST.23:30
xenixyIs there perhaps some secret incantation to enter options related to the PCI-E SSD carrier card?23:33

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