
topcat001Be advised that some of the HP laptops do not have the option in the BIOS. At work we returned a few for this reason.00:14
topcat001(Our IT actually called HP support and was told this, after we failed to find an option in the setup)00:16
xenixytopcat001 is this directed towards me? The box in questions is a desktop workstation. Not that that means it _does_ have the relevant options.00:18
topcat001xenixy: yes sorry I assumed laptop because that was my experience. Not sure about desktops but it does not bode well. I hope there is a way.00:19
topcat001However I'd imagine it is more likely to be possible on a desktop!00:20
topcat001xenixy: one often cited workaround (which did not work for me byt ymmv) is to set a supervisor password in the bios, which is supposed to unlock some "advanced" options.00:27
xenixytopcat001 Hmmm... let me try that.00:30
xenixytopcat001 Yeah, I didn't notice any additional options.00:36
xenixyleftyfb By changing the (e)SATA controller settings to "RAID," I did see BIOS options related to RAID and Intel RST, but this didn't help and doesn't seem to be related to the PCI-E SSD that came with this PC.00:53
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
LnxGnomewhy won't netplan on 22.04/jammy do what I tell it to?  I'm using NetworkManager instead of systemd-networkd (because InfiniBand), but when I run netplan apply, it keeps disablling NetworkManager and trying to do a restart with networkctl/systemd-networkd.  I do have the renderer set to NetworkManager in all the /etc/netplan files.  Funny thing is, this was working two days ago.  Just added a vlan & Flop!02:27
Bashing-omLnxGnome: >> If you tell Netplan to use NetworkManager, all interface configuration control is handed off to the GUI interface on the desktop.02:32
LnxGnomeWell, not exactly.  netplan creates configs for NetworkManger in /run/NetworkManager/system-connection and NM uses those to config itself.  This is a server, not a desktop, so there's no GUI. I ended up using NetworkManager because Infiniband support in networkd is broken.  Maybe a better question is... does it matter if systemd-networkd.service is running in tandem with NetworkManager.tandem?02:39
LnxGnomeer NetworkManager.service02:39
LnxGnomeAnother netplan question, I have dhcp4: false and dhcp6: false set (with renderer: NetworkManager), how do I prevent an interface from getting a 169.254.x.x address?03:42
LnxGnomeI end up with a method=link-local in the NM config, but I just want method=none03:45
rboxLnxGnome: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1437553/blocking-automatic-setting-of-apipa-ip-on-the-network-interface04:02
LnxGnomerbox: thanks.  I was just trying that, but it's not working.04:07
LnxGnomeThe netplan doc says it should work ... https://netplan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/netplan-yaml/04:08
LnxGnomeI'm guessing it's a bug in the netplan backend for NM :(04:10
marenceHi, what software on xubuntu 22.04 could i use to add notes in pdf documents and mark text in different color?04:16
marenceI used foxit reader on win704:17
rboxokular is the kde pdf viewer04:18
matsamanmarence: xournal maybe?04:18
marenceThanks guys, i will try to install both of them in synaptic now. Thanks again04:21
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matsamanmarence: https://alternativeto.net/software/foxit-reader/?license=opensource&platform=linux04:22
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=== Rahoul4 is now known as Rahoul
xxyhow to display living internet speed on top corner , i knew netspeed, but ubuntu repository haven't this application , my desktop is gnome07:00
kotgcHello, installing bootable USB ubuntu to USB2 won't progress when I select the USB2 https://i.stack.imgur.com/vUYMw.png07:17
Habbiekotgc, shouldn't you select /dev/sde in the list at the top?07:25
kotgcHabbie, I tried that as per this 2nd of 2 images https://i.stack.imgur.com/khBEG.png07:30
Habbiekotgc, ah, perhaps you need to make partitions?07:42
kotgcHabbie, possibly, this is its format right now https://i.imgur.com/006Cg1h.png07:44
Siamaster30Hi, I'm having very low resolution on my monitor after waking up today.07:46
Siamaster30I can't change it in settings. I have tried installing open source drivers, restart, install proprietry and restart again07:47
Siamaster30I get xrandr --listmonitors07:47
Siamaster30xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default07:47
webchat27Hi all! I have a strange issue and I can't seem to get where I go wrong..08:05
webchat27I have one interface in my ubuntu and it is configured with an static ip08:05
webchat27but on reboot I get the wait for network...   and after it is booted I see my static address and a dhcp adres on my interface (169.254.x.x address)08:06
webchat27what can i do to fix this.. I do not want to use dhcp08:06
toddcwebchat27: what version of ubuntu and server or desktop   and IPV4 or ipv6 will help a lot for everyone to understand a bit more detail08:08
webchat27ofcourse :) sory  using ubuntu server 22.0408:08
webchat27using only ipv408:08
webchat27  ethernets:08:09
webchat27    ens160:08:09
webchat27      link-local: [ ipv4 ]08:09
webchat27      dhcp4: no08:09
kotgcI reformatted USB2 from FAT to Ext4, but same issue.08:09
ravage!paste | webchat2708:12
ubottuwebchat27: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:12
toddcwebchat27:  look over https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/network-configuration  for samples and details08:12
stefan__In Gnome appearences i only see 'default' and 'dark'. I am looking for 'light', 'default', 'dark'. switch theme based on day/night?08:13
webchat27thanks for showing me the document but as far as I can see I have a correct yaml08:15
webchat27I see no reason why my interface is requesting a dhcp address08:16
kotgcIs there an Ubuntu download for Intel, the download seems to be for amd?08:16
toddckotgc: same same 64 bit intel or amd08:17
kotgcMy machine is Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10105F CPU @ 3.70GHz08:17
ravagekotgc: use a bigger USB drive. The iso is fine08:17
kotgcravage, Ubuntu minimum requirements isn't clear on the size? https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/system-requirements08:18
ravageYou do not have Ubuntu Core08:18
kotgcravage, ? these are my search results for minimum ubuntu requirements? https://presearch.com/search?q=ubuntu+minimum+requirements&tries=108:19
ravageGet at least a 32gb drive08:20
ravageMore is better if you want to actually use it as a desktop system08:20
kotgcravage, ok. It's just a middle step to download virt-manager, whilst this machine has Internet. I will then clone the USB to this machine's disk.08:21
kotgcravage, would this be the minimum requirements? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements08:22
ravagestefan_:  that is not a feature. You may find some extension that switches it for you08:25
toddcwebchat27: wait for someone that has used netplan more than I    only had to do it once and I uses a lot of containers so those are bit diiferent   might try a ip a see what it shows08:27
ravageThere is also #ubuntu-server08:28
stefan_ravage: Why does is work on this picture ? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-22-04-lts-dark-style-changes/2720608:28
ravageI don't see any time based settings there?08:31
stefan_ravage: i thought that 'default' would be time based. But you say not?08:32
ravageIt's not08:32
awilkinsDaft question, I'm on 20.04 and the update centre just offered me GNOME 42 - presumably as a snap - when the current version via apt is 3608:33
awilkinsThis feels bad08:33
stefan_ravage: do you maybe advice this? Best way is through g.settings crontab?08:33
awilkinsIt doesn't seem an appropriate upgrade path for an LTS versionb08:33
ravagestefan_: no clue. sorry08:33
ravageawilkins: the snap core is only used for snaps and not for any normal applications on your system08:34
awilkinsAh, so presumably it will upgrade silently eventually and affect nothing08:34
webchat27well I somehow got a little bit further..08:36
webchat27I got it booting up fairly quick now but I was under the impression that adding "optional: true" to the interface would skip the wait for network.....  But in my case not. when adding this option I get the wait for network.. (2min +)08:37
toddcawilkins: 22.04 desktop I have 42 so should be ok but I do not have a 20.04 to test it on08:38
Your_Doganyone here has experience with nvidia prime-select? got an issue related to my intel igpu where its the setting on-demand is not being respected08:43
Your_Dogwas working yesterday but stopped working now, kinda tempted to just nuke this ubuntu and just install something else lmao08:43
kotgcUbuntu bootable USB not intsalling to SSD with 120GB? https://i.imgur.com/S6pT1PX.png09:17
ravagekotgc: this looks again like the manual partitioning option?09:18
ravageif you dont know how to partitiom a drive use the guided option09:18
kotgcravage, Ubuntu Disks app formats by default. The USB had the same issue with FAT or Ext4, but the 16GB size was probably an issue. Here's the default format fo the SSD https://i.imgur.com/1bs3GHo.png09:20
forccon_Hello. How can I list ols snaps revisions? I would like to downgrade a package.09:21
kotgcravage, there's no guided option? I have to select the target rather than the default disk to not overwrite this working machine.09:21
ravagekotgc: again. choose guided on full drive and it will probably just work09:21
kotgcravage, so at Type of installation, I select Manual partitioning? https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop#6-type-of-installation09:23
toddckotgc: since you many drives ubuntu will see windows or other  you could also unplug the extra drives and install to verify it is working then add drives aand manually configue when you more comfortable with manual09:25
kotgcJust need to install VMM on Ubuntu, which will be offline if I overwrite this disk. Therefore can I install alongside on a spare SSD?09:26
toddcvirtual networks are configured on the host os then virtual machines connect to the virtual networks and can be located on any drive   if you want a simple point and click easy to use look at virtualbox I used it to lean when I started09:37
zzarrHello! I accidentally installed an ubuntu server 22.0.1 virtual machine with wrong disk size, I have increased the image size, but how do I grow the LV?11:52
Habbiezzarr, can you pastebin 'lsblk', 'lvs', 'vgs' and 'pvs' for us?11:53
Habbie1. resize sda3 (parted is nice)  2. grow the PV (pvresize)  3. grow the LV (lvresize)11:58
zzarrthanks, I'll do that11:58
Habbie4. grow the filesystem (unless you passed lvresize the right flag to also do that)11:58
zzarrI have not passed lvresize12:00
zzarrdo I need to confirm changes or should I just exit?12:03
kotgctoddc, I'm looking for an option in the installer, so I can select Disk2 as the installation target.12:06
kotgctoddc, 6. Type of installation, offers alongside Windows (I have no Windows, but this Ubuntu OS), however I need Disk2 installed for further purposes. https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop#6-type-of-installation12:08
kotgcThe installer appears as though I will need to use the Manual partitioning, but I don't know how to use Manual partitioning to target Disk2?12:08
zzarrHabbie, thanks! it worked!12:19
Habbiezzarr, yay!12:20
BluesKajHi all12:32
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=== TheCatCollective is now known as CalculusCat
jwashis it possible to change /etc/hosts when a person logs in? I want to block youtube for my son, but allow it for my wife when they log in.15:43
vlmjwash i think its possible atleast to run a command upon login to desktop by putting commands in a file in /etc/xdg/autostart/name.desktop though seems abit klunky as probably need to swap hosts file with mv command or so for all users. Maybe its possible to make a policy or something within the browser rather? Probably someone other has better info so might wait around.16:01
jwashvlm: could I put one copy for my wife in her user directory and son in his, then have it do a ln to the file/16:18
jwashmaybe in an external directory that I own the file?16:18
vlmjwash thats also possible and probably better. Im not very good with this things ill admit though with the method i mentioned it should run the command upon desktop login atleast so if you figure out the rest that might work out. sorry im not more of help (,")16:23
toddcjwash: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DansGuardian it can be run as a user to filter16:23
=== CalculusCat is now known as TheCatCollective
Rocky25im here to cause trouble - dont make me do it.17:43
chilverschow does ssh decide whether to allocate a shell or not? I thought using something like; ssh foo -- 'echo $SHELL; ps' would fail because it isn't a single command, but instead ssh magically executes that using bash17:46
chilverscbut if I just have; ssh foo -- 'ps' there's no bash shell17:47
leftyfbchilversc: $SHELL is defined by your user profile18:01
chilverscseems the logic is handled by "bash -c", so ssh does invoke the shell, and the shell seems to be exec'ing ps when its a single command18:04
rfmchilversc, yeah, try   bash -c 'pstree -s $$;pstree -s $$'   it looks like bash just exec's the last command in a sequence, not fork/exec.  Sort of the equivalent of tail-recursion elimination.18:09
chilverscrfm: yup, somewhere in the chain leads to execute_disk_command with CMD_NO_FORK it would appear https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/tree/execute_cmd.c#n556118:19
chonkinI have a 20.04LTS  desktop here and it is acting extremely laggy and stuttery.  The lagging and stuttering are so bad that the computer is unusable.   What are some hardware diagnostics tests I can perform to diagnose this problem??  ,  starting with the  NIC and  graphics card?18:30
chonkinduring these terrible lag sessions, i have performed a clever  command line  "ps -eo etc"   that sorts all processes by their CPU utilization. This has shown nothing unusual.  I suspect this is a hardware problem and likely an NIC issue18:37
Rocky25im going to leave before i start trouble.19:00
bn_workhi, how does one get apt(-get) to install any necessary dependencies when upgrading a package?  specifically openjdk-8-jdk package from `-updates` repository to a newer one from `-infra-security` repository?19:29
bn_workkeep getting the following when I try to install that specific version.  I assume I can add it to the command too but is there no way to have it automatically pull in the dependencies and propose/install them?:   https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/XNJC4uCW/sudo%20apt%20install%20openjdk-8-jdk%3D8u382-ga-1~16.04.1.log19:31
bn_workDoes Ubuntu-Pro only work with the stock kernel?  I am running Ubuntu on a cloud provider Linode and I am unable to active `esm-infra`:   https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/NLX2AeQd/sudo%20pro%20enable%20esm-infra_sudo%20pro%20status.log20:41
ravageit does not provide their custom kernel and maybe even packages at all20:42
ravage(neither does the Ubuntu community support it)20:43
bn_workravage: "it"?20:44
ravagecustom kernels and packages archives20:44
bn_workI'm assuming they probably have a custom kernel to allow running on datacenter-class hardware?  but in my case all I'm trying to do is update java to something more recent20:45
leftyfbbn_work: nothing about that system is stock or supported here20:45
bn_workleftyfb:  besides the Linode kernel, the only other thing I see is the addition of some additional repositories20:46
ravage16.04 is EOL and only supported by Ubuntu Pro, a commercial offer by Canonical with a free components that is not supported by the community20:47
leftyfbbn_work: the system isn't pulling packages from an official mirror and is running Ubuntu 16.04 which went EOL 2 years ago20:47
leftyfbbn_work: good luck20:48
bn_workleftyfb:  right, that's why I'm trying to enable UbuntuPro20:48
leftyfbbn_work: contact Canonical20:49
=== xamindar_ is now known as xamindar
cosmicwonderhey how do i enable finnish keyboard?22:51
elias_acosmicwonder: Using languages settings.22:58
elias_acosmicwonder: Sorry - keyboard settings if you just want to use finnish kb layout.23:00
elias_acosmicwonder: Tell me if you cannot find it.23:01
cosmicwonderno i found it23:01
elias_aI'll be still awake for 15 mins or so. :P23:02
elias_acosmicwonder: Did you get it solved?23:09
cosmicwonderelias_a: yes, thanks again!23:10
elias_acosmicwonder: Good! You're welcome. Regards, yet another finn. :P23:11

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