=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [08:18] goood morning desktopers! [08:21] Good morning, seb128! [08:26] nteodosio, hey, how are you doing? [08:28] I'm doing fine, thank you. And you, seb128? [08:29] nteodosio, I'm alright, it's Friday! :-) [08:29] And great weather :) [10:38] bandali, hi :), do you already have a firefox 118.0.1 tarball? [10:39] seb128, thunderbird 115.3.1 is in progress [10:39] seb128, I have updated the nodejs patch to include the required control changes [10:39] s/patch/commit [10:44] ricotz, ack [10:45] ricotz, the ppa testbuild just finished, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/transitions/+build/26741440 [11:02] seb128, https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/thunderbird/ [11:29] ricotz, uploaded to mantic [11:31] seb128, thank you [11:44] ricotz, do you want to handle the stable series vcs update or should I? [11:46] seb128, please do, if you have the time [11:48] ricotz, I will [12:35] hey ricotz :-) i don't yet. i see you went ahead and made one at ~mozillateam [15:49] seb128, sorry, I didn't pick up the "~" which is required for nodejs dep :( [15:50] ricotz, oh, sorry I should have caught that, will fix later [16:10] hi, would someone please review https://code.launchpad.net/~waveform/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings/+git/ubuntu-settings/+merge/452468 ? [16:11] needed for raspberry pi 5 support === lan3y is now known as laney [17:50] seb128, bandali, time for me to sign off, but i think I nailed down the other crash reporting issue https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1855135#c4 [17:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1855135 in Toolkit "Fetching crash annotations from non-content child processes doesn't work on Ubuntu Snap builds" [--, New] [17:50] I dont know why precisely, but when I talked with gabriele about involvement of the linker or other in the fact we were failing to get reports, he was not 100% surprised [17:55] seb128, bandali https://github.com/canonical/firefox-snap/pull/31 + https://github.com/canonical/firefox-snap/pull/32 [17:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Pull 31 in canonical/firefox-snap "Bug 1855135 - Remove lto=cross (as a temp aworkaround?)" [Open] [17:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Pull 32 in canonical/firefox-snap "Bug 1855135 - Remove lto=cross (as a temp aworkaround?)" [Open] [17:55] please note I only tested on beta, and it might be welcome you cross check stable and beta as well on your side [17:56] the STRs are: install, start, about:crashes => clean up everything ; open youtube, play something ; "pgrep -af utility", then "kill -BUS " ; then back to reload about:crashes, you should have one, and it should submit [17:57] if you get any failure at submit, it means it's wrong [17:57] failure at submit correlates with "~/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/firefox/Crash\ Reports/pending/" including only a .dmp file and not a .extra file (we should have both per UUID)