
=== A_Dragon is now known as DemonDerg
=== leamas1 is now known as leamas
lotuspsychjegood morning03:46
PeGaSuSso far, everything works well with VSCodium.. I don't code but I like to use a proper text editor to create configs and other stuff12:23
PeGaSuSsyntax highlight is lovely12:26
ravagemaybe i will try it later too. but the deb repo works fine atm12:29
PeGaSuSsnap works as well12:30
PeGaSuSI like the syntax highlight with different colour for brackets12:30
lotuspsychjei love syntax highlighting everywhere12:31
lotuspsychjecheckout ccze PeGaSuS 12:32
ravagei had the code server installed 12:32
ravageits fun to have a full IDE on your browser12:32
PeGaSuSI mean, I do code a bit of TCL from time to time.. and the colour for each bracket level is handy.. I used to use Geany prior12:34
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== nckx is now known as nckhexen
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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