
=== vcxza is now known as p4ooo
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IrcsomeBot<Fritzelfd4> Hello everyone. Currently using kubuntu 22.04, someone removed snap to use only flatpak. Would like to have snap again. Is it possible to reinstall? Thanks!10:00
SpringOn 22.04 LTS when installing libwebp-dev via apt-get it only installs version 1.2.2-2, whereas the latest for Debian is 1.3.2-03. Is there a way to install the latest version?11:18
SpringEven after apt update it says I'm on the 'latest'.11:19
Springokay, apparently according to the Ubuntu source page on Launchpad the 1.2.2... version *does* contain the latest security patches, it's just the versioning differs from elsewhere.11:26
RikMillsSpring: in a stable release we don't update packages with new features, but just backport important bugfix and security fixes to the version that originally shipped in the release12:27
SpringRikMills, ah that explains the numbering, thanks.12:27
RikMillsSpring: which here is why we have a 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 version in the update/security pocket, vs the original  1.2.2-2  22.04 started with12:28
RikMillsnew feathure often = new bugs or security issues, so we avoid doint that in a stable release12:29
RikMillsmany many people and organisations depend on our releases being stable12:31
RikMillsif you always want the newest versions, there are other more appropriate ways to do linux12:32
RikMillsa ubuntu LTS release is not one of them12:32
BluesKajHi all12:42
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frg Hi, kubuntu 23.04 : any way to get a files explorer having a left panel with ALL computer tree (including NAS, USB keys...) and a place for my favorites shortcuts to folders and of courses tabs on right panel with each opened folders ? Dolphin is pretty but doesn't check all I want17:29
IrcsomeBot<Fritzelfd4> No One? (re @Fritzelfd4: Hello everyone. Currently using kubuntu 22.04, someone removed snap to use only flatpak. Would like to have snap again. Is it possible to reinstall? Thanks!)18:34
valorieyes, it's possible to reinstall snap18:48
ubottuSnaps are containerised software packages similar to Flatpaks and AppImages. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io18:48
IrcsomeBot<Fritzelfd4> Thanks19:03
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=== paul is now known as Guest685
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