[22:25] hi, firefox has problems with dpms [22:26] sex xset dpms 10 10 10 [22:26] open firefox, wait 10 sec dpms is ok [22:26] watch a youtube video (at least this was for me test case) and it doesn't work anymore [22:27] closing firefox make dpms works again [22:27] !support | dob1 [22:27] dob1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [22:27] (wrong channel) [22:28] ok I will report it on ubuntu [22:28] !bug | dob1 [22:28] dob1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [22:28] to be honest I don't think this is the right way too [22:28] it has to be reported to firefox team I suppose [22:29] That would be bugs.mozilla.com [22:29] I think? [22:29] yes, I am lazy to create account and all their things :) [22:29] to report the but [22:29] dob1: https://support.mozilla.org/kb/file-bug-report-or-feature-request-mozilla [22:29] bug ;) [22:29] dob1: Then it won't get reported. [22:30] This is not the place to report bugs. [22:30] I am sorry, I was not complaing [22:30] That's fine, just trying to tell you where it needs to be done if you're trying to report a bug. :) [22:30] It'll get lost here. [22:31] yes I got it, I will report it asap to bugzilla [22:31] Sounds great. [22:32] dob1: For future reference, this is the development collaboration channel for the Ubuntu Desktop develompent team, not a help/support channel. For that, you want #ubuntu. :) [22:33] also, the desktop environment / screensaver already handles that sort of things, so you probably shouldn't try to use xset dpms like that... [22:33] well I am sure that ogra helped me long time ago for an issue still on firefox too [22:33] here [22:33] dob1: ogra also hangs out in #ubuntu. [22:33] JanC: I am using i3 [22:34] no screensaver [22:34] dob1: If you're using i3 then this definitely is the wrong channel. [22:35] I am sure it's a firefox bug, it was working before last update [22:35] anyway I don't waste time of people here, I will report it :) [22:37] FWIW: I assume Firefox does something to prevent the screen from blanking while playing video (which is what most people expect to happen, but they might have an option to switch that off...) [22:38] as I said it was working [22:39] JanC: but my case is when you finish watching the video, it doesn't restore it [22:39] Let's take this to #ubuntu, this is the last channel I want gummed up with this conversation. [22:39] ok ended for me