[02:36] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Alan Pope: Recovering my NextCloud Box @ https://popey.com/blog/2023/10/recovering-my-nextcloud-box/ [13:28] * guiverc realized I'd not read thru uwn 807, thus did so. looks good to me. [14:00] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Linux Mint 21.2 Edge ISO Released with Linux Kernel 6.2 @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/linux-mint-21-2-edge-iso-released-with-linux-kernel-6-2 [16:01] hey [17:27] Bashing-om: 1.) The entries under "Please see" in the LoCo Events section could be put as list for better formatting, and 2.) "ubuntuonair" in the respective title in the Audio & Video section should be capitalized as usual. [19:18] UWN: Pulled "WIP" and made krytarik [19:20] 's 2 edits. Will start the push soonest - If I do not kill this keyboard first ! [19:42] UWN: M/L away confirmed this time is issue807 ! [20:10] UWN: Forums and Discourse posted - Re-directs next. [20:42] UWN: Re-directs done - Making up a Mastodon blog next up. [20:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Professional DAW ‘Studio One’ Arrives on Linux (Public Beta) @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/pro-audio-app-studio-one-now-supports-linux [20:58] UWN: Blogged Mastodon - pending now is release to the other Social Media. [21:48] Away for a bit - back soonest. [22:13] soonest soon enough :P [22:13] * guiverc checking fridge before posting.. [22:14] * guiverc noted discourse post looked good; no comment here, just HEART click (as usual) [22:14] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/10/02/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-807/ [22:17] tweeted 807, posted to telegram [22:18] Fridge: Spot check >> looks good cause is good :D [22:18] thanks :) [22:19] guiverc: Do away with our evidence now ? [22:19] yep scrub away thanks [22:19] doing ^ [22:27] UWN: We do Issue808.