
=== s is now known as Guest5988
hnmhmIS there any way to use Firefox without snap?07:41
xanguaDownload from Firefox.com07:43
xanguaThere's also the Firefox PPA (check omg!Ubuntu blog)07:43
xanguahttps://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/how-to-install-firefox-deb-apt-ubuntu-22-04 it actually installs Firefox ESR07:45
=== warmana1 is now known as warmana
tomreynxangua: for the next one asking this, it may be good to point out that  snap remove firefox   also rm's ~/snap/firefox, i.e. your firefox profile. for... no good reason i could think of.19:02
xanguaI imagine that's because snaps are supposed to be more secure (?) tomreyn 19:11
xanguaOk 19:12
tomreyni choose not to comment ;)19:16

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