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arraybolt31How would I keep an external USB hard drive from ever spinning down? Running Kubuntu 22.04 on a laptop.04:11
arraybolt31Previously, I used an hdparm command that set its power management state to keep it from spinning down. That worked on a desktop (Ubuntu Studio 22.04 I believe), but on my laptop the disk spins down automatically after a period of inactivity anyway.04:12
arraybolt31I mainly want to avoid spindown in order to preserve the drive's longevity (I have to use this drive daily and spinning it up once or twice a day is something I'd rather not do if I can avoid it).04:13
matsamanif you can't control it reasonably with hdparm, honestly just replace it04:13
matsamanthere are hacks, but why bother04:13
arraybolt31It's a 12 TB WD EasyStore, out of warranty and that cost over $200 :P04:13
arraybolt31Replacing it isn't an option with my current budget.04:14
arraybolt31It's not that old, it shouldn't need replacing for another several years most likely, especially if I can keep it from spinning down.04:14
matsamanoh, that's probably some kind of shingled pile of crap04:15
arraybolt31might not have actually cost over $200 but still, was pricey04:15
arraybolt31nah, it's good-ol SMR, I looked it up.04:15
arraybolt31not SMR04:15
lotuspsychjearraybolt31: maybe some ideas here? https://askubuntu.com/questions/39760/how-can-i-control-hdd-spin-down-time04:16
arraybolt31The drive reports itself as being a WD Red, I actually have part of the cover removed so I can see that it's one of the white-label ones but it should be a good-quality drive.04:16
guivercarraybolt31, bad hack, but I recall using a cron job that would just do something pointless on the file-system (can't recall what it I did but it was read only)04:17
lotuspsychjemaybe the server guyes got ideas around that too04:17
arraybolt31guiverc: Thought about that, that would probably work.04:17
arraybolt31(also, hey lotuspsychje, guiverc :) nice to see you again)04:17
lotuspsychje: )04:17
arraybolt31I think probably WD paired a great drive with a crummy USB controller and that's why it's not behaving itself well. It seems to take it when I use the hdparm command to avoid spindown, but it gives me a sense code error when I do that.04:18
arraybolt31Even though the drive reports that it apparently succeeded :shrug:04:18
arraybolt31Maybe the lowlatency kernel on Ubuntu Studio has to do with why it used to not spin down there.04:18
arraybolt31Actually though, I was using a power management hdparm command04:19
arraybolt31whereas this is a spindown time command lotuspsychje linked me to04:19
arraybolt31lemme try it04:19
ComputerTechcan't figure out why the Appearance option isn't available in settling for my desktop installation of Ubuntu 22.0404:20
ComputerTechI had installed desktop on a normal server installation, then installed gnome-session gnome-terminal04:22
arraybolt31ran the command, we'll see how it works.04:22
ComputerTechthen after that installed ubuntu-desktop, maybe this is the reason Appearances option is missing?04:22
arraybolt31ComputerTech: Not a direct answer (and I have to go soon), but generally "building" from a Server installation of Ubuntu is a bad idea if you're making a desktop install. The Server version of Ubuntu is configured significantly differently under the hood and installing things on top of it isn't guaranteed to work how you expect (as you are now experiencing). If you need a desktop, install Ubuntu04:24
arraybolt31Desktop or an official Ubuntu Flavor.04:24
ComputerTechYeah i'm doing it on a remote server, so i didn't really have a choice04:25
ComputerTechit's for using via vnc on my tablet xD04:25
ComputerTechjust for fun and giggles :^)04:25
arraybolt31if you're paying for it, maybe look into Shells, they offer desktop VMs in the cloud04:26
arraybolt31dunno if that's what you're looking for but might be an idea04:26
arraybolt31at any rate, good luck :)04:26
=== bill is now known as Guest9518
clarkkDoes anyone know what the package is called in 20.04 (and maybe later) that allows you to update your software? By default it would open once a day, if there were new packages available. If you open it manually, it would do an "apt update" (showing progress) and then show the list of updates, categorized in a tree structure, and let you toggle which ones you want to install.09:43
clarkkOK, it's the "Software Updater". See screenshot.  https://i.stack.imgur.com/tsxBQ.png  Does anyone know what the package is called that provides this?09:48
PaulW2Uclarkk: that's update-manager09:50
toddcclarkk: default is update-manager and updatenotifier   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateNotifier09:51
toddcclarkk: you may be thinking abouy synaptic package manager09:57
clarkkThanks, guys. update-manager it is :)10:01
TachHi all, is there a reason why python3-venv instas 3.10and not 3.11 ? So it defaults not (ever) to the latest version because of "stable"?11:20
TachHi all, is there a reason why python3-venv installs 3.10 and not 3.11 ? So it defaults not (ever) to the latest version because of "stable"?11:20
ravage!latest | Tach11:25
ubottuTach: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:25
Tachravage true, I know that. So packages that are in apt repo's are not considerable to be stable ?11:26
PeGaSuSthey're stable but not necessarily the latest11:26
TachPeGaSuS you mean the packages are not the latest or the latest are not stable ?11:31
TachAs ubuntu has python3.10-venv and python3.11-venv in repo's where python3-venv shows 3.10 version info11:33
PeGaSuSas ubottu said: "Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest.". this means that packages aren't always the latest11:33
TachPeGaSuS read my previous line11:33
ravagethere is usually only one version in the repos11:33
ravagefor 22.04 LTS that is 3.1011:34
Tachbut why not 3.11 when 3.11 is in repo as well ? 3.11 should be stable enough then11:35
PeGaSuSit's not on Jammy repos (3.11)11:35
ravagepackage versions stay the same through a release lifetime with some exceptions11:35
ravagepython is a big part of apt and so the version will not change11:35
ravageit gets security fixes like all packages in the main repo11:36
ravagesee !latest11:36
TachPeGaSuS it is ?11:36
ravageit is not11:37
PeGaSuSunless added via some PPA or something, it isn't11:37
PeGaSuShttps://0bin.xyz/?2de8445bea92a0fb#B2RN2tAnX8sZ9wcN4kF5LZ1dgQgkDvZGZ9eG8QpgsCdH -- stock Ubuntu, without any PPA11:37
Tachit's in universe and packages11:37
TachAPT-Sources: https://mirror.hetzner.com/ubuntu/packages jammy-updates/universe amd64 Packages11:38
ravageor in your case https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/python3-venv11:39
Tachravage do you read ? do a apt-cache search  python venv11:39
Tachyou will see both11:39
Tachand non versioned points to 3.1011:39
PeGaSuSI'm wondering if `apt-cache` searches in all versions instead only the actual OS version11:41
TachPeGaSuS why would it ?11:42
TachPeGaSuS did you run that command ?11:42
PeGaSuSTach: I did and that's why I'm raising the question11:42
ravagethis are all versions available for jammy11:43
PeGaSuS^ I got the same11:43
Tachravage why do you hide your mirror ? it's pubic but no-one may know ?11:44
PeGaSuSeven https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python3-venv poinys that 3.11 in only available on Lunar11:44
ravageTach: because i can11:44
Tachravage because you are afraid :)11:44
ravagegood luck11:44
Tachhere guys...update your repo's https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=python3.11-venv&searchon=names11:44
Tachravage don't need it, I'm good thanks!11:45
PeGaSuSTach: our repos are up-to-date with the current repos on Jammy11:45
ravagei see those packages too11:46
ravagebut im not sure i would install "rc1"11:47
ravageand no clue how that behaves with the default version installed11:47
ravageif yoyu want to install that make sure you have a backup11:47
TachPeGaSuS you ask for policy I think that will never show the 3.11 package11:50
Tach*unless they put it in policy11:53
PeGaSuS`apt policy` shows the stable (lets call it that way) package versions for 22.04.. apt-cache searchs ALL package names (not only for 22.04)11:54
PeGaSuSin case you're wondering about my mirrors: https://p.haxxors.com/zm4a50ka.txt12:00
ravagePeGaSuS: totally unrelated but consider if https://vscodium.com/ works for you :)12:05
PeGaSuSravage: I'm always open to ideas. I'll definitely try it :)12:06
ravagethey basically build the source from MS without the tracking12:07
PeGaSuSoh, it has a snap.. handy..12:08
ravagenever tried that. please report back if everything works with that :)12:08
PeGaSuSaye! definitely will :D12:09
PeGaSuSso far, so good. even repo cloning and stuff works12:15
ravagecool. before we get intro trouble maybe we continue in #ubuntu-discuss12:16
ravageonly if you have more feedback of course. and i would like to hear it :)12:17
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Guest3815anyone here?12:24
BluesKajHi all12:35
nicozhi BluesKaj12:37
BluesKajhi nicoz12:40
Jackneillhey. i a folder with images in nemo 5.6.3. when i click on an image the 1st one opens always. when i open it from the open with.. menu the corretc one opens. any idea why? gnome files works correctly so it must be a nemo problem. (https://termbin.com/v4na)12:57
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diptasuka blay13:43
diptathere is some113:43
toddcJackneill: see https://github.com/linuxmint/nemo and file a issue there13:45
Jackneilltoddc, in linuxmint they said file an issue for cinnamon package in ubuntu13:49
JanCwell, it might be fixed upstream already, so better file a bug in Ubuntu...13:49
Jackneilleveryone just points at each other.13:49
lotuspsychjeon ubuntu i would go for launchpad too13:50
JanCJackneill: when you right click or otherwise use the open width menu, do you select the default application that also opens when you double click?13:53
JackneillJanC, yes13:53
Jackneilli checked gnome files app, and that works. any image i double click is the same that opens (same default image viewer)13:54
JackneillJanC, i checked other image viewer set as default (shotwell instead of gnome image viewer) and the double click then works13:59
Jackneillin nemo also13:59
JanCwhat if you switch it back?13:59
Jackneillsomehow the nemo-gnome image viewer combination seems to be bad13:59
Jackneillits bad again13:59
JanCweird; I assume Nemo would just use the default Gtk functionality for opening files, so it should in theory be the same...14:00
TachTheRedQueen Do you ever heard about the red sea as well ? :P14:24
TachOh bot doesn't reply :(14:24
ravageJackneill: https://p.haxxors.com/s3389gtw.webm this is on Cinnamon 23.0414:41
Jackneillravage, im not sure what you are trying to convey. that is the normal behaviour. in my case (nemo-gnome image viewer) for example if you double click on the second image the 1st one would open.14:44
ravagei click on the 2nd image and the 2nd image opens14:44
ioriaJackneill, maybe you can do a little screen video as ravage did14:48
lotuspsychjeJackneill: on wich ubuntu Flavour/DE are you testing as base?14:49
Jackneilllotuspsychje,  https://termbin.com/v4na14:54
Jackneilleverything is default, gdm14:55
Jackneillexcept that the WM is cinnamon14:55
Jackneillcinnamon 5.6.714:56
lotuspsychjeJackneill: did you install cinnamon ontop ubuntu desktop 23.04?14:56
Jackneilllotuspsychje, yes14:56
lotuspsychjecan you try to create a new user to reproduce it Jackneill14:57
Jackneilli have 2 users, its present with both (tested)14:58
lotuspsychjecant reproduce that on 22.04 neither, installed nemo on ubuntu-desktop to test15:05
lotuspsychjepictures open as expected15:06
JanCyeah, it's no problem on 22.04 as I use it with Nemo myself15:07
JanCJackneill: can you check the commandline of eog (Gnome image viewer) in both cases (double click + open file from menu)?15:14
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JackneillJanC, how ? is there a log file?15:30
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ioriaJackneill, cd in the image directory and run 'xdg-open imagefile.jpeg'  and see what is set to use to open the pic15:33
JanCioria: not useful15:33
JanCJackneill: while you open it & it's still running you can see it in the process properties in System Monitor, or you can use 'ps -f -C eog' in a terminal15:34
JanCdo that for both cases: close image viewer (all windows!), double click, check eog commandline, close image viewer, use the menu, check eog commandline15:36
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=== TheSpookCollecti is now known as TheCatCollective
JackneillJanC, it seems when i double click, all the image in images in the folder gets added to the arg list16:38
Jackneillbut when i start from set as default menu, only the clicked image16:38
Jackneillthus the first image is shown the the clicked one16:38
JanCat least we know it's not because it opens the folder instead of the file16:44
JanCbut opening all files is weird16:44
JanCit's like it selects all files or something16:44
JanCmight be useful to mention that in the bug report16:49
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JanCanybody else seeing frequent Firefox crashes after the last update? (on 22.04)17:39
toddcJanC: yes but I had way to many tabs open and ran out of ram   I also had several vm and other programs so user error17:44
JanCI have lots open too, but that is normally not an issue; now I get crashes every couple hours or so  :-/17:45
JanC*boom* Firefox gone again...   :-(18:23
flamkiany one there19:13
topcat001JanC: what does the journal say? You can try running with a clean temporary profile from the command line.19:14
SwedeMikedeeps: /win 20719:29
rud0lfwho has 207 windows open?19:29
SwedeMikerud0lf: people who don't close windows because they don't cost anything19:30
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JanCI'm in ~150 channels, I think, so not (yet) 207  :P19:32
SwedeMikeeach time someone msg:s me it opens a new window19:33
SwedeMikeand I've been using irssi for 20 years19:34
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Juesthi, i've upgraded from 20.04 to 23.04 or whatever lts is now and i've found that grub lost the ubuntu branding, why would that be?22:23
Juestit just says GNU/Linux instead of Ubuntu, and a entry called grub appeared in the firmware boot menu22:23
jeremy31Juest: another OS installed?22:25
jeremy31The firmware entry should take you to BIOS/UEFI settings22:26
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Juestjeremy31: i am talking about the firmware boot menu not the firmware entry in grub. and previously, all ubuntu based third party distributions used the same grub entry but deferred to ubuntu's bootloader22:36
Juestas in, the firmware boot selection22:36
jeremy31Juest: is it a multi boot?22:38
Juestthere's multiple distributions and for some reason ubuntu is the only functional uefi grub to my disposal, others seem to either not offer a uefi grub bootloader or have the mbr grub thing installed22:38
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Juestyes jeremy3122:42
jeremy31Mixed UEFI/MBR is a mess22:44
Juestthe problem here is that ubuntu suddenly lost the branding of ubuntu in its own bootloader, its now called GNU/Linux and the theme is not ubuntu-like but something that debian would have. (blue dialog on black background)22:44
jeremy31Juest: force grub to install from Ubuntu22:45
Juestinitially the linux distributions were installed in uefi mode onto a mbr disk that was converted to gpt22:45
jeremy31In Ubuntu you can use EFI on msdos partitioned drives22:46
Juestjeremy31: when i upgraded ubuntu from lts to lts things went amiss and it started calling itself GNU/Linux and grub instead of Ubuntu and ubuntu (the distribution name and the uefi boot menu entry for ubuntu)22:46
Juestokay, don't worry about the disk stuff, the point is that somehow the branding of ubuntu went amiss and i would like to see how i could resolve that22:47
jeremy31Juest: what was the OS last installed before the Ubuntu  update?  You might have to update grub there22:48
JuestUbuntu seemed to have taken precedence over everything and its my only functional grub bootloader in the system.22:49
Juestthis is a ubuntu controlled grub22:49
Juestthe upgrade messed up the grub branding22:49
Juestthe entry called GNU/Linux is ubuntu22:49
Juestdid i explain myself correctly?22:50
jeremy31I have never seen grub installed by Ubuntu do that22:56
Juestthis happened during the upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 LTS22:57
Juesti misspoke earlier22:57
jeremy31Juest: can you get a BIOS boot menu and select ubuntu22:59
Juestjeremy31: I see ubuntu and i also see grub, plus its duplicated a few times, all of the options give me the same grub bootloader that belongs to the ubuntu installation22:59
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EriC^^Juest: can you pastebin /etc/default/grub23:54

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