
noahm"priority" meaning the naming of the .network files00:01
noahmas described in systemd.network(5)00:02
fabiomirmarhmmm, ok... I can see netplan creates the files as 10-* that's why they take precedence... and ec2-net-utils creates 70-*00:07
fabiomirmar@mitchdz ^00:07
fabiomirmarI think those were my questions for now. Thank you very much @noahm 00:15
meenahrrrmmm https://freshbsd.org/freebsd/src/commit/1f4ce7a39f0f4b0621ff55d228014ccddb366d3700:23
noahmfabiomirmar: yeah, so it may be that you'll need to adjust the file names if you want to change which configuration actually gets used.  It looks like you're getting netplan's routing configuration.  Though one thing you're seeing from net-utils is the altnames on the interfaces, which I find to be a super useful feature (embedding the ENI ID and device number in the interface metadata, as visible in 00:35
noahmthe altname field in your `ip addr` output)00:35
fabiomirmar@noahm, indeed, the altname with the eni id seems pretty useful02:53
fabiomirmarit would be nice if netplan had a config option (it doesn't seem it has) for you to specify the lexical order that you want the /run/systemd/network/*-netplan-* files to be created02:53
=== esv_ is now known as esv
holmanbmeena: huh, so homedir is broken currently?13:52
meenaholmanb: looks like it. I need to fix that.14:13
meenaupgrading ruff is… rough.15:12
meenaholmanb: less importantly, any idea how to fix https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/4463 ?15:19
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4463 in canonical/cloud-init "FreeBSD: failing unit tests in tests/unittests/cmd/devel/test_logs.py" [Open]15:19
holmanbmeena: either change the test to make it work on both ubuntu and freebsd, or skip it on non-ubuntu with something like: @pytest.mark.skipif(not IS_UBUNTU, reason="GNU-specific output")19:26
holmanbmeena: preferably add support for freebsd without removing ubuntu support, but if skipping is easier that would also be a welcome addition19:27
meenaholmanb: what does ls output look on Alpine? 19:33
holmanbmeena: not sure, would have to check19:33
meenasame 19:34
holmanboh I have busybox installed19:35
holmanbbusybox ls /ajsknefkj19:35
holmanbls: /ajsknefkj: No such file or directory19:35
holmanbso that presumably ^19:35
meenalike freebsd then?19:35
holmanblooks like it19:36
meenaneed to edit the bug report then 19:36
meenait would be cool if we could just make the test string a regex19:37
holmanbI could see that working19:37
holmanbnot sure why we have unittests for a function starting with an underscore - seems like a code smell to me19:38
holmanbbut not going to dig further on that at this time19:39

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