=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [21:55] * tsimonq2 tries a fix for bug 2000787 [21:55] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 2000787 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Live system cannot leave 'Lock Screen' when selected from menu" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2000787 [22:06] tsimonq2: If you figure it out, let me know. Ubuntu Studio (and presumably Kubuntu) is affected by a similar issue with the newest Plasma. [22:10] crazy idea: what if we used a non-null password, say same as the user ID? [22:10] wxl: That's the problem: it is non-null. [22:10] Eickmeyer: If you think you have an idea, I'll hold off. I'll throw you some interesting-looking code. [22:10] huh, i thought it was blank? [22:10] Yeah, it *is* blank. Eickmeyer has it backwards ;) [22:10] It's null-hashed. [22:11] * tsimonq2 thinks? [22:11] xscreensaver (and Plasma) sees it as a hashed password of "". [22:11] right. so that's what i'm saying. we use an actual password. [22:11] I think that would require modifying casper? [22:12] Eickmeyer: That stupidly-long Telegram message I just sent you has relevant code that should already fix this for KDE, but could very well be ancient. [22:12] I already have a local fix for the screensaver issue, I'm less interested in changing password behavior to be non-standard without consulting with Foundations first (see: advice and consent) [22:13] Yeah, that obviously doesn't work anymore. Probably KDE 4 related, and definitely doesn't work. [22:13] "I noticed that the live Lunar Ubuntu Desktop (standard Ubuntu) arrives at a page that prompts to enter user name and password, in other words, there is not longer a standard user with a blank password." [22:13] ^ sounds like password behavior has already changed? [22:14] Eickmeyer: If you give me some code before I go for beer in an hour, I'll include it in my upload :P [22:14] Re: password behavior itself, no idea. [22:15] I am inclined to agree that we should address the root cause, not the symptom... that being said the fix I have is pretty easy. Two rm lines, removing the xscreensaver autostart and the Lock Screen menu entry from the live session. [22:16] So, the only issue I'm really seeing with that solution is Suspend shows a somewhat interesting error about, well, having no lock screen. :P [22:16] In a perfect world filled with unicorns and rainbows, we'd suppress that message too. [22:17] wxl: As always, you play a pretty good Devil's Advocate, so let me hear it XD [22:19] tsimonq2: There's no way I can do that, sadly. The only thing I can think of is to change the defaults in ubuntustudio-live-settings to inject a default to disable the lock screen, but I think I'm done for the week. [22:20] [telegram] I'll have a beer for you ;) [22:30] [telegram] you still owe me a case :P (re @tsimonq2: I'll have a beer for you ;)) [22:30] [telegram] does a keg work? :P (re @teward001: you still owe me a case :P) [22:31] [telegram] Imagine bringing a keg on the airplane to Riga. [22:31] [telegram] I wouldn't bring it on the plane, but customs would sure look at me weird. :P [22:31] [telegram] "What's that?" "Imported beer." 👀 [22:34] [telegram] "Imported from where?!?" "From my backyard 😎" [22:34] [telegram] hah [22:39] @arraybolt3: Question for you... where did you keep that prototype of the new Lubuntu.me? [22:40] [matrix] 😬 [22:40] @arraybolt3: I know you can't see it anymore but we've been swearing at WP for about the past week ;) [22:40] [matrix] I don't think I still have it... [22:40] No worries, if you could try to find it I'd be grateful, if you only have the mockups or anything, that'd be cool too [22:40] I know, I asked a little late, that's my bad :) [22:41] [matrix] I remember it was just a Nikola site with Cosmo theme from https://bootswatch.com/ installed, then I used HTML for the pages and BootStrap4 to position elements. [22:43] Sweet. Thanks! (And a re-creation would be totally amazing too ;) ;) ) [23:09] [telegram] @tsimonq2 I've got code for you which I'll be pushing to casper as a MR. Identical to Kubuntu's code except s/kubuntu-default-settings/ubuntustudio (and tested) but in the changelog, should I be piggybacking on your bug 2000787? [23:09] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 2000787 in casper (Ubuntu) "Live system cannot leave 'Lock Screen' when selected from menu" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2000787 [23:12] [telegram] Must be beer o'clock for Simon. [23:25] [telegram] Dear @tsimonq2 , [23:25] [telegram] [23:25] [telegram] https://code.launchpad.net/~eeickmeyer/casper/+git/casper-1/+merge/452485 [23:25] [telegram] [23:25] [telegram] Sincerely, [23:25] [telegram] Me [23:25] Oof, unintentional multi-line paste. >.< [23:25] [telegram] i sent Simon into the salt mines he'll be back in 5 days :P [23:26] [telegram] Sounds good, he probably needs the workout. (re @teward001: i sent Simon into the salt mines he'll be back in 5 days :P) [23:26] [telegram] hah [23:53] [telegram] Path haz no dash? (re @Eickmeyer: Dear @tsimonq2 , [23:53] [telegram] [23:53] [telegram] https://code.launchpad.net/~eeickmeyer/casper/+git/casper-1/+merge/452485 [23:53] [telegram] [23:53] [telegram] Sincerely, [23:53] [telegram] Me) [23:54] [telegram] Also for flavor in ubuntustudio kubuntu [23:54] [telegram] hahahahaha (re @Eickmeyer: Sounds good, he probably needs the workout.) [23:54] [telegram] do you even lift bro? [23:56] [telegram] Correct, path has no dash. It's actually s/kubuntu-default-settings/ubuntustudio. ubuntustudio all one word, for legacy reasons. One of my predecessors thought it should be one word. (re @tsimonq2: Path haz no dash?) [23:57] [telegram] 10-4 [23:58] [telegram] Do you own a 70-lb husky? Those things will pull you. How do you fix that? You pull back. Do I lift? I don't need to lift, I own a husky. (re @tsimonq2: do you even lift bro?) [23:59] [telegram] Nah, but I have a 100 lb Great Dane 😎 (re @Eickmeyer: Do you own a 70-lb husky? Those things will pull you. How do you fix that? You pull back. Do I lift? I don't need to lift, I own a husky.)