
Eickmeyer@DarinMiller Confirmed, partitionmanager missing a dependency on fdisk.02:34
* Eickmeyer preps fix02:39
Eickmeyerbug 2037826 filed on your behalf @DarinMiller :)02:53
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Bug 2037826 in partitionmanager (Ubuntu) "kde partitionmanager missing dependency on fdisk" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203782602:53
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> My bad for not filing the report!  And thanks for addressing so promplty!02:54
EickmeyerAffects Ubuntu Studio as well, and we have less than a week until Final Freeze, so anything like that which comes across needs to be dealt with right away!03:07
EickmeyerAlready uploaded, just awaiting approval.03:08
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> How does a dep go missing from one release to the next?03:09
EickmeyerIf you look at this version of partitionmanager (23.08), it was new as of August, so something upstream in KDE's development changed in the requirements. How it went untested this long, I have no clue.03:13
EickmeyerI can say, in the live session, it works because fdisk is present as a requirement for ubiquity.03:13
EickmeyerSo therefore, if one was only testing it in the live session, that would make sense that it wasn't caught until now. 03:14
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Should I file bug on bugs.kde.org also?03:14
EickmeyerProbably not, because this was a packaging bug, not a bug with partitionmanager itself.03:14
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I upgraded one systems from 23.04 and since 23.04 already had fdisk, that system did not show this issue.  Just random chance I found it on the fresh install box as I was trying to format an old usb for a BIOS upgrade.03:16
EickmeyerRight, that makes sense. In that case, fdisk was probably carried-over as a dependency that was demoted to a suggests of another package and, therefore, wasn't required in the .iso image build.03:17
EickmeyerEither way, great catch!03:19
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Least I can do... many others do much more of the heavy lifting.03:22
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> libblockdev (3.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium06:54
IrcsomeBot<RikMills>   * Drop fdisk Depends from libblockdev-part.06:54
IrcsomeBot<RikMills>     It only needs the library, not the command line tools.06:54
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> That seems to be the change from debian that dropped fdisk off a standard install06:55
RikMillsEickmeyer: ^^^ fyi06:55
RikMillsthanks for the upload06:56
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/9b1ecef2/file_69068.jpg07:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> previously in lunar07:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> uploading migrating12:07
BluesKajHi all12:35
Eickmeyer@RikMills: Good morning, just woke up and ate breakfast. Yep, that means my speculation was correct, albiet the reasoning wasn't quite there (new requirement). In theory, though, it means that depends line should've stated "fdkisk" all along and we've just been lucky.16:47
RikMillsEickmeyer: not just in theory. Manually removing the fdisk binary in lunar and older reproduces the bug there, no matter the partitionmanager version. I checked out of curiosity after I commented 18:20
RikMillsso I need to forward that dep change to debian if they don't have it18:20
RikMillsEickmeyer: looks like it is kpmcore that actually needs fdisk20:18
RikMillstsimonq2: if casper on lubuntu ISO did not pull in fdisk, calamares would have broken20:19

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